Wednesday, September 30, 2015
The learned doctor
He is more of an ignorant asshole than I thought.
And I thought I was being extreme.
Ben Carson: Gay Marriage To Blame For ‘Dramatic Fall of the Roman Empire’

Actually, he is not ignorant. He is very canny about who and how he attracts. He is as dangerous as any right wing weirdo.
Watch that sneaky smile. There is a lot of hate in this man.
Labels: GOoPers
Popa dopa
My papal patience is running short.
I hope the christ he is on his plane headed back to the Vatican.
I have had enough.
He had an audience with that ugly bitch who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay people in Kain-tuckee.
Red neck central.
I wasn't going to write about these shit kickers but here I go.
She is a fat and ugly specimen. I can say that ad hominem because it is true. And she has way too much hair.
Now, to the pope. I see that the audience with her was "secret". A rather open one of course.
He is as back door as all the rest of them. Two faced. My dad said "mealy mouth bastards" in describing the professionally religious. He also included the pious as well. The church ladies and the church sissies. The beaten down men who toed the line for their wives.
These were the Methodists. No pope. But a lot of professional finger pointers and a view of sin that certainly includes me in the fiery furnace.
Is he on the fucking plane yet?
Can I have a bit of relief here? Every morning on the cable at the gym.
And so on.
My title of the photo is "Jesus wept".
Also see today's LATimes: Pope's secret meeting with Kim Davis disappoints supporters of same-sex marriage
Labels: christers
Happy, up to a point
Another film by Juliån Hernånez today.
Yo Soy La Felicidad de este Mundo / I am Happiness on Earth (2014)
Really, three films in one. He is a master of short films so has obviously figured out a way to get three into one. For one thing there is a common thread in the stories. Mostly about unrealistic expectations. We know about that. And unrealistic expect ions of men. In romantic relationships. Same. We know about that too. In a word, MEN.
It is a wonderful film and not to everyone's taste, I am sure.
But it is to mine and I had a great time. There are also some shorts on the DVD and since the feature is really three shorts in one, it will be interesting to see how the short films play out. I will watch them later.
Beautiful men on a day when there was an extreme good looker in the gym. An eye feast, with his shirt off. A no-no. But apparently none of us were going to tell him to put one on.
Anyway, I am alone and unsupervised so my mind is running to being a bad boy.
John gets back from LA tomorrow night.
Home alone
John left this morning to see some art show in LA.
At the Getty.
I am no longer required to attend these and so I am happy that he went on his own.
Besides, someone needs to baby sit Marcus and that would be me.
I am doing all the alone things.
Favorite spaghetti frozen dinner (Stouffers Lean Cuisine--I adore it) and other alone stuff.
The only down side is the longish morning walk tomorrow but I can do that.
John will be home for dinner tomorrow night and things will tilt back to normal.
I am to sure what it is about the Lean Cuisine. I like it better than the Stouffer normal dish. It is a mystery. I have been tasting it all day. I only have one box. Good thing because I might be led to eat two.
Labels: life
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Love in the sand
Today, the second part of Julian Hernandez--
The film is long and sometimes arduous.
Most of it takes place in a desert and is impressionistic. Or is it abstract? Or perhaps a kind of waking dream.
Whatever it is, I kept watching and would watch it again only not tomorrow.
Not if you tied me up in front of the screen.
But in another year or two? Sure.
The images are beautiful and the story such as it is tells about two or three lovers caught in their fantasies so that they cannot move out of them.
Some standard gay tropes are here. The cruisey movie theater (which is always a disappointment) as well as "types". The one hero is the butchest of the butches. But gay as a goose.
The young man is beautiful and innocent.
The hero-lover is handsome and kind.
It is all here. An endurance test which almost always pays off. When it gets slow, go pee, and come back to it. But do not skip. My god do not skip. Or FF either goddammit. Take your medicine. Half the effect of the crisis and resolution is to endure the time frame and, of course, the great stuff that is going on while you are all antsy.
A 5 out of Netflix5 since I have seen it several times.
So sad
I can't read much about this kind of thing without getting very sad.
Migrants in Germany Fleeing Poverty Find Only a Ticket Home
And yet I understand it.
We have a similar situation at our border only a few miles away.
I know that right out there, right now, there are "illegals" getting up to do the menial work in the Valley.
Probably a few of them are working for me here in the condo association. Sometimes, they make a kind of overture to say hello or to reach out. I always respond but never stay.
I can't handle it.
This problem of immigration is so intractable, supported by the underground and visible economy. People's lives.
I am the son, eventually, of immigrants. Third generation. Germans. All of them.
The got in, made their way in times that people didn't automatically hate them or push them aside.
I suppose it is the way of the world. And it still makes me sad.
Monday, September 28, 2015
And another one
Today, half of Julian Hernandez other big film.
I could only watch half. This one is also "silent" in that the only dialog is on televisions or other outside sources. It is also in black and white. Most of the time.
It keeps me hopping but I really enjoy this kind of film experience.
More tomorrow.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Better than ever
Today's film is hands down one of the best romantic films I have ever seen.
That it is a gay film makes it even more wonderful to watch.It is long. But so is romance. The meeting, the loving, the goodbyes. It takes time.
The photography, if that includes the composition of color, is superb. Vivid color streams by as young love is explored in all its detail.
The faces are extremely powerful, meaning that the acting is at its best.
The men, there is a triangle involved, are not beautiful by the usual standards but they have great beauty in their bearing and their dignity.
This film is not afraid of being sad. There were/are tear.
But that is romance. Gay or otherwise. We have to suffer a little bit.
Not my story but like my story
I was married and we had/have kids.
Everyone is grown up now. They are all doing fine as far as I can tell.
My wife would be as proud as I am. We were able to separate and still be good friends and parents.
I had the good fortune of finding another partner who understood and relished the experience of being a step-dad to a sizable brood.
I am not sure how my wife (the only wife I have ever had) carried this out. But these people seemed to have been able to do the same thing.
From Divorce, a Fractured Beauty
The unhappiness of day to day living is relieved with separation but new problems rise up. Antagonism, anger, revenge are all feelings that are likely to pop up and they do not yield pretty results.
I have seen kids' lives become a battleground for hating parents. So it started there. She and I agreed to be the best parents we could be.
That meant accepting things that perhaps we had thought we would not accept. Especially for her. But we/she/I did them. My partner, now husband, did them.
It is a long intimate and personal story but I can say this. It has a happy ending. Or an ending as happy as I could want it to be.
My wife became ill and died some time ago. She did not leave me with any regrets. Nor did I have any myself. I still grieve. And my eyes are wet.
It is nice to find other people who see that partnerships change in life but the people do not go away. If they do it is too bad and can't be helped. But if we can stay and adapt there is happiness just around the corner.
Labels: family
Touch touchy
The Clintons are very sensitive.
There is nothing new in that.
But the paranoia gets very boring.
They fail to see that people are picking on them because they are in politics. Duhhhh!
