Thursday, September 30, 2004
If you are feeling down, read today's Zogby. He says the the numbers still show that it is Kerry's to lose. Look at the approval numbers of the undecided voter.
Today's movie; NYTimes 1176Best Films; documentary by Fernando Trueba, Spanish director, writer, producer; whose love of latin jazz led him to track down his favorite stars and put together this transcendent work.
It is a tribute and a record of disappearing greats (Gato Barbieri is 82) but more, it is a drama. Trueba has managed to cast, write, and direct a piece that has a beginning, middle, and end. It has a story arc which is only implied, but we get it. It has a climax like few 'drama' pics. The players know that they are part of something special, I think, and really put out an incredible level of energy. I had to take a break in the middle. I guess you can infer that I really enjoyed it. I was not in a good mood just before I put it on. The election blues and so on. I was riding a high very quickly and it is still on.
It reminded me of the great jazz band shorts that used to precede film features. Yes, there was such a time. Up to half an hour of them; then a 90 minute film. The long long films pushed the shorts out. That and money. Many of the music shorts were lovingly produced as this film is. I floated through my memory bank as the images passed. One segment, especially, is presented here in black and white. This is the most blatant homage to the genre.
The structure is simple. We meet each musician, often, ironically, in the snowy winter of New York. We go from the cold to the hot of the jazz. There are some whiz bang surprise exceptions.
High spots. I mentioned Gato Barbieri. Tito Puente still smiling. The Gonzaléz Brothers' (Jerry shown above, Andy plays with many of the other groups as session man) Fort Apache Jazz band. Checho and Bebo Valdes (son and father–shown below) who play together for the first time in five years. And so on.
This might be worth buying for future watches. Oh. If you rent or buy it do not plan to watch this on your computer. I had it on the stereo surround-sound very loud. John shut his office door. Not his thing.
A 5 out of Netflix 5.
If this doesn't drive people to MAC for their new computer what would?
Security: Even on a brand-new Windows machine, you should immediately obtain an arsenal of security programs, and keep them updated. One recent test showed that a brand-new, unprotected Windows machine became infected with viruses in just 20 minutes on the Internet.We all hold our breath, of course, and refuse to gloat for fear of jinxing ourselves; but to-date, there have been no MacViruses. Period. This and a whole lot more (the new iMac in the same price range is faster then the PC) in today's Wall Street Journal. I don't link it because you have to subscribe (50.00+) and my 'scription won't let you pass (they tell me).
I think that Walt Mossberg is one of the best overall pop-computer critics. The guy at the New York Times is the best MAC guy; David Pogue. He writes the Manuals you should have gotten with the machine. I don't think he is at NYT anymore though.
This from the LA Times this morning: $26-Million Deal Will Save 8,800 Acres of Fragile Desert. We have been waiting for this for a long time.
There was a big scare for a while when a local developer, with no scruples whatever, planned for a community of 100,000 people. This on land that is now mostly horse country and wide open desert. The thing about feeding the dunes is a big deal. Desert turtles, other habitat sensitive species would be lost with this kind of land grab.
The whole thing happened because the local conservationists fought the developer tooth and nail. The local governments are useless in this kind of issue; frozen between the issues of tax base and life style. Most people did not move hear to live in another suburban ghetto. The development would have been between where this says 'Dunes' and the mile scale; the flat squarish areas. Then, touching the Little San Bernardinos which is the boundary of the Joshua Tree National Park and on the south, the Coachella Preserve. Basically, Dillon Road which is a great two lane secondary road, filled with roly-poly 'thank you ma'ams', would be the center line of the development.

Once the developer gave up, The Nature Conservancy stepped in and bundled the deal with other state and local conservation groups. The Nature Conservancy is one of the best charities with the lowest overhead. They put deals together and are champs of working through difficult stewardship issues. They also have a lot of clout with government. We are members.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
For those who wondered how bush supporters could be so enthusiastic about him, here is the answer: Bush Supporters Misread Many of His Foreign Policy Positions.
Not that it will make you feel any better that, through their ignorance and his fabrication, much of the bush-base is in the dark. But you will still be better informed than the bush supporter who believes s/he has the facts and doesn't even know they do not. Incidentally, I use the word 'ignorance' in the kindest way possible. A lot of people believe what they want to believe. We often call them 'victims'. The trouble is we are all in the same boat.
