Saturday, September 19, 2015
Papal bullshit
So the Pope's "people" don't want any queers at his gatherings here in the US.
Vatican Reportedly Irked by LGBT Guest List at Pope’s White House Ceremony
You know that I have no patience for any of this nonsense. The dress up in girlie gowns and the excessive use of basically feminine symbols. The pope is as gay an institution as comes along. Just like "his" church.
"Infested" with queer priests, the roman church still tries to keep its closet doors tight and to screw everyone else's doors too.
And so on.
Rant, rant, rant. I just hate all this stuff.
It is none of my business why people buy into it all. The opera, the sideshow, the godless displays.
I will leave them to it.
But please, keep your mouth shut about the gay people who have had the courage to come out and be who they are despite the medieval hocus pocus of the man in the white coat whoever he currently is. I hear he turns magically into jesus or something. I know. That is not the truth but I can spread a rumor just like the next one.
What I cannot figure is why anyone who is gay would want to cuddle up to these monsters other than the fact that they retain the faint hope that some day these closet cases will somehow come out and bless the regular gay people who are not so fortunate to wear a funny outfit.
Not in my lifetime.
There that feels better. I have stifled my impatience over this masquerade for a long time. I know that there is a catholic reading this. Sorry. Your people are just jerks and there is no two ways around it.
I hope this is a picture of the current pope. Is it? They have been re-emerging a lot lately.

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