
Wednesday, September 16, 2015


We got a lot of rain yesterday.

It was gentle and persistent and lasted all day. Just the kind that is needed to end the drought.

I am sure we need a lot more but, for now, there is a nice damp earth smell and the grass, such as it is, has brightened up.

There is, incidentally, a lot of second thought work about eliminating grass.

Like a lot of simplistic solutions, this creates some side issues.

Grass moderates temperature and provides balance for the CO2 levels that are around.

Sand or gravel take on a great deal more heat and will cause environmental problems of another kind.

Not to mention that without grass, no worms for birds to grab. No place for dogs to pee pee outside.

Grass is good.

Sometimes I think that folks must be ready to pick up and move off the land here and back to the big cities. Or, probably closer to the truth, to get rid of everyone else who has come to be where the nice weather and green are. There is a lot of "not me but you" in all this.

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