OH. And then there are those who have all the facts and are not only happy about it, they delight in pulling the wool over the eyes of those who are more innocent. These are the same cats who play the tricks, laugh at surfing pictures, and generally think politics is a game where dirty tactics are just the thing to do.
OK. Have I left anyone out?
Ike Eisenhower's son John will vote for Kerry: Why I Will Vote For John Kerry For President. And in the Union Leader too. The bastion of the old right. The wrong right. But old.
OK. We have Ron Reagan. How about the Nixon daughters? Ford's kids? The one that they said was a homo—Jack? I guess Herbert Hoover's family is too old to vote. Let's keep countin'.
Today's movie was LA CEREMONIE (1996); another of Claude Chabrol's dissections of class structure and dynamics.
In this case, rich liberals hire a young woman as a maid (even though it makes them nervous to call her that) who has a history and a secret and, eventually, a carefully nurtured set of resentments which are stoked by a new friend in the village (a wonderfully fucked up Isabelle Huppert). The friend also has a history. Let's say that everyone's history catches up with them; the family of four and the two young women. It is a tight, economic, absorbing film; a thriller.
Chabrol has done some great films and, while I cannot compare them all with this, I can say that this one is very fine. He started in the new wave and now has done some forty films of all genrés.
There is not a lot to say about this that won't amount to being a spoiler. So I will just give it a 4 out of Netflix5 and quit talking about something that is better seen than heard about.
Zogby has an intriguing piece on young men's attitude toward the war lords and their war party: 60% of Young Male Voters Say War in Iraq, “Not the Right Decision”; 59% Say President Bush Misled America and Executive Branch- Highly Responsible for the Problems that US faces Today, New Zogby/Williams Identity Poll Reveals
This is a big NYT day: How to Debate George Bush By Al Gore.
He would surely be the expert. Here is a snatch from a good piece of work:The biggest single difference between the debates this year and four years ago is that President Bush cannot simply make promises. He has a record. And I hope that voters will recall the last time Mr. Bush stood on stage for a presidential debate. If elected, he said, he would support allowing Americans to buy prescription drugs from Canada. He promised that his tax cuts would create millions of new jobs. He vowed to end partisan bickering in Washington. Above all, he pledged that if he put American troops into combat: "The force must be strong enough so that the mission can be accomplished. And the exit strategy needs to be well defined."
Quake Hits California 11 Years Late. We didn't feel it of course, although they did get some quakin' in Santa Ana which is right over the mountains from us. It was way up there in the big valley. Our big one was predicted for this month. So, in 2015................?
It is hard to figure out what is going on out there. There are the funny mile wide gaps and then there is Rasmussen, 1000 calls daily who shows a dead heat and has shown it that way for weeks. There is the IBD which shows the same. There are polls that show both guys on the electorals. And so on. I think that this is an unprecedented situation. Polls are not reliable. Neither am I. I don't know what is going to happen either.
The New York Times has a good article on Kerry's final lap strategy. Interestingly they say it comes from the time he lost and election. The idea is that people only really pay attention now and that all the rest is prelude; securing the base, tying down the main points on the stump; pressing the flesh. Now is the time people listen and close the deal.
He used this really well when he debated Weld 8 times. Weld was a great guy and I think I may have actually voted for him. He was very popular; the non-politician politician. He had been a great governor. Kerry wiped the floor with him. Perhaps he can do it again with a prez who is not nearly so popular and has done a really shitty job.
I hope so: A Fast Finisher's Reputation Now Faces the Ultimate Test.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
We are Initiative crazy in California. Ever since I arrived here, I have felt over my head in 'initiative' argument. I am aware that initiatives have done a lot to distort the economy and the finances of the state government. And so on.
Kevin Drum talks about this in The Washington Monthly for September 28: Why I Hate Ballot Initiatives.
