Sunday, May 31, 2009
From the Daily What
A joke:
Q: How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Three. Two to fill the bathtub with clocks, and one to set the giraffe on fire.
Labels: fun
Or, you might say, "walking the talk".
James Dobson's organization Focus on the Family has something good to say about the Obamas.
Labels: Administration Obama
This is rather interesting and, if you are not the guy who is the target, somewhat amusing.
Confessions of a Non Serial Killer

This is a picture of Robert Graysmith who wrote about Zodiac and was played by Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie that didn't do that well but I liked. Another obsessor. But more benign.
It is amazing to me that there are stalkers and conspiracists and the like. People who have no life other than an obsession with some body or some thing.
I have just finished Ian McKewen's novel, Enduring Love in which a science writer becomes the victim of someone who suffers from de Clerambault's syndrome, a disorder that causes the sufferer to believe that someone else is in love with him or her. It causes some havoc in the hero's life.
It would appear that you don't have to really do anything to become the victim of one of these characters but then that is true of a lot of other things. You don't have to do anything, really, to be killed in an automobile accident or the victim of some other impersonal coincidence. (Is that redundant?)
I don't worry much about this kind of thing. A lot of fiction is made from stuff like this. Hitchcock made his fortune with the idea of the innocent victim. That was why it was so scary.
I was thinking about some times where I was obsessed. I had a "love" object once.
I know now that it came out of fear and insecurity of coming out. Also that he was cute. I must have been a pain in the ass but he took it well.
So maybe it is something to think about from the other side. One might become the chaser as easily as the chasee.
Labels: criminal morons, life
Today's movie was the NYTimes Best 1176 Film, Claude Chabrol's
with Isabelle Huppert in her first starring role.
A juvenile delinquent, Violette gets in over her head with a double life. Based on a "true life" story, the wages of sin are increasingly expensive.
This is a great film to look at. If you like the period, as I do, watching the 30's life go by is fascinating. Set design and decoration are superb.
The story itself is extreme, the NYTimes guy says Hitchockian. And there is a kind of empathy or something with Violette. But she is a right bitch when it comes down to it.
Some think this is Chabrol's best film. Dunno about that. It was pretty good, but once is enough. Some of it gave me a headache. A slow motion trainwreck of a young life.
The major emphasis is on the crime and the aftermath is sort of rushed. No courtroom drama. Lots of screaming reporters and nasty crowd scenes sort of spoil the ambience of the film.
But, that is OK. I was glad to see it get over and for Violette to get what was coming to her.
I will give this a 3 out of Netflix5.
Labels: best films
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Well, we did have Superman and Batman and a few other so-called "action heroes". But still.

Labels: fun
Today's movie was a NYTimes Best 1176 Film, Alfred Hitchcock's
with James Stewart and Kim Novak.
Ebert's review is a lot more analytical than I could let myself be. He sounds like he is writing a film school thesis.
This is why I think that Hitchcock is so popular with serious film critics. He builds his movies in pieces that look like bricks, one on top one another, and this lends to a kind of analysis that sucks the life out of the film totally, if indeed the film has a life to begin with.
In my judgement this is not one of "the master's" three best films. I thought it was a tedious exercise that barely gets us over the thin ice of suspended disbelief.
The first half is way too long and way too adoring of Kim Novak. She was OK but icy and very distant. I don't think this was acting but it suits Hitchcock's purposes. The romantic stuff between Novak and Stewart is very awkward. Jimmy Stewart has to be one of the worst kissers on the screen.
There is a lot of pseudo-psychology in this film. Bluster and blarney.
I will give it a 2 out of Netflix5. I watched it without skipping but I didn't much like any of it. It was good to see one of the stars killed half way through. What a novel and satisfying idea! Go see for yourself.
Labels: best films
Maira Kalman does a wonderful piece on the solemn holiday.
At Ease and the Pursuit of Happiness
Labels: America
Friday, May 29, 2009
I have written how I hate the CFL light bulb.
Ugly, bad light and not at all up to the claims on longevity. Too expensive by far. And there is the disposal problem. Mercury.
Now, we find that the CFL may be a passing solution to the efficient light problem.
Green Promise Seen in Switch to LED Lighting
We have the LED on all the traffic lights in town. They are bright, bright and way low in power cost.
There are problems but I would put my money on the LED. It will shake out in a couple of years.
In the meantime, I am standing pat with the old fashioned incandescent bulb.
Labels: technology
This whole Sotomayor thing is playing out just as previous anti-Obama slams have.
It is the rope-a-dope model. Let them slug hard with all the stupid and offensive stuff and, really, don't defend. Just let them punch.
First they get tired. Then people get tired of them. And, finally, because the Obamas don't respond to it, they amp up and get even crazier and end up punching themselves in the head.
That is Ali "on the ropes" not getting hurt but working the magic.
Labels: Administration Obama
From Steve Benen, the Political Animal, today.
The Wall Street Journal's Peggy Noonan today referred to some of Sonia Sotomayor's far-right critics as "idiots." She went on to offer her party some reasonable advice.It sure has been a good show. Idiots amuck."Let's play grown-up." When I was a child, that's what we said when we ran out of things to do like playing potsie or throwing rocks in the vacant lot. You'd go in and take your father's hat and your mother's purse and walk around saying, "Would you like tea?" In retrospect we weren't imitating our parents but parents on TV, who wore pearls and suits. But the point is we amused ourselves trying to be little adults.
And that's what the GOP should do right now: play grown-up.
I'm trying to decide which part of this is more interesting: Noonan's assumption that Republican Party would have to pretend to be grown-up, or that Noonan thinks there's still time for the GOP to, as John Cole put it, "dial back the crazy" on the Sotomayor nomination.
I frequently find Noonan, an ex Reaganian, irritating but then she redeems herself with this kind of advice for her own party.
In another piece, Benen, the Animal, quotes all recent nominees for SCOTUS as being all for empathy except for the cold and colorless robot Roberts whose famous "umpire" analogy makes him look like a fucking jerk.
Steve: "I'm not sure which genius thought it was a good idea to launch a war on empathy, but it was clearly a dumb mistake.".
Labels: Administration Obama
I can't get enough of this stuff and the tape here is quite long with lots of Obamastuff on it.
Labels: Administration Obama
Hand it to the Obamas. They are not only taking a hard line in their "no settlements" position with Israel but they are getting Congress behind them. No more double talk, hidden agendas and back door messages.