And not only that, they are particularly vulnerable to bullies because they do the first thing that a victim is taught not to do. They cry and whine.
I learned that one as a kid and a sissy. Complaint and cry baby stuff only eggs them on.
The Clintons have not learned that.
Now here comes Bill.
Bill Clinton Blames GOP and News Media for Wife's Email Woes
Yup. It is someone else's fault.
First of all, the email thing is pure Clinton. Second systems, hidden files. They are always asking for it. Political masochism.
This is why I hope that Joe Biden can overcome his own burdens and decide to run. We need him now.
Labels: The Clintons
I am no longer of this world
I do not have an iPhone.
I have an old fashioned mobil phone, a flip phone.
And that is fine with me.
The result of this is that I have plenty of time to reflect with and about others.
One of these "studies" that I can make is to observe people who have the phones with screens and all. You know. The highest tech versions.
I see them in the gym. They are working out. A perfectly calm alone time during the day. Do they put their phones down? NO. They can hardly get their reps in before they have to look at the screen.
Some people are actually texting while they work out.
What happened to concentration.
I watch screen people in Meetings. They can not not look at their phones. At some point I will see someone digging the phone out to look. People do not always text back but the reading is constant.
Now this.
I don't know about this actually. I am an introvert so I don't do that much chit chat. But what I do I do face to face. I cannot abide the idea of texting. For me or anyone else.
Every once in a while I get a text and do not reply. I call and tell the person I do not text. That ends it.
I suppose I suffer a bit from this. People who want to text will just cut someone like me out. Good. I am a confirmed introvert anyway and that means I have a lot less to worry about from the noisome crowd.
Labels: Introvert, life, phony baloney
The internet went out last night for several hours.
A car took out some power poles not far from the house.
For some reason the power and phones were not affected. Just TimefuckingWarner.
Crash closes Ramon Road, causes outage in Palm Springs
This is pretty small potatoes but when it happens to me, it becomes a world tragedy.
What pisses me off is that I want a reason. And calling Time-Warner is a study in frustration. Now, they, wisely, don't even talk to you but block with pre-recorded messages saying that they know nothing but are trying to fix it.
We are in the Orwellian world of double talk.
But what could they tell me anyway? That they don't know anything and they are trying to fix it.
Then it comes to me that if we had television we would have the latest information.
Wait a minute.
The cable is out. No television either.
So I just waited it out and watched the wonderful dance movie again.
Then I went to bed a little earlier for a Saturday Night.
We have not had an outage in a long time. In our old location, it was a frequent occurrence. I thought that was because all the wires here are underground. But that is not the case, I guess.
This is so trivial I am wondering why I am writing about it. Such a safe, secure life where nothing happens. And the cable goes out. Disaster.
Labels: life
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Dancing to love
Today's film is about dance and has five dances to tell the story.
A small dance troupe in New York gets ready for a recital.
Five dancers. Two young men fall in love.
Their relationship proceeds from the first to last of the quintette films.
Very simple. Very nice. Sweet.
Spoiler. Nothing bad happens.
Another one. Everyone is happy.
Still another. Gay men have great romantic experiences because they are so hungry for contact and wary of intimacy with another man that when they find love they go for it with a wild enthusiasm.
We are not an easy lot to be with.
But love finds the answer as happens in this very nice, sweet film.
A 5 out of Netflix5.
Oh. The dancing is pretty good too.
Labels: dance, films, gay films
Cantor on Boehner
Eric Cantor weighs in on the Congressional Republicans after Boehner.
Eric Cantor: The G.O.P., After John Boehner
It is worth reading.
I never liked Cantor but liking has nothing to do with it. He was an articulate and committed spokesman for the other side and I respected his authority and his willingness to work with the Demos. He could be a nasty bitch but not in the personal sense, not in the acrimonious shit-head way that the newer GOoPers conduct themselves. A gentleman.
The troglodytes and knuckle draggers do not contribute one wit to the national discourse. Probably, OK, watch for it, they have no "wit" to work with in the first place. No concept of the American Way. Their way or no way. Obstructionist bullies. OK. I will stop.
Their version of that Way is unconditional surrender to their warped points of view.
It will be interesting to see if the Majority can sweep up the pieces and reconstruct a better version of itself. A loyal opposition.
If not, more despair and waiting for the next election cycle.
Labels: GOoPers
Friday, September 25, 2015
Today's film was an attempt to modernize and gay-ify a classic play.
I suppose that if one liked Shakespeare and this play it would be an insult to watch this film. I am not a Shakespeare fan. I hate the stuff. The weird dialog, the strangle plots. Sorry. I am an apostate.
So, how is it to watch this film if one dislikes Shakespeare? About the same, I think.
They have used most of the words, they say, and translated the roles to two men. Otherwise the same. Or not?
As a film without all this baggage, it is enjoyable enough. Two cadets in a military academy have an affair. The rest follows more or less the same path.
All a bit of a stretch. But the young men are handsome and the relationship believable. The obstacles are a little stylized. I am sure there is a lot of gay-play in a place like VMI or one of those. Why should it be any different because they are military. In fact, having been in the military, the costumes and discipline, the role playing and the life of bodies working for the same outcome is very gay supportive.
Don't ask, don't tell is set up for a reason. Homo-military is real and remember the warrior lovers of Greek times.
Another thing is that there are only six cadets. It is summer and so forth, bit it is also a low budget film.
Anyway, this is not a bad picture. I enjoyed seeing it again. In fact, drum roll, it is a NYTimes Critics' Pick!
A 3 out of Netflix5.
It is interesting to note that the first scene on the trailer has basically nothing to do with the rest of the film. But it is hot.
This is not new but it is the first time I have seen it done.
An obituary in which the husband of the dead man is listed as the survivor.
Daniel Levins, Dancer in Classical Ballet and Films, Dies at 61
It is a sad time for his friends and family but the fact that he is remembered as a gay man with a husband is very important. I am in the same situation and don't much give a shit about my obituary as I will not see it. But my husband's will list me as his husband.
(Note to family here).
Gay marriage, like all marriages, has two sides. The beginning and end.
Of course, we now qualify for divorce but that is another subject and, as far as I can see, rarely the end. Divorces drag and become weights on all the necks involved.
The phrase is "until death do us part".
I said it when we got married after waiting so long and I want it all.
Our sympathy to Daniel Levin's husband as well as his family.
Labels: gay marriage
In fight
The fight between the GOoPers in Congress has claimed another victim.
John Boehner, House Speaker, Will Resign From Congress
“The fundamental dynamics don’t change,” Mr. Dent said. “The dynamics are this: There are anywhere from two to four dozen members who don’t have an affirmative sense of governance. They can’t get to yes. They just can’t get to yes, and so they undermine the ability of the speaker to lead. And not only do they undermine the ability of the speaker to lead, but they undermine the entire Republican conference and also help to weaken the institution of Congress itself. That’s the reality.
This from an article in the NYTimes.
I have never much liked Boehner. He has been quite difficult to deal with at all times. But when he gives up on the even harder hard-asses and malcontents in his own Party, we come to see the suicidal spiral that the Republican Party has been in for some time.
