
Monday, May 18, 2009


From Fran Townsend, George Bush's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism, when White House chief of staff Andy Card called during Hurricane Rita to ask her what she needed:

“I want to know if the president knows what a fucking asshole Don Rumsfeld is.”

Well, maybe not. But now we all have a better idea.

And He Shall Be Judged

A pretty good rundown of the walking carnage that was Donald Rumsfeld.

We all knew this was going on but now we know it was a whole lot worse than we imagined.

Start with the biblical quotes on the intel briefing covers which they sent to W. He liked the "moral support" so they chose real clinchers to the line they were selling. A war as god's will. And so on.

It is a pisser piece.

Let's put Don and Dick in a padded cell together and see what happens.


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