Bibi can't believe it. The old American days of "yes to anything Israel wants" is apparently over.
Enough people have finally realized that Israel's thuggish behavior must end. The slaughter of innocents and, indeed, Israeli terrorism is a deep threat to security in the region and our goals with the Middle East as well as the jihadists.
And, having said all that, it is fun to see as Bibi is a first class dick.
Labels: Administration Obama
Today's film was a NYTimes 1176 Best Film. Luis Buñuel's
I suppose that, if I were Catholic and Spanish and it was 1961, I would be shocked, offended and horrified at this satire on piety, the church and the bourgeois class of Spain. Not only is it still the dark ages in the country at this time but Franco is still in power.
Buñuel had some balls.
As I am none of the above, it is hard for me to get all in a bunch about this kind of movie one way or the other. Gleeful to see the ikons destroyed or all shocked about it.
It is fun to see Buñuel at work. That is about it.
Fernando Rey is here as an uncle who despoils a niece who is a novice nun and then ......well, see for yourself.
Most famous, and you can't be ready for it the first time, is when paupers take over the Uncle's mansion and offer us a version of the Last Supper that will be long remembered. Action, freeze, action. And a wonderful joke about taking the picture with God's camera.
I will check it off the list as seen and noted and give it a 3 out of Netflix5.

Labels: best films
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I love this. Kids are getting over the fear of contact. Now talk to the up tight principals who have not.
For Teenagers, Hello Means ‘How About a Hug?’
I am with people who hug all the time. Everyone.
And the cheek kiss.
It's great. And there is nothing sexual about it. It is care and affection pure and simple.
Of course, we are grown ups, children of the sixties and mostly gay.
We need those hugs.

Labels: culture
This is very interesting.
Bush v. Gore Foes Join to Fight Gay Marriage Ban
What is interesting to me is that Olson, who has been viewed as a right winger, is interested in individual rights and the Constitution.
He has never been anti-gay and is persuaded that the conservative view should include equal rights for all people as fundamental.
I also find it interesting that the two turn out to be friends since Bush-Gore. It is surprising what simple talk about day to day life can do to people.
There is another thing here which catches my interest. This is being sponsored by a new organization, the American Foundation for Equal Rights. My guess is that this is a new gay advocacy group that seeks to tread new ground. The old treaders are a bit tired.
Of course, never shy about looking a gift horse in the mouth, those same tired rights groups are worried and a bit distressed about this turn of events. Not only is this new initiative outside their tent but the direction of federal litigation is not thought to be fruitful.
I, of course, disagree. This is the same old faint hearted shit which has gotten us in trouble in the first place.
The anti-Prop 8 people were so worried about alienating the public that they fucking alienated the public! They even had some ads that had no gay people in them let lone real life gay people who wanted to be married.
The victims of oppression are, quite often, first victims of their own intrenched conservative and self interested leadership.
I welcome this.
I am delighted to see someone of Ted Olson's stature involved. Great. Keep on keepin' on.
And is is not same-sex marriage, it is MARRIAGE EQUALITY!
Labels: gay marriage, gay rights, marriage equality
I mention "dementia" below.
It is one of the remaining health fears even though I am getting past the age of most dementia or Alzheimer's onsets.
As I have gotten older, many fears have disappeared. When I was in my 40s, the fear of coronary disaster was significantly present. Then, in my 50s I worried about lung cancer as I was still smoking then. I know it could still come up but somehow having quit the smokes for over a decade has me less worried about it.
As mortality becomes, consciously, more inevitable, I find that I don't worry so much about what gets me as the condition it leaves me in when it happens.
My friend who just died after three to four years of chemo, radiation and surgical hell is not what I have in mind.
If it is a stroke, I hope it goes all the way.
If it is dementia maybe I won't know about it.
The thing is that people I know who have it do know they have it.
Sorry to get morbid this morning but there it is. We all have death fear. If you don't you are likely a dangerous person. To yourself and/or others.
I drove to the gym this morning and realized, almost a mile down the road, that I did not have my seat belt buckled.
A first!
I have been using seat belts before they required them. I had them installed in our 1964 Chevy station wagon. They bolted the belts in place. No rollers.
I am only writing about this because I don't like "missing" beats.
I don't think that I am coming down with dementia or anything.
What I do think is that habit is not as reliable as we think it is.
If you follow the routine of a habit, its prelude and the prelude before that, then it is reinforced. If you break the routine, it undermines the habit.
Here is what I think happened.
I got my gear into the car. It is shower day at the gym so that means put my shit in the back seat. A bag, the other stuff. Put the mail that is going to be dropped off into the front. This is not the "usual" routine.
I already wrote that the recycle day is today, one day late. I put the bin near the Jeep, not in its normal place, and I was worried about hitting it when I pulled out. Another sidetrack.
Well, there may have been something else too. John said that Booker's new tennis ball was somewhere in a crack in the back seat and I was looking for that.
So, a long, highly grooved habit of seat belt buckling is undermined.
So much for relying on habit to get you by.
Maybe it is dementia.
Labels: life
I love the back stage stuff.
Sotomayor Pick a Product of Lessons From Past Battles
He is very collegial. He didn't go to people to name names but to talk about qualifications and criteria. And he talked to everyone. This has to have very high payoff.
“He asked if I had any suggestions for nominees,” said Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, a member of the committee for 29 years. “This is the first time I’ve ever been called by a president on a Supreme Court nomination, be it a Republican or a Democrat.”This is one more example of the deep work that the Obamas put into the process of governing. For one thing, they take governance seriously. A big change after 8 years if ideology and lazy thinking.
The other thing is that he is truly interested in everyone's input. Even those who might eventually vote against him.
Of course, this is the smartest move of all. Include your oppositions' thinking in your deliberations and be able to stake out your best case for a true dialog on issues. Not a partisan slam dance.
There are a lot of his opponents who still don't get this. Their knee jerk reactions are all over the media. They have shot their load. Fire, ready, aim.
I know. Three different metaphors in almost as many lines. Oh well.
Labels: Administration Obama
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
We are getting back to normal schedules and easy days.
I have been going to the gym at 415 every day this week and today, Booker said goodbye to me. Wiggles and pets. And didn't bark. Progress.
Later in the morning we had two people over to chat and, of course, to see Booker.
He is the perfect host. Gentle. Quiet hellos. Hanging around to "get" if they want some lovin' and if so, providing it.
He doesn't go very far from the action.
