Sunday, May 31, 2009
This is rather interesting and, if you are not the guy who is the target, somewhat amusing.
Confessions of a Non Serial Killer

This is a picture of Robert Graysmith who wrote about Zodiac and was played by Jake Gyllenhaal in the movie that didn't do that well but I liked. Another obsessor. But more benign.
It is amazing to me that there are stalkers and conspiracists and the like. People who have no life other than an obsession with some body or some thing.
I have just finished Ian McKewen's novel, Enduring Love in which a science writer becomes the victim of someone who suffers from de Clerambault's syndrome, a disorder that causes the sufferer to believe that someone else is in love with him or her. It causes some havoc in the hero's life.
It would appear that you don't have to really do anything to become the victim of one of these characters but then that is true of a lot of other things. You don't have to do anything, really, to be killed in an automobile accident or the victim of some other impersonal coincidence. (Is that redundant?)
I don't worry much about this kind of thing. A lot of fiction is made from stuff like this. Hitchcock made his fortune with the idea of the innocent victim. That was why it was so scary.
I was thinking about some times where I was obsessed. I had a "love" object once.
I know now that it came out of fear and insecurity of coming out. Also that he was cute. I must have been a pain in the ass but he took it well.
So maybe it is something to think about from the other side. One might become the chaser as easily as the chasee.
Labels: criminal morons, life