It is too bad.
We all would like to see a "loyal opposition" in our country. But these marginal guys are malcontents. Bomb throwers. Government haters.
We have to admit that the people who elected them had to be either fooled into doing it or, worse, really believe that gridlock of government is a good thing. For them? For who.
This time it is Boehner. Another time it will be another leader who seeks to govern.
The Republican Party is in a shambles. They have no bench for the Presidential election. The standouts are outsiders. Fiorina, even Trump is not this bad.
Time has not been kind to Boehner's face. He was a handsome bloke. I will do him the service of showing the fresh face that wanted to succeed and now will not be allowed to accomplish his job.
A sad story, perhaps even tragic. What do you need for tragedy? The fatal flaw that stands in the hero's way? No that it is going to far. I will not grant him heroic stature. Just another good soldier shot down by his own side.
They are bastards for sure.
Labels: GOoPers
High flown
The Pope one day and the China supreme leader the next.
And a big step that the Obamas have been working on for a long time.
China to Announce Cap-and-Trade Program to Limit Emissions
Not to say that this is of a lot more import than the Papal platitudes the day before.
There is nothing wrong with platitudes, I suppose. If Congress was listening to the Pope tell them what they should already know then he did a good thing for us.
Republicans tend toward the religious strictness that the roman church asks of its people. The god thing in their terms. You would think that the Pope could give them a dose of initiative to do what they are supposed to.
He made John Boehner cry. Is this guy really all there?
I don't suppose I should judge anyone's sincerity. But sincerity only goes so far.
Both guys are totalitarians who soften their approach when they are in the USA. Hopefully some of our way of doing things rubs off on them but I doubt it.
Labels: Administration Obama
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Under the curtain
Today's film was shot in China in secret.
There are no homosexuals in China so a film about a western man and a Chinese man falling in love would be banned.
I may be the only person who has watched this film. Well, not really. But there are only a few reviews and as it could not be shown in its "mother" country it had to fight for distribution elsewhere. And it was put together in Hong Kong. So it is barely Chinese in the first place. What I think of, anachronistically, as "Red China". Hey. I was brought up that way. And it is red if not Red.
is about a western man who falls in love with a Chinese man as well as a few people around them who are affected by the situation.
The basic idea is taken from a real incident in another country where a man washes up on a beach naked and cannot speak. Or will not.
The story is a speculation about what happened although we are given to believe that he is telling the story.
It is a bit cockeyed as a result of this. Different perspectives meld together and whether we are listening to his thoughts or someone else's view of the story is not always clear.
I liked it anyway. I am uncritical about a lot of these things but I can see why it has never gone anywhere.
I am happy to have it in our collection and enjoy it when I watch. A 3 out of Netflix5.
Irresistible story
This is so typically British that I had to put it in.
The Prime Minister Did What With a Cow's Head?
I say typical in that the Brits have a way of suppressing things until they can't keep it in any more and then, whammo! Right in the, well, cow's head.
Of all the things to stick it in to.
But that is the Brit part. The sticking it in is just plain male teenage libido. The cow's head part is somewhere in the pastoral history when the fields of England were more rural than otherwise and boys could play with various animal parts to their heart's content.
This happens everywhere of course. Not just in Britain. But the British reserve somehow makes it all the more hilarious. At least to me.
Under every stiff lip there is a vibrating oral stimulation compulsion waiting for an outlet.
What did you think they meant about the stiff upper lip?
And it was in this article that I found the new word for today. Jouissance.
In British circles, as is so often the case, the question of jouissance is secondary to that of class. The lurid story carries weight, not merely because it is embarrassing to a powerful politician, but because it speaks to inherited privilege and entitlement.
......NYT 092415.
Labels: sexuality
New word today
Jou·is·sance ZHo͞oēˈsäns/ noun formal: physical or intellectual pleasure, delight, or ecstasy.
Nice word. I can't see myself saying it very often as it seems to be reserved for special occasions.
I am in a state of jouissance.
A definite "nope".
I don't think I will use it.
It sounds a little too much like drugs were somehow involved.
How about "I am happy today".
Also, it is said, in French of course, to mean the state of orgasm.
It sounds right for that too. I was even supplied a drawing for this which is almost x-rated for this blog. Sorry. I enjoyed looking at it.
Labels: words
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Me me meme
Today's feature film by Marco Berger explores his ideas about sexual tension between men even further than his short film of yesterday in
Two childhood friends meet sometime in their thirties. One is having a successful life as an author, the other has lost out on such things for himself and is trying to get a new start.
The author friend gives the other man a job cleaning up his aunt's place where he is staying. So they are close together but not close. Getting closer is the idea behind the picture. It is known that the author is gay, sort of. But not the friend turned handyman.
Long periods of sitting or working around each other ensue.
This is Berger's forté. The waiting, the looking, the guessing.
All gay men have gone through this. Is he or isn't he?
As it turns out, well you can find out if he is or he is or both of the are. Gay.
Very nice.
Hawaii, incidentally, turns out to be a state of mind involving some old Viewgraph photos from the kids'/mens' past.
You will see.
This is a 5 out of Netflix5. It is a great picture and that is why it is in our collection.
A contender
Here he comes, rising in the polls without even declaring or making an effort.
Bloomberg Poll: Joe Biden Now Top Presidential Choice for 1 in 4 Democrats
It is impossible to dislike anything about him.
He is totally attractive in the way that Hillary Clinton is not.
I worry about the age part. But perhaps it is his time. He sure looks good.
I think he would make mincemeat out of any GOoPer.
He is quite adept at the cut and thrust. An old fashioned hard hitter.
It is very good for him too.
He needs to get back on his game after his son's untimely, even tragic, death.
He even has a wife who is a total asset. Poor Clinton cannot say the same. Bill is still a liability with his gadding about and fingers in questionable pies.
Labels: Joe Biden
Lost identity
You do not hear Germans proclaim their heritage very much.
I know that I do not and I am 100% American-German.
Whatever Happened to German America?
Why is this? The article is very well done. It covers many bases.
My family wiped the German out of our life before I was born.
Before a certain time, our family name was Roesse.
My Dad always said that his Aunt Mary changed it, convinced everyone else to change it too.
He was clueless as to why.
I have always suspected that it had to do with the First World War. And then the Second.
It does not happen now but there used to be many vaudeville acts about blustery Germans. A joke.
I have to admit we are ripe for ridicule. The characteristic posturing and bluster of the Germanic culture is obvious even in the music. Wagner! There is no humble German music. Bombast. Over the top mit der drums, already.
On the other hand the cultural heritage of German music is rich and, today, a basic ingredient of all repertoires.
When I was a kid, I lived next to the Bixlers who had the Pennsylvania Dutch background. Germans. But they had turned it into something different. Amish are originally Germans. Peace loving people.
The Bixlers were not ashamed of their heritage. The Dad was a chaplain in the WWII Army. The kids had a lot of Germanic stuff which I shared in. A certain pride came into it when I realized that I was German from both sides. The other one had changed its name too. Schaller to Shaller. A mild thing now but then a big thing. Before that my mother's family was Utt on one side.