I got to spend a lot of time catching up on the internet today. All the news and political stuff.
I have not been missing much. After all the mock battles over the Supreme Court nomination, the real thing seems to have been an anticlimax for the wing nuts and the lefties.
It seems that there is a solid middle of support with an understandable curiosity about the details which, of course, we will get in tons and tons of talk.
I am not tired of it but it is quite predictable in many ways.
The market took back most of what it gave yesterday. The bond market fell and somehow affected the stock market. I have never understood bonds. Why they cost more or less or how they effect the equity markets. Or is a bond a form of equity?
One would think that having all my money tied up in market funds I would understand this but I do not. I guess that is why I have a managed account and an advisor and have to pay a lot of money a year to get the management and advice. It pays for itself when the market is going up. When the market is sliding, not so much.
I skipped the movie today. I have a couple of long ones coming up and I was getting pushed or felt pushed for time.
The only other big event is that the garbage guys didn't pick the recycle stuff today. Irate, I called the hot line and a recording reminded me that they took Monday off and the schedule is offset by a day all week. Tomorrow we recycle.
And with that, I will recycle the day.
Labels: Booker, ecology, economy, gay life
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Don't let this wonderful article slip by. It is relevant either when thinking about your own work or the aspirations of your kids.
The Case for Working With Your Hands
This guy also works pretty well with his brain and his writing skills too.
Labels: life
Booker and I were walking the other night and I looked down to see him--he is great to look at--and he had a new tennis ball in his mouth!
Keerist! Where did that come from? We passed some places that have dogs so I thought maybe it was a leftover toy but then, a block later, I realized that we had also passed a family playing tennis in a neighborhood house that is used as a rental.
"Should we take it back?", I thought.
Booker gave a firm negative vote. He had that ball tight in his jaws and kept it there for the rest of the trip. I abstained from casting my ballot.
He owned that ball the rest of the night. Finders keepers.
He is doing really well. Thing are so smooth that there is not a lot to report. John is beginning to work a bit each day on grooming him. I think it will work.
He loves rides in the Jeep and is a very good boy. He does think that the rider's seat is his when no one is in it but we are working that out.
The pool thing has cooled out. He is still a bit jazzed by being out there when we are in the spa and pool but clearly is not going to go swimming. He clings to the edge with all the force you can get out of your toes and keeps his butt high and his chin down. Low center of gravity. Funny dog.
He might fall in but, if so, I think that would do the job forever. Franklin was that way after two accidental dunkings. He is not alone out there at any time mostly because he doesn't want to be in the yard without us. Still staying close. And that is OK. He knows where the steps are and we would be there to show him out.
Walks are a joy. He has a strong prey instinct but is good about letting the bunny, lizard or squirrel go. The squirrels are the most compelling since they chortle. Chirp. It pisses him off.
Labels: Booker
I don't suppose that anyone who reads this blog has any tendencies toward fearing the Gitmo jihadist but you might still have some idiot friends who think we can't bring those terrorists into the U S of A.
I would cut them as friends, but that is up to you.
In any case, this is the tightest rant on how these stupid bastards are wrong.
Gitmo is a picnic compared to U.S. prisons
I liked the part where he points out the "terrorists" aren't exactly going to be spearing trash in the I-95 or anything.
Of course, most of the bullshit about Gitmo and its closing is pure fear mongering and demagoguery. But still.
Labels: republican whack jobs, terrorism
The good news is that John and I are still married. The bad news is that if we get a divorce we won't be able to remarry in California.
California Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Same-Sex Marriage
Just as I expected.
Here we go again. 2010 anyone?
Back to the streets y'all.

Incidentally, it is not "Same-Sex Marriage" or "Gay Marriage".
In a strongly worded dissent, Justice Carlos Moreno stated, “The rule the majority crafts today not only allows same-sex couples to be stripped of the right to marry that this court recognized in the Marriage Cases, it places at risk the state constitutional rights of all disfavored minorities. It weakens the status of our state Constitution as a bulwark of fundamental rights for minorities protected from the will of the majority.”
Labels: gay rights, marriage equality
The Supremes. California version. They rule today on the Prop 8 vote as well as the validity of my marriage.
The die is cast. No possibility of change. The decision is written. We are waiting for them to publish it. So prayer, knocking on wood and jumping up and down with your eyes closed can't help at this point.
Whatever they do (or have already done), we will move forward.
Marriage Equality!
Labels: gay marriage, gay rights
Interesting choice. Highly qualified. Smart. A two-fer. Female and Hispanic.
And she doesn't have a "hot button" record. The closest is a case where a panel she was on did not support a discrimination claim by a white fireman who passed all the tests but was bypassed, allegedly, for blacks.
She is also a tough cookie. It will be interesting to see her face down the GOoPers at the hearings.
Labels: Administration Obama
Monday, May 25, 2009
I went back to the gym today. Booker was OK with it. Four barks and a whine and then he went back to bed.
John didn't get up. He just let nature take its course.
Booker will get better with this as he has in the daytime comings and goings.
John is working on grooming Booker at home. I am an observer. So far so good. It is not rocket science but it does take a certain amount of confidence or the dog will pick up the anxiety.
I have volunteered to do the anal glands and have an instructor who has volunteered to help me when the time comes. Not my anals, the dog's.
In general we are all doing very well, I think.
It is all settling down. And so are we.
Labels: Booker
There was a stir earlier this month about the tradition where a President "sends" a wreath to a Confederate memorial while he does a live wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns.
In true Obama fashion, he completed a triangle by sending two wreaths. One to the Confederates and one to a memorial for African-American soldiers who fought in the Civil War.
An Extra Memorial Day Wreath for Obama
And this humble tribute:
“My grandfather served in Patton’s army in World War II; I cannot know what it is like to walk into battle,” the president said. “I’m the father of two young girls, but I can’t imagine what it is like to lose a child. These are things I cannot know. But I do know this: I am humbled to be the commander-in-chief of the finest fighting force in the history of the world.”
Labels: Administration Obama
Today's film was
A grandmother travels to Russian occupied Chechnya to visit her officer grandson who is on duty there.
This is the quintessential small picture with a big message. Age and youth. War and peace. Men and women. Enemy and friend. Kindness that transcends national antagonisms.
The grandmother is an alien. An old lady in a war zone. From the beginning one rebels at the thought that she is there but it is possible and, in fact, a regular feature of Russian military life. She belongs there. She has a pass! And she has the indomitable strength of wisdom and age to get her by.

