Friday, September 18, 2015
I am not too surprised by the lackluster performance of Jeb (!) Bush.
He is a wonk. He was always a wonk. He will always be one.
Color is not in his repertoire.
Of course, this is not a bad thing. But to be so bland and colorless as to disappear on the stage with other really lesser political hacks takes a certain kind of self denial.
I read that he was stepping on his tip toes in the photo to look taller.
Jeezuz Jeb! Who told you to do that? Mom?
And then he stood next to Mr. Color, the ego-master Trump. He even managed to make Jeb look lackluster by saying that he had more energy tonight. A left handed compliment if there ever was one.
This is interesting.
Jeb! Bush tries to spin momentum out of not totally crashing and burning in debate
I have been watching the three news nets every morning for a long time. Jeb has not even appeared on them in the last days. Fiorina? Yes, yes, yes. Trump? Of course. A little of Carson who is really a handsome charismatic man. He looks presidential. Far more so than any of the rest of them.
I guess Mom Barb was right. We have had enough Bushes.

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