I have never hidden from the Germanic thing. I suspect that is partly because of the Bixlers. It is amusing to reflect that their dog had been smuggled in from Germany when their Dad came back. Chaplains could get away with shit apparently. Lulu.
Such a thing would be impossible today. So Lulu was a full bore kraut.
I am always surprised that the Irish and Italians and other national groups hold such pride in their background. I have never made a thing about being German. Of course that is very Germanic, isn't it?
Labels: stereotypes
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
A swimming coach gets a crush on a student swimmer and the swimmer gets a crush on the coach.
Forbidden. Marco Berger explores the ramifications of such a situation. There is a lot of silence and a good deal of very well composed music. Berger's soundscapes are very good and they sometime take over the proceedings. In a good way I think. He is even able to use the 60 cycle hum well.
The cast here is excellent. Some of the stock Marco Berger players.
It is nice that no one is a hunk or an A list gay. They are just plain guys who find attraction to each other in an environment that will not permit and form of consummation.
We are treated, in the end, to a fantasy of such a result and that is very nice to see indeed. Fantasies are permitted in our culture as long as no one actually does anything about them.
Burger has borrowed a lot from Hitchcock and much of this film takes on a psychological bent toward fear. Anxiety.
Very good. I love to watch other people squirm! Don't you?
A 5 out of Netflix5 if it was a Netflix film but it is not.
It is part of our collection.
Monday, September 21, 2015
The GOP noms are beginning to draw some blood from one another.
Carly Fiorina is a master at misleading, but her business record really is that bad
This is a liberal almost red web site (Daily Kos) but it pretty well sums it up.
Fiorina has a great talent for self promotion. That is her main skill and it has taken her very far.
I like to watch her in the early morning talk shows. She has great presence except for her eyes which sort of do wheelies like the eyes of Wiley Coyote when he gets zonked by the Road Runner.
I am always amused when people attempt to cover up reality with patently made up stories.
For politicians it is an attempt, I think, to preserve the possibility of a comeback in the future.
Scott Walker is the first of the GOoPers to drop out. In his case there was divine intervention!
Scott Walker: I was 'called' to exit the race
These guys always have god on their side somehow. Even for a defeat.
Well, defeat is not the right word here. The problem is/was that no one took Scott Walker seriously at any time. No one but Scott Walker. A walking delusion.
I love his face. The beady eyes. The funny thousand yard stare. He is a weird guy. For a politician. He has no charm, no looks, none of what my Dad used to call the "suave". He is geek from the midwest that got thrust into the spotlight for spouting the birther/patriot line.
Good luck to him in the future. Which, for a guy like this, might be either a pulpit or perhaps lesser office.
I had forgotten that Wisconsin is also the home of my own era's Joe McCarthy. Aha! Is it in the water?
Labels: GOoPers
Short set
Today's movie was a group of short films by Marco Berger and Marcelo Monaco
It is called Sexual Tension and there is plenty of that. No consummation. Just tension.
Sexual tension can be pretty sexy!
It is all rather artfully done.
One thing about the goings on between men is that there is always some sexual tension.
I say that categorically without any proof. But I mean it in the widest possible terms.
It begins with male strutting, goes to competition and ends with something more complicated. If sexuality is involved which it often is with or without the people's consciousness of it then there are funny outcomes that seem unrelated to the actual stuff going on.
Now, as a gay man that seems to make a lot of sense. But I know that many or most straight men will not buy it. Buddies, work partners and friends do not have any sexual bonds.
OK. Uh huh.
Moving on from there these shorts are pretty good as such things go. All meet the basic requirement of being smart and entertaining at the same time.
The film makers have made successful feature films.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Just friends
Two young men meet and become friends.
Both sense something more but fear and their passion keep both from saying what they feel.
This wonderful film by Marco Berger shows the steps toward having love take root and grow.
This is a Brazilian film and it is marked by scenes and shots that show buildings, parks, people at idle. It is a great story to see as well as hear. It has been one of my favorites since I first saw it.
The Plan B is the backup plan for salvaging a relationship with a girl. The thought is that by feigning a relationship with a man the girl would panic and try to keep her man. Of course, no such thing happens.
Trouble in GOoPersville
The Republicans are in turmoil.
One only has to watch the three cable sets in my gym to see it.
There are so many candidates that none are getting coverage. Only the more outrageous Trump who, this week, has been chewing the scenery on all mornings, all of the time.
Apparently, in true GOoPer fashion, they had hoped to manipulate the process so this would not happen. Also, in true GOoPer fashion, their plans have gone awry and the results are severely wanting.
Party Rules to Streamline Race May Backfire for G.O.P.
Get a bag of popcorn and watch the show.
Have you seen Trump do his trump thing on people. He has the NYCity brashness down cold. Well, it is him. The arrogance of a billionaire and the canny street smarts of a knife fighter.
His neatly combed opponents are not ready for this. This unseemly behavior. This disrespect for the Party norms.
Watch his lips. Disdain. Dismissal. Someone said he had "butthole lips" but I am not going to repeat this canard. At least not in a headline. But they weren't wrong.
Trump simply does not give a shit because he does not have to. Ironically, it has driven enough of the yahoos wild to support him. The know-nothings of the right are crazed with excitement over this rich man who got his on the backs of the their own people. But this has always been true. The stupid always support their oppressor. Mice praising cats.
This is not a surprise. The booboisie of this country have always supported the most oppressive leaders. It is how Hitler rose to power. And a host of other hard hearted bastards who want power for power's sake.
Now Donald is not that bad. He has power already. He just wants some more, a sickness in and of itself. And he does not care how he gets this power.
Donald has the moves down. Good coaching. He is very good at self deprecation. The homely aside. He is like a dog with a bone. Stay away from me until it is gone. Dogged.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are collecting money off this show.
Yes Biden. My man Joe. Here he comes. Slow but sure. Still "deciding" but doing all the right things.
Labels: Donald Trump, Election 2016, GOoPers, GOP
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Papal bullshit
So the Pope's "people" don't want any queers at his gatherings here in the US.
Vatican Reportedly Irked by LGBT Guest List at Pope’s White House Ceremony
You know that I have no patience for any of this nonsense. The dress up in girlie gowns and the excessive use of basically feminine symbols. The pope is as gay an institution as comes along. Just like "his" church.
"Infested" with queer priests, the roman church still tries to keep its closet doors tight and to screw everyone else's doors too.
And so on.
Rant, rant, rant. I just hate all this stuff.
It is none of my business why people buy into it all. The opera, the sideshow, the godless displays.
I will leave them to it.
But please, keep your mouth shut about the gay people who have had the courage to come out and be who they are despite the medieval hocus pocus of the man in the white coat whoever he currently is. I hear he turns magically into jesus or something. I know. That is not the truth but I can spread a rumor just like the next one.
