Sunday, September 20, 2015
Trouble in GOoPersville
The Republicans are in turmoil.
One only has to watch the three cable sets in my gym to see it.
There are so many candidates that none are getting coverage. Only the more outrageous Trump who, this week, has been chewing the scenery on all mornings, all of the time.
Apparently, in true GOoPer fashion, they had hoped to manipulate the process so this would not happen. Also, in true GOoPer fashion, their plans have gone awry and the results are severely wanting.
Party Rules to Streamline Race May Backfire for G.O.P.
Get a bag of popcorn and watch the show.
Have you seen Trump do his trump thing on people. He has the NYCity brashness down cold. Well, it is him. The arrogance of a billionaire and the canny street smarts of a knife fighter.
His neatly combed opponents are not ready for this. This unseemly behavior. This disrespect for the Party norms.
Watch his lips. Disdain. Dismissal. Someone said he had "butthole lips" but I am not going to repeat this canard. At least not in a headline. But they weren't wrong.
Trump simply does not give a shit because he does not have to. Ironically, it has driven enough of the yahoos wild to support him. The know-nothings of the right are crazed with excitement over this rich man who got his on the backs of the their own people. But this has always been true. The stupid always support their oppressor. Mice praising cats.
This is not a surprise. The booboisie of this country have always supported the most oppressive leaders. It is how Hitler rose to power. And a host of other hard hearted bastards who want power for power's sake.
Now Donald is not that bad. He has power already. He just wants some more, a sickness in and of itself. And he does not care how he gets this power.
Donald has the moves down. Good coaching. He is very good at self deprecation. The homely aside. He is like a dog with a bone. Stay away from me until it is gone. Dogged.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are collecting money off this show.
Yes Biden. My man Joe. Here he comes. Slow but sure. Still "deciding" but doing all the right things.
Labels: Donald Trump, Election 2016, GOoPers, GOP