She doesn't follow the prescribed routine. She even goes outside the military barrier to a market where she finds some Chechnyan friends.
There is a lingering anxiety in watching this that she will get into trouble. I won't spoil the tension that you might experience if you see this movie.
It is beautifully done.
There are some heartbreaking sections where young soldiers stare at her and see "home". Their faces tell the story. This is a "show don't tell" movie.
The grandmother is played by the "great opera diva Galina Vishnevskaya". She is awesome. Her face shines. She has the presence of life itself.
The director, Alexander Sokurov, is the guy who did the fabulous one shot film Russian Ark (2000) a few years ago.
This is a wonderful film.
I would gladly see it again. I am sure that I missed a lot on the first pass. A 4 out of Netflix5.
I have read that the Obamas have a well planned incremental process of remedy for gay discrimination in and by the federal government including "Don't Ask Don't Tell".
I think I wrote about it here.
Now there is a foot in the door.
Diplomats’ Same-Sex Partners to Get Benefits
The plan, as I understand it, is to slowly institute basic changes in policy to such an extent that the final push of the door will be much easier and full of precedent. And so on.
Secretary Clinton deserves our strong praise and gratitude. The gay activists who are bitching about Obama's slow address of gay discrimination should take note.
Labels: Administration Obama, gay rights
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Finally, Archie will pick either Betty or Veronica
I used to read "Archie" on a regular basis. I liked Jughead and tolerated the girls.
I have always had a crushy thing for freckles and reddish hair ala Arch. He has this cute little forelock too.
My guess is that Archie will finally make his choice and come out at the same time.
He and Reggie will run off to one of the good states and get hitched.
Jughead is a good sidekick but definitely not husband material.
As you can see here, Archie and Reggie have already developed a few kinks in their, so far, closeted relationship.
BandD can be a good thing for guys who want to amp it up a bit before the big day.
I am serious about my attractions here. There was something about the strips that spoke to a gay kid. I think because, maybe, there wasn't any commitment and they always had a kind of sexy look to them. Real chests. Sometimes bathing suits. Not bad.
I don't want to make too much of this. It is just fun to see that a comic strip that emerged about the same time that I did has lasted this long and managed to maintain the sexual tension so successfully.
Labels: gay life, gay marriage
This is funny.
Margaret and Helen. Friends for life.
Life's a Bitch and So Is Dick Cheney
While you are reading this click "home" and take a look at these old gal's website.
All of a piece but a pretty good piece for all of that.
Labels: republican whack jobs
Booker loves Jeep rides. So, we took one today for John to drop some stuff off and then we went to PetSmart.
You can take your dog right into the store!
He was, once again, a composed and steady citizen.
It was very crowded and you could see a moment of consideration but then that passed and he joined up. He was, as always, admired by some people. That never hurts. Many people have never seen an Airedale and it is a formidable presence. Booker has the charisma although he does not eat it up and perform at the level that Franklin did.
He sits quietly and accepts the pats and attention. That's it. Maybe he is an introvert too.
I got his glucosamine. The rescue lady highly recommends this and he was on it before we got him. It is natural, has no calories and is good for joints. Why not?
Of course, we had to visit the toy aisle. He has already crushed the tennis balls on his favorite toy. As often happens, they do not have the toy in stock any more.
That's OK. He found another dumbbell like relative of his favorite ball and carried it to the checkout.
He is doing very well. So are we.
He is fitting in, relaxing, being part of the family.
This morning we took a long walk with Franklin's best friend Bruno and his Dads. It was quite successful. They do like each other although no one is fawning over the other. Just companionable.
Booker does not bark much but he does have a "Bruno bark" that he gives when they go by the house. It is recognizable. I guess that means they are friends.
He is nice with everyone. The only thing he doesn't like much is a big dog who goes into his face. He growls him off but doesn't snap. It works.
Our life with him is gaining routine and is also getting to be many layered. More complex.
We had no idea that it would go this well. We are all blessed.
Labels: Booker
I don't much like to go to real estate open houses.
In fact, I don't go. Period.
But I went today to a house up the street that is in a short sale.
I went because I know the guy pretty well. His ex, not so much. They are splitting up and that has put the house "underwater" since she gets it and can't pay for the mortgage. Some settlement.
He did the whole house more or less on his own. The work is beautifully done. Detailed. A lot of stone.
I had never been inside. I know a lot of people "outside" their homes. Very few "inside".
A friend is doing the brokerage so we knew about it.
It was overwhelmingly sad to walk through this beautifully restored, mid-century home.
The walls wreaked with the pain of a failed relationship. I couldn't take much of it.
It is so sad.
If they could get their shit together, they might not have come to this pass.
It is purely self destructive behavior. The failure to get along even on the economic side. Neither would have had to lose. And so on.
Sound a lament for human fallibility and stubborn wrong-headedness.
Labels: life
This is a great overview of gay marriage rights and how it has come to be that 12% of all Americans live in a state where gay marriage is legal or recognized.
And there is Jesse Ventura as a trailblazer again.
On Tuesday, we will hear what the Supreme Court of the State of California has to say about Prop 8 and the some 18,000 marriages that were consumated before the prop took out our rights.
Here is what I expect. I expect that my marriage will not be nullified and I expect that, while they will state that Prop 8 was constitutionally able to pass, they will mandate the Legislature to remedy the inequality which they found in the first decision which Prop 8 was meant to nullify.
In other words, OK, you can have the election but you can't have the result because it violates another part of the constitution.
We will see.
On the other hand, I won't be terribly surprised if we end up unmarried and unable to get married again in the State. For now.
I have been through too much bullshit to expect it to change too quickly.
The thing is that the tide is against them. The weight is falling on the other side of the balance. The geezers are disappearing.
Look at the graph in the article.

The gist of the disagreement now isn’t partisan or theological as much as it is generational. Unlike their parents, younger Americans and those now transitioning into middle age have had openly gay friends and colleagues all their lives, and they understand homosexuality to be a form of biological happenstance rather than of emotional disturbance. They’re less inclined to restrict the personal decisions of gay Americans, even if they don’t necessarily want the whole thing explained to their children as part of some politically correct grade-school curriculum. In a sense, the gay rights movement of an earlier era was so successful in changing social attitudes that the movement itself can now seem obsolete, in the same way that younger Americans who have grown up with the premise of environmentalism in their daily lives consider Greenpeace to be a kind of hippie anachronism.It is not insignificant to note that they delayed the announcement of their decision until Tuesday to miss the date of The Days of Rage which occurred 40 years ago upon the death of Harvey Milk.