What I cannot figure is why anyone who is gay would want to cuddle up to these monsters other than the fact that they retain the faint hope that some day these closet cases will somehow come out and bless the regular gay people who are not so fortunate to wear a funny outfit.
Not in my lifetime.
There that feels better. I have stifled my impatience over this masquerade for a long time. I know that there is a catholic reading this. Sorry. Your people are just jerks and there is no two ways around it.
I hope this is a picture of the current pope. Is it? They have been re-emerging a lot lately.

Labels: christists
Service day
It is autumn and that means a return to monthly meetings of our condo board.
I sort of missed it while we were off. Only two months, but still. I still signed the checks and did my Treasurer stuff.
We had a good turnout of owners and some old and new problems to work on.
We continue to attempt the purchase of our entire east section, the land, from the Indian Tribe.
They are flummoxed by the death of original owners and big families so that the plot in question now has 63 separate owners. Fortunately we do not meet with all of them but since the tribe is reluctant to push, our committee is going to the largest owners to try for some movement.
It will work out. Slowly.
The rest of the stuff was pretty routine. A few permissions for rehab and an owner who is pissing off all his neighbors and breaking association rules.
The meeting lasts about two hours which is fine. Most of the work is done by a professional management company who are very competent to act. We give them direction and act as a buffer between them and owners.
It is nice to be back in the business of condo-ing. I have always been on some committee or other and I am happy to be doing this here and now.
Labels: condo
Coming out lonely
Another coming out film, young adult anguish.
But good anguish.
It isn't so much that the guys here are upset about being gay. More that they are young and can't do a lot about their love in a repressive society.
Even that sounds worse than it is here.
Otra Pelicula de Amor / Another Movie About Love (2104)
Irony in the title but not in the story line.
This is just a nice little romance in Spain and the boys will get along very well. If not with each other, eventually, in the world. They surely have a good start.
A little magical realism never hurt anyone and there is enough in this film to make it just a bit beyond the norm of this kind of enterprise.
All gay stories are essentially coming out stories so there needs to be some salt and pepper to keep them seasoned well.
Labels: film, films, gay films
Friday, September 18, 2015
I am not too surprised by the lackluster performance of Jeb (!) Bush.
He is a wonk. He was always a wonk. He will always be one.
Color is not in his repertoire.
Of course, this is not a bad thing. But to be so bland and colorless as to disappear on the stage with other really lesser political hacks takes a certain kind of self denial.
I read that he was stepping on his tip toes in the photo to look taller.
Jeezuz Jeb! Who told you to do that? Mom?
And then he stood next to Mr. Color, the ego-master Trump. He even managed to make Jeb look lackluster by saying that he had more energy tonight. A left handed compliment if there ever was one.
This is interesting.
Jeb! Bush tries to spin momentum out of not totally crashing and burning in debate
I have been watching the three news nets every morning for a long time. Jeb has not even appeared on them in the last days. Fiorina? Yes, yes, yes. Trump? Of course. A little of Carson who is really a handsome charismatic man. He looks presidential. Far more so than any of the rest of them.
I guess Mom Barb was right. We have had enough Bushes.

Labels: Jeb Bush
Roughing it
Cuban cinema tends toward the verité.
And this film is no exception. The effect is to underline the class war and to show the corruption of the moneyed who prey on the less fortunate.
That said, today's film is also a pretty good melodramatic romance. While it is stoking the party line it is keeping us purring with some good emotional story line.
La Partida / The Last Match (2014)
The story is familiar. Two hustlers meet along the sea wall that serves as a hustler pickup point. One manages to score a good position as a kept boy. A rent boy is on a one time basis. An escort. The full time live in is much better. This leads him to get a chance to try out for a professional soccer (football) team. The other boy, his friend and sometime lover, is also on the wall waiting to be picked up but he is less able to get a foothold on the opportunities that come by.
There is chemistry and a love affair begins between the two hustlers. As so often happens, one is in love while the other is more in lust or, to be charitable, lets say "in like".
There aren't too many surprises here except that it is Cuban. So much for commie prudery. This is as sexy a film as you would want to see if you are into young men getting it on. Straights might have a less interesting time waiting through the screen kisses and romance.
Tough for the hets who have always had films made about their sexcapades while we sit out the sticky, sloppy, romantic parts of their romantic lives. Turn about is fair play.
I would rate this a 3 out of Netflix5. It was certainly worth seeing again and I did not remember how it turned out which is a good thing.
I suppose I should add that at least one hankie will be needed at the end. Perhaps two.
And another thing. Look at this frame. Going to Spain to get married is now for men too!
Thursday, September 17, 2015
I have talked about this before.
We moved from the ultra-anglo bah-stun accent, which I never adopted nor my kids, to a place that has a mixed language base so rich that one must admire the extent to which everyone understands each other completely.
I encountered this early. We had a gardener. We went shopping. We had, for god's sake, neighbors who spoke in dialects that were totally new to us.
That is all in the back wash now but I was reminded of our acculturation in this article today.
The Rolled R’s of Vanessa Ruiz
Now, I do not watch teevee so I do not know who Vanessa Ruiz might be (her name alone is a compression of two cultures) but I know what they are talking about.
For me, the whole latin heritage is very attractive. As a total germanic I am warmed by the sun of the Mexican language (I still say the x. Sorry, the aitch sound is so alien to me that I feel a fake).
And I will not adopt the bogus use of fake spanish words to mask my own heritage.
But it is interesting. A whole lot more than to think about the origins and practice of the Boston lingo.
It certainly took less than two seconds to understand this t-shirt.
Labels: language
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
In case anyone is keeping track, I broke a long standing policy for myself today.
I watched the film Clandestinos for a second time.
I wrote it up just a few items ago.
It has a lot going for it.
The story is very good. It is funny. The young men are sort of wannabe terrorists. But it is not a comedy. They are Basques and there is good reason. In the process, they get caught up with some real terrorists and, well, that is the crux of the situation.
There is a wonderful love affair between one of the young men and an older guy. But that would be telling also.
Done and done.
Coming out
A tough decision at any time.
With gay people, the coming out stories are always the first thing we hear once we get to know one another. Always. Always.
It is a form of building credibility. It is a form of honesty. And above all, it is how we demonstrate that we are all our stories.
Gay people discovered this early.
I am never too tired or too bored or too distant to hear a coming out story.
And to tell mine.
Coming out is so important. It is at least critical to mental health. But further to reduce and eliminate the terrible biases created by established religions and others who fear us more than life itself.
It is so crazy.
So, most of all, we do it for the bigots and the closed minded that they might, through personal example, learn about who we are and who they are also. A closed mind, a mind that hates is a sick mind. It should be treated with compassion and grace. But there are limits, eh?
Tim Cook of Apple made this decision for himself and shares it on Colbert.
Labels: apple, coming out
We got a lot of rain yesterday.
It was gentle and persistent and lasted all day. Just the kind that is needed to end the drought.
I am sure we need a lot more but, for now, there is a nice damp earth smell and the grass, such as it is, has brightened up.
