
Friday, September 04, 2015

Wild life 


Tonight's walk with Marcus featured a live appearance of a young coyote.

Not bad in and of itself but we were in kind of a dead end place with no where to escape but past the coyote.

Fortunately, the coyote was less freaked by the whole thing than Marcus who wanted to go visit or whatever his brain was signaling. I hope not fight. But for sure, not flight.

I do have to consider that Marcus was looking to protect me. That makes a lot more sense than that he wanted to visit.

I am pretty sure that the coyote's scent had already been picked up. Marcus had been rather excited for the first part of the walk.

But, as these things go, the coyote pretty much stood still. On guard but still. Camouflaged and maybe unseen.

We got out of the dead end through a side lawn and headed home from there.

This is not unusual particularly in summer. They come down to get food and water and we have an abundance of both. When the sprinklers go on he will do as Marcus does. Drink right out of the "faucet".

And as for food, I saw some large succulent bunnies today. Marcus has been watching them too.

This is the time of the year that we do not see any cats wandering around. This was the case over in the old neighborhood. Summertime, coyotes, looking for a meal. Fresh cat.

John also thinks that people put food out for them. I cannot imagine what they are thinking but I gave up on that subject a long time ago. Hard to know what anyone is thinking, even me.

Tonight I was thinking "let's get the fuck out of here bud". And we did.

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