They know that they labor under a dark cloud of history.
Labels: gay marriage, gay rights
Saturday, May 23, 2009
John found a humming bird nest in a lower branch of the carob tree just in front of the dining room.
It is at eye level plus a foot on a rather thin, new branch.
The mom is sitting there as proud as can be.
We will have to route around this side of the tree for awhile. They will quit a nest fast if there is any trouble. Or maybe not. I am making shit up here.
It is nice for observation. We will see what happens.
We have had hummingbird nests all over the yard but never so easily seen.

This Mancow dude was all up in his shit about waterboarding. Not torture. No way. He is one of the wingnut talk show blowhards. Chicago.
He is like that fuck Hannity. All swagger and no-nothing attitude.
Now, I have seen a lot of waterboarding pictures and this guy pisses his pants faster than anyone I have seen. Better yet, he gets that this is torture.
Hannity offered to do waterboarding for charity. No sign of his doing it yet. He is more of a coward than Mancow which puts him right up there with the big sadists of our time. They are all pantywaists when it taking what they want dished out.
I loved Jesse Ventura's claim that with an hour of water boarding, he could get Dick Cheney to confess to the Sharon Tate murders.
Labels: republican whack jobs
Friday, May 22, 2009
Today's film was Danny Boyle's
I so didn't like this movie.
I love Danny Boyle. I think that it is great direction, editing, all that. But it is a totally trumped story. Phony. I didn't buy it for a minute.
Oliver Twist in Mumbai and all around India.
The ending--not the musical which is ludicrous--with the two brothers is so contrived. Good. Evil. Chance. Kismet. Or is that another place?
I don't like India much which doesn't help. And I don't much like Indians either which really seals it. I grew up during the time of the hypocrite moralist Nehru. A fake. I also have had to deal with a few Indians in business and in training programs.
Yeh. Me. I am prejudiced.
I suppose the fact of a pure Indian cast would sort of detract, huh?
At least I am being honest.
And I still haven't gotten over his dropping in a pit of shit. Please.
Now, let me bitch about one more thing. This movie is about exploitation of the masses, right? Now, see today.
Search for homes for 'Slumdog' children picks up
More hypocrisy. I suppose there are no child actor rules in India. Or union.
How much money have these bastards made out of these kids. Tens of kids. Not just the "stars". And the urchins are on screen more than the unrealistically beautiful stars.
This information began to come out after the picture was successful. Maybe it is bogus but it keeps coming up. Exploitation.
And that's another thing. All the good people are beautiful including the kid's mother who is killed by some kind of rioters early in the picture. Gorgeous Mom in the middle of pounding her laundry on the beach.
So, count me out as a Slumdog fan.
I have to admit, also, I skipped about 20 minutes of it's tedious vignette after sorry vignette. That makes it a 1 out of Netflix5. If I don't like a movie but can sit through the whole thing, I give it a 2. I couldn't.
The photo is of the shyster who runs the quiz show. My choice of the most apt "star" for this film.
Today, we proved, once again, that the cost of a kitchen faucet, single handle, is no indicator of quality or utility.
The hyper expensive "life-time" one we bought last year snapped at the neck.
Call Roto-rooter. Go get a new faucet. They are hardly available. No one is carrying inventory of anything.
Now the guy comes back to fix it.
An easy 400 bucks shot to hell.
We just got the basic fixture this time. The Moen Model87316W.
If it is going to break in a year anyhow, why bother with the most expensive? Not that 180.00 is cheap by any means.
Labels: repairs
Today's film was Paul Newman's directorial debut. It wasn't available during the Newman festival I ran earlier this year.
with Joanne Woodward.
This film tells a story that is off the radar of today's culture. The spinster's story.
When I was a kid, there were three things worse than death. One was to become a fairy/faggot. Another was to be a drunk. The third, if you were a woman, was to be a spinster.
I will not elaborate on how I achieved the first two but missed the third.
In our town there were many spinsters. Often victims of circumstance (younger daughter made to take care of aging parents), many were, in fact, lesbians or the real outcasts of today's society, the sexual neuter.
There is a complicated social structure thing involved with this as well. Women's role and so on.
Newman does a different take. His spinster is psychologically damaged as well as a caretaker for her widowed, self pitying mother.
Of course, like all of us, she has made her own bed. This film is about how it comes about that she decides not to lie in it any longer.
John said that you do not see films like this today and that is true. It is a character study. There is a story arc and there is a conclusion but the interesting part is the journey through Rachel's thoughts and actions during a critical summer in her life.
There is no melodrama here. The venue is decidedly small town. The characters are common place but not cardboard.
The wonderful Estelle Parson is Rachel's best friend.
I will give this a 3 out of Netflix5.
I think that we are beginning to get back to what passes for normal in our household.
Booker's arrival threw a new spin on things for awhile but we all have come to a new balance. He has gotten what our routine is more or less and we have gotten what his thing is, more or less.
This is a good sign.
Last week, I put off having people over so that we could concentrate on the new member of the family. This week, not so much. We have had a number of people come and visit and it has worked out fine.
I have taken two weeks off from the gym and will resume that activity on Monday. I have been substituting the cv there with morning walks with John and Booker. It has worked fine but I miss my machines and "the guys". Joe and some others. Not all. I haven't gotten that social.
Booker has now met all the people who come to work at the house. The pool guy, the gardening guys and, his favorite, Mari who comes on Thursday to clean up after all of us. She has a kind of gentle spirit that makes for sweet attention from the dogs. Franklin seemed to idolize her somehow. Booker gets that and acts as though he is in the "initiate" stage.
I think that we have also been thrown off by all the concentration on the boy and the boy's need to adapt. All of us have backed off and begun to do other things like read and write blog entries.
Today, we may actually watch a movie! It has been a week and that was the Talking Heads film which isn't all that deep. Well, it is, but not in the same way as a dramatic film.
We are all going to the store together soon. An old ritual. John and the dog on the tailgate of the Jeep while I shop. Holding court.
I have insisted on double leashing. Booker will be hooked up to the seat belt as he is for travel plus the usual leash around John's wrist.
I am still worried, as we should be, about his flight instinct. They say to give it at least three weeks to cool down. I think more.
It is something you can never take back if it happens.