There is, incidentally, a lot of second thought work about eliminating grass.
Like a lot of simplistic solutions, this creates some side issues.
Grass moderates temperature and provides balance for the CO2 levels that are around.
Sand or gravel take on a great deal more heat and will cause environmental problems of another kind.
Not to mention that without grass, no worms for birds to grab. No place for dogs to pee pee outside.
Grass is good.
Sometimes I think that folks must be ready to pick up and move off the land here and back to the big cities. Or, probably closer to the truth, to get rid of everyone else who has come to be where the nice weather and green are. There is a lot of "not me but you" in all this.
Labels: environment, grass
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Today's spanish film combines terror, teen age hoods and gay hustlers.
What a mix, eh?
But it all turns out pretty well in
A cop has a young boy friend who gets into trouble with some terrorists. Basques. He is part of a threesome who are already in trouble. The film covers their days as three musketeers into the romance with a cop and the final outcome.
I have enjoyed this film every time I watch it. Very rich. Unique. No way to tell how things are going to turn out and I am not going to say.
One way to describe this film is that it is a suspense thriller that happens to be gay. I like that description more somehow.
A 5 out of Netflix5.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Making one's Mark
laissez le bon temps rouler!
I don't know why I find this so amusing but I do. Marky Mark has come a long way. But both are a little superannuated. Early careers, blooming, then fading some.
Biding their remaining time.
Labels: religionists
Home town
Boston will always be my home town.
I adopted it as such when I went to MIT and stayed there for nearly forever. Or at least within 50 miles maximum.
In the last years I lived within a very short distance from the distinctively designed City Hall and it huge expanse of red brick paving on the Cambridge Street side. It was actually our back yard.
I even met John for the first time on the brick field. He worked at City Hall and we were to meet at the T station on the right end. I can still see him coming towards me. I knew it was him.
And it was.
So this comes as a funny shock.
Boston Enlivens City Hall Plaza by Rolling Out Green Carpet
Someone covered it up with fake grass and put in lawn chairs.
An obvious joke but apparently not appreciated by some. There are always a few killjoys.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Japanese fluff
Today's film is like a television soap.
All kinds of ups and downs for the principals. Near misses, final happiness. Maybe.
A teacher finds that one of his new students is a young man he has had sex with at a brothel.
A rich kid slumming it.
Now he has to move through the drama of it all. Watch out for the soap suds. It gets a little slippery in
Boys Love gekijouban / School Boy Crush / Boys Love 2
There is no thin line between pederasty and prostitution. Gay for pay. And this film stays way over that line. There are no boys here. Very mature teeners.
That said, I did not watch it or like it because of the erotic punch of which there is a mild jolt. I just liked the kind of moony romantic haze that lies over the whole thing including a sometimes visible layer of studio made fog that makes every thing gauzy when guys are mooning over one another mostly indoors. Outdoors, things are crisp and clear. Even a suicide leaps out of the frame.
It is an amusing conceit to do this kind of film school thing and speaks well for the people who made the movie and had the guts to add some artiness to what is basically an R=rated pants stiffener. Or wants to be.
Anyway, shoot me. I liked it and enjoyed it and will see it again sometimes when I want my heart to go putty-pat.
Incidentally, there are no reviews for this film anywhere even on IMDb where at least individuals sometimes record their star ratings. Came and went so to speak.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Life in the time of HIV
It is the early 80s and AIDS has been around a few years.
A test for HIV has been invented.
Hence this film about how these events impact a male dancer and his friends.
Almost all of this film centers on the activities of a small dance troupe so there is a lot of performance to watch. In between there is a story about what the HIV test meant to some gay men and how they dealt with the results.
It is beautifully done and part of our collection. It should be seen by everyone.
The dance is modern something and pretty to watch as all the men are shirtless.
Part of our collection, it is a 5. And if it just came along probably a 3 or 4.
Labels: dance, films, gay films
No one made passes at the guy who wore glasses
"What a weird year"
That is Gail Collins observation today as she laments the termination of Rick Perry's presidential campaign.
Such as it was.
The column is filled with choice bits. Perry was a favorite target. This means that Collins had to fire off all her ammo on this farewell page.
As a presidential candidate in 2015, Perry’s only talent seemed to be getting money from very rich acquaintances. His political action committee still had cash, but it wasn’t allowed to coordinate with the candidate, or give his campaign any of its money. By the end Perry had no staff, and he was wandering like a Labrador retriever being pulled around by a helium balloon attached to his collar.Prime.
It remains to be seen whether the GOoPer slate will diminish slowly or suddenly. In the meantime it is fine to just watch and see the obvious losers drop off the bandwagon.
Labels: GOoPers
Friday, September 11, 2015
Suspense under water
Today's film owes a lot to Alfred Hitchcock including the slight taint of irrationality to the plot and the principals.
L'inconnu du lac / Stranger by the Lake ((2014)
Not to spoil anything about this Ebert **** film but when Michel goes to the beach and sees someone get drowned he does not run to the cops because, why? Afraid? Maybe. He is a gay man in a notorious cruise spot at a nude lake beach. And it is dark. And, and, and.
The pace of the film is very carefully calculated to stop the critical thinking. It also helps that not one of the male principles wears any clothing. Well, the cop. But he is nerdy skinny. And a straight man who sits and watches, an observer of the human scene. Obese. Everyone else is camera ready.
The sex is mostly explicit with full arousal. None of that cuddle up and pretend penetration. And yet there is nothing obscene about it. Like all good erotica, it has a punch. And in this case advances the story. At one point our hero, begging to realize he is consorting with a murderer loses his erection and is caught out at it. The beginning of the end for the two lovers.
The idea that danger, even extreme danger increases libido is not new. It might be disputable but it is real here in the film. When they are hot they are hot and when they are not, no.
This is a 5 out of Netflix5. Very well made except for a couple of mismatches of color correction from scene to scene. Hard to figure. A last minute edit that said "to hell with it". It isn't disturbing but it is distracting reminding us that, in my mother's assuring words to me as a mere child, "it is only a movie".
I used to stay at the Waldorf whenever I went to New York City.
In its prime.
I loved the place. The rooms, the ambience, the restaurants downstairs.
The desk staff knew me. Caché.
And it was paid by my client who was also rich. And even for the ones who were not, I stayed there anywhere. My philosophy was that if you couldn't afford to put me up well then you couldn't afford me.
My fees were already the highest traffic would bear and a bit more so the expenses should be also.
I remember the coffee shop very well. Oscars. A former head chef's name. Great food. Nice people. I couldn't afford the dining rooms. Nor would/could my clients.
US to shun Chinese-owned Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
Imagine. The Waldorf.
The walls wired for sound. I doubt this but you never know. Besides, I am with the Obamas. Fuck the Chinese wherever possible. Even if it is PR.
Of course, you have to know what they own and these days that can be quietly sheltered. Nothing quiet about this. The Waldorf.
Labels: life
And then......
I fully believe Biden's position at this time.
And, I also see it as a really effective campaign step if he does choose to run.
