
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Touch touchy 

The Clintons are very sensitive.

There is nothing new in that.

But the paranoia gets very boring.

They fail to see that people are picking on them because they are in politics. Duhhhh!

And not only that, they are particularly vulnerable to bullies because they do the first thing that a victim is taught not to do. They cry and whine.

I learned that one as a kid and a sissy. Complaint and cry baby stuff only eggs them on.

The Clintons have not learned that.

Now here comes Bill.

Bill Clinton Blames GOP and News Media for Wife's Email Woes

Yup. It is someone else's fault.

First of all, the email thing is pure Clinton. Second systems, hidden files. They are always asking for it. Political masochism.

This is why I hope that Joe Biden can overcome his own burdens and decide to run. We need him now.


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