Here are his three reasons not: 2. Initiatives are constitutional amendments, which means that once passed they are almost impossible to change — regardless of changes in the outside word. Even if I'm in favor of reforming bilingual education, for example, I don't think it belongs in the constitution. It belongs in the legislature, where it can be changed in reaction to new facts, new demographics, and the normal give and take of the political world. 3. Initiatives increasingly are used to mandate specific expenditures. The result of this is that today the legislature has control over only a fraction of the state budget. (And when you add in federal mandates, contractual obligations, and court-ordered spending, the California legislature has practical control of perhaps 15-20% of the entire budget.) This is a horrible way of implementing budget policy.1. In California, ballot initiatives were originally a progressive-era reform designed to provide a way for grass roots movements to bypass a frequently corrupt legislature. Today, however, it costs millions of dollars to qualify and pass a ballot initiative, and this means that they are now overwhelmingly the handmaiden of well-funded corporate interests, not ordinary citizens. That's the unfortunate reality, and I really don't think that wealthy special interests need yet another outlet for influencing the political process. Since the original intent of ballot initiatives has all but disappeared, I don't see the point of keeping them around.
SO. For now, I am considering a uniform negative on all the ballot initiatives that we have this time. The only possible yes is an initiative for stem cell research. Dunno. Maybe.

Today's movie is the sanitized version of the play so at least one of its balls are cut off.
Yet, it is still one of the NYTimes 1176 Best Films. It got six Oscar noms. I think the deal is Burl Ives in the Big Daddy role which he originated and has owned ever since. When he is own he holds the screen.
Judith Anderson has her moments but it is hard to forget MEDEA or something like that. She is too iconic to get through the role of Big Momma. I have never been much of a fan of Elizabeth Taylor; but my views on her abilities have always been hotly disputed by whoever I say this too, so I will hold my tongue.
That leaves us with Paul Newman whose part got sanitized. Brick is a big fat homo and even the film couldn't hide it. The crutch gets broken and all; the best friend Skipper's death has unmanned him. He is no longer able to maintain his bi-sexuality and do his duty with Maggie the Cat. And so on. Newman is very young here and smolders appropriately but the lid is on. The parts of the film that have deep resonance are the sessions with Big Daddy. The soft landing is a bit hard to swallow, but the bumpy ride is quite the thing.
A side item here is the appearance of Jack Carson as Goober. Carson (1910-1963-he died young) was a second banana; the guy who didn't get the girl; a funny-frustrated character actor who was in a lot of musicals and I really enjoyed watching. He probably should not have been cast in this but he rises to the occasion and brings a lot of sympathy to a role which hardly attracts any.

He was nominated by some guy for a special Oscar. Here is his tribute: ...............From "The NEW Biographical Dictionary of Film" by David Thomson"Never nominated or celebrated, never given lead roles in front-rank pictures, Jack Carson could be stupid, vacant, coarse, vain, amiable, decent, touching, nasty, hateful...even ordinary. Somehow one doubts that he ever got, or needed, much direction. Instead he understood story and character. He was cast and he was relied on, and let us say that one in ten times he was indelible...Apart from that, he was only perfect."
Carson did a lot of radio and teevee. He had a short lived TV show which I don't think I ever saw. I know that this is so trivial but somewhere in life I got caught with this guy and whenever he appears, all this stuff comes back in on me. I even remember a series of Doris Day movies where he and Dennis Morgan did a duo thing.
Monday, September 27, 2004

I don't know if I can handle listening to the debates. My guy lost the last ones I heard. Don't get me wrong, I am with Kerry; but, well, Howard is still in my heart.
I say listen because we cannot (or will not) watch. No teevee. We never hooked it up. I have the cable on the computers but not on the boober. We have never missed anything as a result; well maybe the Oscars. But I think not.
I figure that I already know all the issues. I know who I am going to vote for. I have worked and will work hard to see that the wimp doesn't get re-elected. But I cannot help the country from itself. I just figure that the debates are all about the sizzle and not the steak and that anything can throw the thing. I don't really want to be there for it.

The other thing I don't want to do is listen to the fucking airhead commentary where some idiot from NPR, who cannot get a normal press job, has to repeat in third grade terms what he or she thinks was said. I have no interest in Neil's or Cokie's or whoever it is's interpretation. I hate that. On teevee it is even worse.
SO. I think I will just wait and see what the reaction is to the debates rather than listen to the debates themselves. No more high-fiving in the living room over some statement our man has made; only to discover that most people thought it made him look like an idiot. I am so tired of what 'most people' think. Even the people on my side.
Oh; the other thing! The goddam debate is on at 6pm PDT. That is when we are just finishing dinner and Franklin and I go for our walk. Then, I am usually going to bed at about the time it will close. If I listen, I have to walk early or later and I am sure going to have my sleep disrupted. All over sizzle.