Cynically, we could believe that this is to throw the Clintons off balance. It sill surely do that.
A no is a no and Joe did not say no. He said "not now".
There can be no joy in Clintonville today. She has got to be watching over her shoulder. And if nothing else it will keep her from getting that old Clinton hubris going. The kind that sinks them every time no matter how good they are.
The Clinton curse.
She is as bound up in it as he is.
But when they are threatened, they are at their very best. On their toes and doing the right thing. The thrive on trouble.
And if there isn't any brewing on the outside, they will stew some up themselves. Bill will be found with an aide on his lap. Hillary will be found lying about something. It is an act and like all acts requires constant rehearsal to keep fresh.
Of course, they are not unique. All politicians have this shell self they project. But the Clintons have made it an art and often seem to believe it themselves. Not a good idea, that one.
Labels: Hillary Clinton, The Clintons
Biden his time
There is no doubt that Joe Biden is taking a run for the highest office seriously.
I would have liked to see this last night.
Biden says he's unsure he can commit fully to be president
It is a sad thing. But he is an honest man and we have to accept that.
I would support Biden in a moment, the moment he says that he can shoulder the responsibility.
And his candor is clearly one of his greatest assets. He has always worn his heart on his sleeve.
The loss of an oldest son or any son or any child at any age has to be profound. It is not supposed to work that way.
I get to go before my kids.
When it reverses the process the balance of our natures is upset.
I wish Joe well and I am there when he calls.
If it is to be Ms. Clinton, so be it. But I will not be as engaged as I was before. My electoral enthusiasm will be one of those things that pass with time.
My God. Look at that charisma.
Actually, look at the two of them. This is Colbert's first week and he has astounded with his gravity and clear ability to carry the new show to some success.

Labels: Joe Biden
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Best friends
What happens when a gay man comes out after some years to his family and friends?
That can be a long story and there are many variations.
We see one of these in today's film
And it is not pretty.
In a lower middle class family and with a best friend for life. How can a man be honest in what is going on with him if it is gay?
A lot of us faced this dilemma and then lived it out.
In my case, a best friend has never recovered. Another acted politely and then removed from the scene.
But these are also age old relationships which had a shelf life anyway.
Such is not the case in the movie today and it is not a happy ending. But it is realistic for some men.
It is required viewing I think for gay men and friends of gay men. The ones who need to see it will not look but it will help us realize there are limits and asking for understanding and support may not always be the best policy.
Gail Collins is back on the election beat and introduces us to the GOoPers who would be king.
Sorry. I forgot. No divine right to the US Presidents.
A Presidential Primary Cheat Sheet
I want to welcome Collins back into the bullpen.
It is high time for her return to the workings of the electoral system and those who would like to wallow in it.

Labels: GOoPers
Wednesday, September 09, 2015
Today's film did not really get distributed.
I cannot understand why. Perhaps because it is about loneliness, or memory, or yearning, or that it is a film film. It depends on time to make itself felt. No instant gratification here.
It is sad that few people will get to see it.
It comes from Horace: "He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses a stream".
Theo goes to Switzerland to find out about his father, a suicide. He finds a recluse who knew the Dad well. Most of the movie is the story the hermit guy tells.
The film is full of mountains and rolling fog and beautiful meadows. Alpine beauty.
The actors are superb. It is a two man tour de force.
So many good films fall to the wayside. This is not a deep film but it has lots of feelings. Very well made. A 5 out of Netflix5 for me.
I might even watch it again tomorrow but probably not. Digestion is important.
Oh. The gay part. Solid and realistic and quite touching. All of it. It goes beyond sexuality into identity.
Monday, September 07, 2015
Labor till you drop
Labor Day is still a significant holiday for some working people.
I suppose.
When I was a kid, I was a member of a union for awhile. The Retail Clerks International Federation.
As far as I could tell, they collected our dues and that was about it.
Contracts were instituted with the food chains and wages were subject to negotiation.
Today, labor unions are still an entity but not nearly as influential as they were at that time.
Now Labor Day exists in the absence of serious union activity. It has become a time for tired political speeches and a lot of nice talk about the "working people".
I didn't stop working when I quit the union and went to college. I became a middle manager. There have been attempts to organize managers and office workers but most of the action today is pretty meek and mild. Some would say that the unions have been co-opted by management. I would say that the unions just ran out of steam.
When is the last time you heard about a national strike in this country?
Of course, liberal labor laws have helped a great deal.
I started working when I was 14. You had to have working papers. It was some kind of protection. Employers were forced to behave in specific ways for young workers who at that time were the most victimized workers of all. Not too far away from my home, little kids had worked as coal pickers. Virtual slaves.
Now, Labor Day is just a day off for those who labor. For me, it is a day without mail. And some memories.
Also a little sadness that I never got to march on a picket line. I had to use the peace movement and gay liberation as an excuse to get into the streets.
More history at First Labor Day Parade nearly had no music, no marchers
Sunday, September 06, 2015
Never too old
Gay people never get tired of telling their coming out stories.
And often, it is other gay people who want to hear it. We never tire of listening for how others came out and through the process. Straights are curious but not really into it. I understand that. I don't want to hear about their sexual awakenings either.
The series of the same name
Coming Out: First Season (2013)
was today's "film".
It is made in Montreal and hence needs the subtitles. There are a lot of good films rising out of French speaking Canada and this series is exemplary. You would not see something like this in the States. I think. But then, what do I know about teevee in the US?
There are a lot of characters but the continuity is solid enough that we do not get lost. And they do not do a lot of the aggravating "in the previous episode" shit.
It helps that the episodes are only ten minutes long. It takes maybe 130 minutes to see the entire season.
The other thing about this series is that it has explicit sex, gay sex, which is not on offer here. Leave it to the French.
I liked it very much and will see the second season soon. Maybe even tomorrow.
Incidentally, there is a German film of the same name which we just watched. An unusual duplication in the film business which doesn't like to repeat its names. Perhaps a language issue.
Labels: films, gay films, television
Saturday, September 05, 2015
It is always something with the Clintons.
Clinton says family paid State Dept employee for email work
Even I think this sounds fishy.
But she will string it out with explanations just like they always do.
I really do not give a dump about whether she had personal or political emails on her server at State or in her personal office.
But they protest so much and explain at great length so that the shadow of a doubt lengthens or, worse, the shadow jumps out from behind the corner where it is lurking and that is all we are talking about.
Not any issues that matter. Not why it is time for a Democrat to hold the highest office. Not where the interest of the people lie.
With the Clintons it is always them first.
It really pisses me off.
Labels: Hillary Clinton, The Clintons
It is nice to see gay films that emulate sweet straight romances.
But let's not go too far overboard.
Flowers and candy are not enough to get his man, so other tactics are called for in
A bitchy roommate, a death in the family, gay dating norms all get in the way as Matthew Montgomery pursues the boyish Windham Beacham.
It just shows how far we have come. We get to have the kitsch right along with the heterosexual people.
