
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Irresistible story 

This is so typically British that I had to put it in.

The Prime Minister Did What With a Cow's Head?

I say typical in that the Brits have a way of suppressing things until they can't keep it in any more and then, whammo! Right in the, well, cow's head.


Of all the things to stick it in to.

But that is the Brit part. The sticking it in is just plain male teenage libido. The cow's head part is somewhere in the pastoral history when the fields of England were more rural than otherwise and boys could play with various animal parts to their heart's content.

This happens everywhere of course. Not just in Britain. But the British reserve somehow makes it all the more hilarious. At least to me.

Under every stiff lip there is a vibrating oral stimulation compulsion waiting for an outlet.

What did you think they meant about the stiff upper lip?

And it was in this article that I found the new word for today. Jouissance.

In British circles, as is so often the case, the question of jouissance is secondary to that of class. The lurid story carries weight, not merely because it is embarrassing to a powerful politician, but because it speaks to inherited privilege and entitlement.

......NYT 092415.


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