
Thursday, May 21, 2009


I saw most of Obama's speech this morning.

Obama Mounts Defense of Detainee Plan

As usual, it was clear, concise and point by point, a teaching moment. Or a learning moment if you have your ears and mind open.

I read a bit of the Cheney "rebuttal". Same old, same old. Cheney seems to be running the campaign he would have run if he was John McCain in 2008.

The GOP cannot be happy about his step forward as their spokesman but, then, who do they have? Certainly someone who is more popular and who has not already been shown to be in the middle of the unconstitutional goings on that the bushies perpetrated.

We had this discussion last fall.

The President was calm and forthright and spoke to his own part as much as the opposition.

The Guantanamo situation is sticky and there is no nice way out of it. It is clear that the Administration is going to proceed with a five point plan for disposition of the present prisoners and that is that. Money or no money.

Harry Fucking Reid better get on board. The train is going to leave the station. I used to think he was doing OK. Not great, OK. Now, not so much. A ditherer. A finger in the wind.

Senators, by and large, are not very good at doing the people's will. And the leader is right up, or down, there in disregard for the priorities that we should be looking at.

Obama spoke in the hall of the National Archives. Right next to the Constitution.



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