We will see. It is not Thursday yet.
I took a test run to Riverside yesterday.
In a week, I will have to check out whether I have been called for Federal Jury duty or not. Then, I will find out whether it is Grand (like me) or Petit.
Federal Grand Jury duty involves Fridays for a year. Petit is similar to the local County; could be eight days, four days per week maximum. Blah blah. I seem a lot easier about this 'intrusion' than I am or have been for the County. Funny.
In any case, after the drive, I know that it takes 50 minutes with no traffic, I am acquainted with the location of the parking garage and a hotel or two if I decide to stay over (a likely possibility), and so on.
In the meantime, I can choose to dwell on it or let it go. The latter being the desired alternative. I hear that the the Fed jury pool is not as high demand as County. Of course, there is a longer period of availablity for the US Court ; I will have to 'stand by' for all of October.
Riverside is our County seat as well. Think of it. Riverside County is as big as some states. It is not surprising that the city is mostly government buildings. It is nicely designed, clean, and very attractive. All that money. I will not stay at the Mission Inn, but it is world famous as is the museum that it houses. So, if I have to go, and stay, it will not be such a bad deal. I am an old hand at biz-trippin'. This is the same thing; only no work to do.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
small twist: Below, I did a thing about the twist that the bushers have been giving Kerry's words and the press' willingness lately to report that. Now, I see that the link has a new headline add-on. It is now 'bush and kerry, and one phrase added in the lede 'as Kerry sometimes does to Bush'. The goopers must have complained. This is the 'equal time' doctrine kicking in again. Don't be one sided in the reporting even if it is lopsided in the first place. The conglomedia is so fucked. Where did the 'liberal media go? Over to FOX I guess.
Jeanne: I wrote a piece on Stuart FL and Hutchinson Island and the wonderful times we had there when Frances came to land right on the spot we used to stay. Now it has happened again.
Jeanne happens to be John's mom's name; the same spelling and all that I thought was unusual. Well, not as uncommon as two landfalls in succession.
Our friends in Port St. Lucie, right next door, were battening down the hatches yesterday. In the Northeast, the friends we visited with every year will wait out the news, if any, about whether their condo. Both did fine the last time. I hope they will hold the same again.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Today's movie was CASABLANCA (1942). Enough said. Forget CITIZEN KANE. This has everything. It is the one that is on almost everyone's best list. It has a phenomenal 8.8 on the IMDb User Rating.
We laughed, cried, got excited, jumped when the plane motor starts and, once more, listened to all the lines that we have come to love. We also heard some new lines that we never 'got' before. There are Bogart and Bergman and Raines and a whole cast of familiar character actors running the engine of this wonderful, truly miraculous film.
Why miraculous? It was written as it went along and no one actually knew who would get on the plane until the end. So, it was filmed more or less chronologically. It had historic heft. The allies entered Africa at Morocco just three weeks after the picture was released. Roosevelt showed it at the White House. The first allied conference (without Stalin) happened in Casablanca. There's the guy whose signature is on the transit documents; de Gaulle. The film cost a million to make, a lot for the time. It made back four! Another miracle.
This was the beginning of Bogart's second career as, improbably, a romantic lead. He was a man of his times. Hard and cynical and soft at the core; he personified a type of man that people apparently needed to see. He was no matinee idol.
We love watching him today. Of course, he is a consummate actor. The other day, we saw him close the deal on Captain Queeg in just the few minutes alloted on the witness stand.
I do not have the stats to back this up; but, I bet he is more BestFilms than any other actor. They say that Robert Duvall has that honor for the AFI Best list but that is for all his roles from walk-on to star. My idea is that Bogart is the star most seen in the best.
Of course all this 'best' stuff is just a diversion. The actual fact is that a good movie is a good movie and this one hits max on all the measures of how a film should work. I will give it a 5 on the Netflix5 Scale.
At last! The press is reporting the lies and distortions of the bushers when they misquote Kerry. This from AP which is becoming more and more bush-averse in its coverage. Bush Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq and there has been more attention paid in other items over the last week. The NYT and others take the bushers to task for their connection of Kerry and terrorist violence. It is high time. And perhaps just in time. A lot of people who have not been paying attention are starting to and this is when it will count.