But mostly he is fitting in nicely. More sleepy. More with us in a companion way rather than an anxious way. He is a good boy and we are good dads and now we can all relax a little.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
This is pretty good. I wonder where you get this technology from.
Labels: Administration Obama
I was just watching Booker. He is in the hall, deeply asleep. He is having the leg twitches and movement that accompany deep dream sleep. Like he is running off the fear and pain that he has had over the last months.
He is vocalizing in his sleep. Little moans and groans.
I think about the loss he has had.
We gave up our Franklin and it was a grievous loss but we could talk to each other about it, accept the solace of others and work our way around to seeing the possibility of having another dog in our life.
Booker lost his Mom to an auto accident. Then his Dad who could not cope.
No one could explain. He could not work out what to do about it.
He got to go to a half way house situation. Airedale camp. He was well treated and loved. But it was not the same as home.
I know there is some anthropomorphizing here but still.
He has had a lot happen.
He is safe now and he is beginning to realize it. I see him sleeping so soundly for the first time since he has been here. It is so good to see him healing.
We need each other.
Here he is, at rest, just after coming in for a kiss. He is a great kisser.
We are pretty good too.

Labels: Booker
I saw most of Obama's speech this morning.
Obama Mounts Defense of Detainee Plan
As usual, it was clear, concise and point by point, a teaching moment. Or a learning moment if you have your ears and mind open.
I read a bit of the Cheney "rebuttal". Same old, same old. Cheney seems to be running the campaign he would have run if he was John McCain in 2008.
The GOP cannot be happy about his step forward as their spokesman but, then, who do they have? Certainly someone who is more popular and who has not already been shown to be in the middle of the unconstitutional goings on that the bushies perpetrated.
We had this discussion last fall.
The President was calm and forthright and spoke to his own part as much as the opposition.
The Guantanamo situation is sticky and there is no nice way out of it. It is clear that the Administration is going to proceed with a five point plan for disposition of the present prisoners and that is that. Money or no money.
Harry Fucking Reid better get on board. The train is going to leave the station. I used to think he was doing OK. Not great, OK. Now, not so much. A ditherer. A finger in the wind.
Senators, by and large, are not very good at doing the people's will. And the leader is right up, or down, there in disregard for the priorities that we should be looking at.
Obama spoke in the hall of the National Archives. Right next to the Constitution.
Labels: Administration Obama
Booker continues to become more of himself. John says that his spirit is expanding.
Today there was a lot of "boxing" play with me in the back yard. False bites and jumping in and out. He also thinks that my brushing patio water back into the pool is a game designed just for him. He is emerging as a fun guy.
He takes his toys away to the living room and hoards them. I put some back yesterday and he came and got them to go back into the living room. He is also holding on to one of them rather closely. He gave me that look they have. "What is UP with you"?
More assertive. Things moved rather slowly when we went for the walk last night and he sassed me with a new bark. A sort of nagging light bark. Nice. He stands up for himself. "Time to go Dad"!
The first incident of "trouble" with another dog and, amazingly, the same dog that Franklin used to love to hate. The owner is an asshole for starters and he "lost his leash" just as we passed by. The dog went for Booker. Booker dodged and did a growl that would make me think again which the nasty little yap did. It stopped him. We walked on. There is more to the story but it is old stuff between us and the guy. I really liked how Booker both kept calm and cool and defended. A nice balance. I think it is his nature. Of course being at Airedale camp for a month probably helped out a lot.
He and Franklin's very best friend Bruno are spending some time together. Not just a passing sniff. I think that Bruno, the boxer, is confused. Booker looks like his friend Franklin but isn't and Bruno seems to want to provoke games which Booker isn't really too interested in. But they are learning about each other and tolerant and they have the backup of four dads who are kind and loving to the other dog and they are getting it. Booker does let Bruno know when the boundary is reached.
This morning, he waded into the pool on the steps. One step and tried to drink. It is OK to drink but not tasty as it is a saline system and a bit salty. Maybe he likes it. He is very agile in all situations and well coordinated. But the top step is narrow and his back half slipped to the second step as he turned to get out. A wet ass. Embarrassment hell for a proud Airedale. But he got through it. And we are now putting the towel, his towel, outside to dry him off. I am sure that he is bound for the pool one of these days. He loves to run around and caper while we dive in and is all about licking our faces. He likes the water sloshing around too. When the pool is calm and smooth he looks puzzled and tries to figure it out. I caught him sticking a paw in to roil the waters. We are ready if he becomes a pool dog and will support him in the effort. Especially in knowing where the steps are. But then he does know that already. Wet ass.
He has continued to lose weight. His little chubby butt cheeks are almost gone. The flanks are showing and his hips are beginning to be bony.
He is more aggressive about people outside in the drive. A sign of taking the territory. He gets several barks and then a "no talk". I think that I mentioned the routine. He barks and stands on guard until we come and tell him that "it" is OK whatever "it" is.
He is clearly relaxing more and more. Yesterday was a big sleep day. He is over one eyed sleeping and can go down and out quickly and stay there without being all nervous about where we are or what we are doing. I imagine he also has a lot of deep sleep to catch up on.
Labels: Booker
Well, we kicked "their" ass at the ballot box. We found the enemy and it was us.
Now, we have to watch as the duly elected pick up the pieces created by the angry electorate. The tantrum.
You know that broken vase that you want to put back together? And you can't find one of the important pieces?
That is where we are.
The inability to raise sufficient revenue has put us here and the devil is in the details of the state constitution.
The initiative process combined with several awkward mandates handcuffs the legislatures ability to balance a budget.
Now, finally, at a breaking point, we may have the the tipping point.
Yesterday there were calls for, finally, convening a constitutional convention.
I am so against initiatives. I will be glad if they disappear.
Read all about it.
California, a Broke State, Reels as Voters Rebuff Leaders.
Labels: California
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
This is one of those stories that just makes my blood boil.
It would seem that this could be fixed with the stroke of a pen but it cannot.
It is not a simple matter.
This legal entrenchment is the direct result of Bill Clinton's fumbling of the issue. He fumbled, Congress enacted. We are stuck with it.
It is a law passed by Congress and it must be repealed by Congress.
There is certainly a role for Obama and/or others in getting this done. He could take some leadership. Some think that he could suspend any action on the law. This would be problematic in many ways.
Fehrenbach is going to fight it. A great spokesperson. he is a certified war hero.
Until now, apparently, no one knew that he was/is gay. It is one of those gotcha pieces. He has absolutely not told. Someone else did.