This is a "matinee" film, the kind of movie that would have had Doris Day and Rock Hudson in an earlier time. Now that Rock is out of the closet, we can show what it would really be like if he could get his man instead of the singing Doris.
Anyway, I am very happy we have come this far. The movie is quite enjoyable and rates a 3 out of Netflix5.
Friday, September 04, 2015
Wild life
Tonight's walk with Marcus featured a live appearance of a young coyote.
Not bad in and of itself but we were in kind of a dead end place with no where to escape but past the coyote.
Fortunately, the coyote was less freaked by the whole thing than Marcus who wanted to go visit or whatever his brain was signaling. I hope not fight. But for sure, not flight.
I do have to consider that Marcus was looking to protect me. That makes a lot more sense than that he wanted to visit.
I am pretty sure that the coyote's scent had already been picked up. Marcus had been rather excited for the first part of the walk.
But, as these things go, the coyote pretty much stood still. On guard but still. Camouflaged and maybe unseen.
We got out of the dead end through a side lawn and headed home from there.
This is not unusual particularly in summer. They come down to get food and water and we have an abundance of both. When the sprinklers go on he will do as Marcus does. Drink right out of the "faucet".
And as for food, I saw some large succulent bunnies today. Marcus has been watching them too.
This is the time of the year that we do not see any cats wandering around. This was the case over in the old neighborhood. Summertime, coyotes, looking for a meal. Fresh cat.
John also thinks that people put food out for them. I cannot imagine what they are thinking but I gave up on that subject a long time ago. Hard to know what anyone is thinking, even me.
Tonight I was thinking "let's get the fuck out of here bud". And we did.
The closet kills
Two young police recruits meet in training.
They connect. One is openly gay, the other is "doubtful". But there is nothing doubtful about the fireworks when the two connect with one another.
Freier Fall / Free Fall (2013)
Unfortunately the doubtful one has married to provide cover for himself.
The film is about how well this works for him.
There is a lot of pain in the process. Denial can come at a brutal cost.
The two principals are great with each other and on their own as each works through what is and has gone on between them.
"Oh what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
Great little film with a hole in it. Things do not wrap up the way they should. Or is that because I wanted a "happily ever after".
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Shorted out
Today, a collection of short films which share a horror theme.
I didn't like them very much.
This is where a lot of film makers get their start. Short films that, for the most part, appear only in festivals. Palm Springs has such an event. Four or five days.
The first problem with these is that they are mostly made by newbies. Near amateurs. It shows. Also, very low budget. There being no audience for shorts, there is no income.
Another thing, new often means sensational. These are mostly sensational. Too much so. Looking to shock. One or two manage. The others seem silly.
Second problem, no idea has enough time to get played out. Singular in outlook, usually one person, a little twisted, has something going and we get to see it and little else.
There is also something a bit incongruous and retro about the concept of gay "horror". Often, the result gets a little too close to the old scare tactics used to keep innocent kids away from the faggots.
I wish I had remembered what these were like when I first saw the DVD. I would not repeat view. I feel like I wasted my time on this.
Oddly, just a note, there is one film in the trailer that does not appear in the DVD.
Wednesday, September 02, 2015
Why this will be fun
One thing about Donald Trump is that he is unorthodox.
Unpredictable. About to say anything and everything. He is not beholden to anyone.
He is working this immigrant thing pretty hard.
And he is pinning the tail on Jeb while he is doing it.
Donald Trump: Jeb Bush should be 'speaking English while in the United States'
Land 'o goshen.
Donald is diving for the nuts. Not nice. But probably very effective.
Jeb has a hispanic wife. He is bi-lingual. Normally a good thing. But the skill of a bully like Trump is to find the good qualities and make them look bad. Then tie some tin cans on the tail of the guy he is trying to beat.
The rules of politics as understood by the political class preempt this sort of behavior.
But Trump doesn't mind.
Labels: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush
Under his skin
Jebbie is discomforted.
I suspect this is a new condition for the pampered, mom-promoted bushie.
A Once-Sunny Jeb Bush Appears Irked in Donald Trump’s Shadow
Chuckle chuckle.
The "good bush" is having some problems staying above water.
I suspect, partly, that he is a kind of empty vessel. So cool, so undaunted. An easy time as a governor of one of least states, Florida.
A glad hander, a pandering smile. I could go on but I will not.
Let's face it, Jeb is not presidential timber. Or timbre either. Some argument about which one is meant in the cliché.
He is certainly not George W., thank heaven. And certainly not his Dad who wasn't all that bad really.
It would appear that they are keeping the harridan Mom out of the picture. Good thing.
The last thing he needs now is one of her smart ass comments like the one she made a few years ago about there having been "enough Bushes".
You go girl.
Family news
There have been a lot of films reviewed, but no personal news.
No political comments either.
I suppose that I am lying low.
On the personal front, we are back from vacations. Resettling.
I am back at the gym and not to badly out of shape. I kept up this morning pretty well and only looked at my watch about ten times. But I stayed with it. It will get easier.
It is time to renew some activities like the condo complex Board. Signing the checks has been normal but we have not met since June. No one is here and there is not a lot that requires our attention. But we are gearing up for the new season which begins in a few weeks.
There is an owner who is asking to do his own landscaping on common land. Not possible. Gotta get the Landscape Committee on that one. The expenses are under budget. I am ready for the next Treasurer's report as soon as our managers write it up for me. So much for that.
The family is doing fine. I am on dog watch this afternoon. Feed and short walk, while John is off on some business.
The weather is cooling and this morning all the doors opened to temperatures in the 70s.
Welcome autumn.
We even have a few falling leaves off the hibiscus and lantanas which do molt but not quite in the same way as back east. Seasonal but not dramatic. They turn yellow and drop. New small leaves break out and the next thing we know, in October, the bushes will be full again.
There are some tall sycamores on the other side of the complex which are going to have a leaf falling autumn and some of that has started. Love them every year.
So change. Cooler. Back to work.
Small town romance
In today's film, the odds are stacked against our two heroes finding each other.
The town is small but they travel in different circles. One is just getting out of a marriage, the other has just lost his long time lover to an unknown disease. A stroke?
In any case, before the end, they find each other and, more than that, find that there is a love interest for them.
This is a nice film. Slow and easy. Nicely positive. No bad bumps.
I am not sure of the title. The film is not about racing. It is not about, well, they do meet at a Texaz truck stop. OK.
This is a 3 out of Netflix 5.
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Based on real life
Joe Orton wrote comedies that were very edgy for their times.
His life was not too different than the plays but less funny.
Today's Stephen Frears' film about Orton and his lover Kenneth Hallowell who killed Orton in a fit of, well, just a fit. They didn't get along very well.
Gary Oldman is Orton, Alfred Molina is Hallowell and to bring it all together they have Vanessa Redgrave as Orton's agent. Wallace Shawn is the reporter to whom Redgrave tells the story. A play within a play about plays.
I think that Molina runs away with it. He is very good. Self pity run amok.
I give it a 5 out of Netflix5 because it is quite a wonderful, albeit upsetting film.