We will see what happens.
This guy is articulate, open and willing to put his story out there. It is a compelling case.
But there shouldn't have to be a compelling case. It is simple matter of equal rights.
I am disappointed in the Obamas for not moving on gay issues. He is cautious about it and rightly so in a traditional political sense.
But he is not a traditional politician.
It is promising to see that they have decided not to appeal and adverse ruling on DADT. Some think that there is a plan and that, as usual, they will spring it an opportune time. But it will take time. Unravelling the complexity of the law will require this.
The Administration's Don't Ask, Don't Tell Strategy
I hope that Ambinder has it down.
Labels: Administration Obama
We have a long history of failed dog tooth brushing. I just can't do it.
It costs 150.00 to have the real cleaning and the dog has to go under anesthesia. Not good.
But now, we have hope again.
John found a neat tool that actually seems to work for Booker. The
actually works. I have used it twice. Well, Booker has.
He chews it like a bone and you can hear the bristles working.
The sound of brushing on teeth.
I don't know, long term, if this will make any difference but we just got his teeth cleaned while he was having his neutering done. Maybe we can delay any further work beyond the "normal" once one or two years.
Dog gum disease is brutal. You don't want it. Neither do I. Booker, particularly doesn't want it.
And it is the perfect gift! It is new and no one will have it.
Labels: Booker
So, the citizens of our fair State totally turned down the initiatives in yesterday's election. Count me in. I voted it all down too.
So much for Plan B.
Plan A was ignoring the obvious and thinking the problems would go away with some public relations events to show how Arnie was cutting taxes.
Wait! Cutting taxes? You gotta be kidding.
No, he wasn't. And they did cut taxes and now they are scrambling as revenue is also falling because of the economy.
We like our state services out here but we also like to pass mandates that limit taxation. The Prop 2 and a half crowd are still very active and into every nook and cranny of taxation to cut it out.
It is a mess. No moral courage anywhere in sight.
We shall see what we shall see. Another governor in 2010 and then, that didn't work last time. We recalled the one we had to get Arnold and we are in the same pickle.
Labels: California
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
More signs that Booker is getting comfortable with his new home.
He has and plays with a variety of toys. They have been all over the front of the house.
This morning, after about a week of toy spread, I put a bunch back in the toy shelf where they "belong".
Within minutes, he was over there sorting through the toys. He took out a double tennis ball on a rope thing to play with and then put where he thinks it "belongs" which is where it was before I picked it up.
Ownership of space. Hoarding of toys. Good signs.
When he first came, he took all the toys into the living room, away from us, I think.
It is just an interesting play routine that he is developing.
He is also working out where everything is located. We have a lot of doors and sliders and the layout of the house sometimes baffles people who are new to it.
Today, we went out to dump into the recycle bin in the car port. He wanted to go through the door that leads to the north yard and, I think, immediately knew where he was when he went through it relative to the rest of the yard.
He then wanted to go into the guest room door which is right there. He has seen this but never gone in or out of it.
He went in and then made the circle back to the front door where we had gone out originally.
He had the look on his face of having solved a problem.
I realized that it takes a while for him to figure all this shit out. He is processing all the time. Our moves. The house's location. The noises that come from the neighborhood. Our comings and goings. The routine that we follow. He is swamped with new data. I think that he is doing really well in getting through all the change and culture shock.
Booker has started initiating play with us. He started teasing with fake bites this morning along with lunges when I reached out to him. This is standard Airedale behavior but I have not seen it from him so far. He is also full of rough house hugging and shoving today. Very sweet.
He is a very butch dog, that is for sure. But a mushy lover just inside the tough guy shell.
Labels: Booker
It is torturous to listen to the idiot Hasselbeck but it is worth it to see Jesse Ventura, of all people, carry the argument against torture to its logical conclusion. Stay tuned for the last 30 seconds.
Labels: republican whack jobs
We have had several episodes of dog acccidents. Almost all outdoors, based on runs on the leash. Unexpected.
Booker is a pretty good walker and doesn't seem to do a lot of this. When he does get excited it is all visual clues. Plenty of warning.
Ears up, on the toes, head back and forth, speed increase. Hold on tight.
4 Feet and a Tail, and the Cause of Many Falls
The last time Franklin got me, I had bent over to bag his poop right in front of some mouthy, yappy dogs at a gate. He took off after them while I was bent over. And I went over. Rhymes. It wasn't too funny at the time.
Booker ignores dogs but goes for rabbits and cats. In the yard he is hot in pursuit of the lizards who John and I think have taken over since Franklin died. They had a short reign. Now a short rein.
Labels: Booker
Monday, May 18, 2009
Study: Mockingbirds can tell people apart, react
We are surrounded by mocking birds. They are the main bird.
None of this surprises me.
I have been able to get a male to mock my whistle. They are very intelligent and highly motivated to interact.
I haven't had one chase me though. But then I have never touched a mocking bird nest nor would I.
What cheek!
All in the name of research.
Near cruelty, I think.
They are glorious birds. The song is just heavenly at any hour. Even at night. A lonely male still looking for a hookup.
Labels: nature
We are beginning to get some clues about Booker's training and habits. The ones we don't know about because we have only known him six days. Is it six days already?
One of these routines is the guard dog routine.
Booker does not bark without reason.
He will bark out of excitement of taking a walk or riding in the Jeep.
He will bark if we are playing with him. A sharp woof.
He does not bark at other dogs or random people. He does not bark at "unseen" monsters in the back yard.
He does bark when he senses a threat.
The first morning there were raccoons. He went to the back slider screen. We didn't quite get it.
But since then there have been other events. Another night bark at the screen. The arrival of workers.
Here is what he does. He goes to the place the disturbance is happening and barks. Then he sits. We finally figured that we are supposed to go and look at/for whatever he has barked once about and decide to pursue the problem or to let it go. We "release" him by an OK or a pat. Approval.
We are more or less convinced that he has been trained to do this. It is quite explicit behavior.
And he has now shaped our behavior to conform to his. He is the house guard. That is his job. We need to acknowledge it and reenforce it. And we are happy to do so. Teamwork.
Labels: Booker
From Fran Townsend, George Bush's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism, when White House chief of staff Andy Card called during Hurricane Rita to ask her what she needed:
“I want to know if the president knows what a fucking asshole Don Rumsfeld is.”
Well, maybe not. But now we all have a better idea.
A pretty good rundown of the walking carnage that was Donald Rumsfeld.
We all knew this was going on but now we know it was a whole lot worse than we imagined.
Start with the biblical quotes on the intel briefing covers which they sent to W. He liked the "moral support" so they chose real clinchers to the line they were selling. A war as god's will. And so on.
It is a pisser piece.
Let's put Don and Dick in a padded cell together and see what happens.
Labels: bush. bushies
Tomorrow, we are being asked to bail out Arnie and the legislature with six corrective initiative questions.
Not one of them is an easy answer.
In general, I vote "NO" on all initiatives just because I hate initiatives.
But this time, a lot is at stake and, as it happens, two of the initiatives get us out of some binds that old initiatives got us into.
You have to live here to understand. Californians have a long tradition of propping up formulas for spending their tax money which look good in the short term but end up being very restrictive in the long.
I will be taking a mixed view tomorrow.
I will vote NO on 1A because there it establishes a "rainy day" fund at a time that it is fucking raining. How dumb.
I will vote NO on 1B because it is more of the same, binding instructions on disbursements and budget. This time teachers. Some of my best friends are teachers but this is no way to run a budget. Special categories. Fixed commitments.
I will vote NO on 1C because it extends and "modernizes" the lottery. I am against the lottery in all forms. It is a blight and sickness and steals from our poorest citizens.
I will vote YES on1D and 1E because it will undo some unwise bindings on money that were mistakenly voted in previous initiatives.
I will vote NO on 1F because it is childish and stupid. Holding back raises from state employees until they pass a budget. Sheeez!
So, actually, I am only voting YES on two measures that undo previous initiative mistakes so I retain my perfect record of not voting for any initiative. I got a second chance on these two. YES will be a NO.
If any non-Californians are stupified by this exercise, how do you think it feels to live in a state whose legislators and governor are so ineffective that they need the entire populace to tell them what to do.
I am thinking of starting an initiative for next time. No actors in public office.
Labels: California
I have been ramping up for a new crown now about 6 months.
I put it off for cash flow, then some other thing.
I worried.
One of the things my dentist told me was that I would have to let them keep my upper partial to make the correct crown base. Or something.
Two weeks of eating with two teeth. Well, five or six.
I almost thought to postpone again, I got so fucked up about it.
But today came and I went.
As they worked on the end game, I realized that they were modeling the temporary around the partial!
How about that? "Maybe I am not going to have to turn in the partial", I thought to myself.
As it turns out I did not. I have all my teeth. Some are store bought but they are mine.
Could he have forgotten? Have they changed their policy?
I will never know. Don't ask don't tell.
I have my partial and I go back for the permanent crown June 5.
Can you believe it? I am already making appointments for June. It was just April a month ago!
Labels: dentist
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The blank slate thing is working with Booker on the walks too.
It suddenly occurred to us that he has no idea what the "usual routes" are. Nor does he care.
We let Franklin take the lead and he would choose from the almost infinite variety of routes that we had taken in his lifetime.
One trip was enough to lay the track down. Some we were sorry for.
We didn't relish the repeat walks through the mobile home park or the rather torturous wandering down the paths of some condo complexes some of which involved trespassing.
So we don't have to do that again!
We did do the Sunday walk today and took the traditional route without the condo complex shortcut.
He is a great walker. He has the long lead thing down pat. Obviously he has done this before.
He is especially attuned to bunnies and squirrels. More so really than Franklin.
But he still has some testosterone working its way out of his body and that might change a bit.
He is very responsive to commands. When asked, he drops the chase.
He is wonderful to watch as he relaxes into his being. He started out as a bit of a trudger and now lopes along with the Airedale trot as well as some prancing in between.
John Jacob Astor walking along the street with his second wife Madeleine and his Airedale dog Kitty. Madeleine was 19. She is on the left. Kitty is in the middle. He and Kitty went down in the Titanic. Madeleine, pregnant, survived.
Labels: Booker
First Lady Speaks to Graduates Who Inspired Her
This has been very much in the news out here. A grassroots effort by the students to get the commencement speaker they most wanted. And got.
It is a great story and one more example of the positive difference between the Obama Administration and the negativity of the other side.
Yes we can.
Michelle Obama is a particularly strong voice for the this kind of inspiration.
We live in wonderful times. Why doesn't everyone see that?
Oh well. I see it. I am happy and thrilled to be living in them.
Labels: Administration Obama
Booker had some toys waiting for him when he got here.
His foster mom also sent a few along with him.
They are now strewn across the living room.
The toys are kept on a low shelf next to his food in the kitchen. There are no toys on this shelf this morning.
He takes all of them to the living room. Out of our sight. They are hoarded there to be brought out, at his initiative, for a workout.
First of all, how does he know what are toys and what are not toys? I guess his mom and dad taught him about other things lying around on the floor. Shoes. He doesn't bother those.
He is great with the larger than life tennis ball we bought him. He can bounce it off the floor and into his mouth. Dribbling. Not that kind. The dry-ish basketball kind.
He likes the ropes and pull toys. He will bring them for a tug of war.
A friend gave him one of those electronic things that chuckle and boing when they get picked up. Sorry to say that he likes that one too.
He has clearly had a rich life before he got here and is well on his way to setting up a rich life here.
We are ready for a rich life too.
Bring me the ball!
Labels: Booker
The GOoPers are hard at it.
Conservatives Map Strategies on Court Fight
On into the pit of negativity and ruin. Their's not our's.
In the meantime, mainstream Republicans are joining the Democratic Party or becoming Independents.
Some are even enjoying their new status as appointees to the Obama Administration. The Utah guy, Huntsman, is going to China rather than have to put up with the crazies of his own party. Well, there are other reasons, but still, it ain't like he has any future with the right wing nuts.
Also, how about this attitude toward the office of President?
"When the president of the United States asks you to step up and serve in a capacity like this, that to me is the end of the conversation and the beginning of the obligation to rise to the challenge."
Framing. It is all games to these bastards.
You have seen the Goposaur, haven't you? From Daily Kos.
His name is Nono.
Labels: Administration Obama, republican whack jobs
Saturday, May 16, 2009
This is a great slide show.
Paul Bockwoldt: The Straight Brother
Comments here
How many of you knew that rugby is one of the most popular gay male sports. I mean playing it. Not watching it.

The rough stuff.
One of the guys who plowed the 9-11 plane into a pasture in Pennsylvania was a gay rugby guy. A hero off the field.
Labels: gay life