I love this picture. It says it all. The cattle suddenly noticing the twister bearing down or something like that. Run cow, run!
Of course, there is CBS which is now so cowed by the goppers that they will not be airing any bushaverse news features until after the election. This means, I assume, no more coverage of Iraq, nothing about the economy, zero on the new high in oil prices, no further comment about the DeLay scandals and so on. Now CBS has joined the cattle. Jeeezuz bezooooks! Shit heads.
Friday, September 24, 2004
They put this together 24 hours after junior misenfabricated one of his whoppers yesterday. RIGHT TRACK.
Today's movie, a NYTimes1176BestFilm, is/was the first film produced under the Dogme Manifesto or Chastity Agreement between a group of Danish film directors. Of course, since one of the first principles is that we cannot tell you who the director is, we will have to skip that.
It is a powerful film. It is not difficult to see how all the energy of this new movement fed the process of producing this family drama. None of this manifesto stuff is apparent as the story unfolds. It is simply one of the most energetic and innovative movies we have seen in quite a while. It is a movie movie. Despite, or perhaps because of, the constraints, the film is just incredibly involving and exciting.
I cannot tell you a lot about the story. It would be a major spoiler to do so. Enough to say that the clans of two famlies have come together to celebrate the 60th birthday of Helgé the patriarch. It is all as happy as Danes can be at such a celebration until son Christian makes a toast. The happy gathering slowly, then quickly, deteriorates and evolves into truth telling so fierce that all who are involved in the party are swept into the maelstrom. Is that a mixed metaphor? Well, I am trying to suggest the mood without spilling the story.
This film unusually has an 8 plus rating on the IMDb film site. Very high. We will give it a 5 on the Netflix5 scale.
Those Danes sure like to party. I have been to a few Scandinavian affairs and can attest to the atmosphere. The Danes are always the instigators of the premeditated fun and stay in the thick of things; manipulating and organizing. There are songs, group and solo; there are games and stunts; the cocktails last a long time; the dinners are rich and, well, Scandinavian, like smørgasbiørd sitting down.
The rituals are thick on the ground. Everyone gets drunk. If you don't get loaded, like me, it is pretty horrendous to watch the weird combination tightly regimented partying combin with wild-ass, throw-up, make a complete fool of yourself debauchery. This is, of course, all followed by an overlay of good manners which basically ignores the fact that 'all that' happened. Such is the festen in the film; the frequent product of a repressed and suppressed society; uptight until the pressure valve opens. Then, Katy bar the door!
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.The film is an obvious metaphor. The deeply flawed father; the errant children. There is an awful racist bit in the middle of the party. It is a sidebar. But, just at this writing, the right-wing government of Denmark has passed the toughest immigration regulations in Europe. It has not always been this way. Of all the Scandinavian people, the Danes have most prided themselves, and justifiably so, on their liberality, open society, and personal freedom. It has been pointed out as the most American of European states. Of course, this is 20-30 years ago. There you are. Right turns all over the place, huh? Maybe they are still the most American of European states.
I learned some valuable information this morning. On luxury watches the 4 slot is always taken up by the roman numeral IIII not IV. This is for visual balance with the VIII on the other side.
My dereliction might have to do with the fact that I never graduated from the Casio value-level; somewhere in the area of $59.95 as opposed to $5995.00. (Actually, this one is 1250 in the internet; caveat emptor.
Well, that is not true. John and I each bought duty free battery driven "real gold goddamit" Seiko watches in St. Croix once. They are nice. Mine sits in the drawer.
I remain a digital-man. I had to have the stopwatches: regular, reverse, alarmed time limit and so on. I suppose that somewhere there is a digital that you can belly up and pay over a thousand for; but I have not searched it out.
Odd that, even when I was rich, I didn't feel like splurging on watches. I certainly spent it on a lot of other foolish shit; but not timepieces. Some day I will have to make a list of all the things that I wasted money on but today is not the day. The point is that we are in the conservative portion of our life. Well, in the financial conservation sense. Gotta be careful how one uses that C word. The picture is as close to a Rolex as I am ever likely to be. Even the ones you buy from the guys on the street.
Anway. The reason I read this is that there is a revolution going on. Some expensive watches are going to the IV and creating dissonance in the visual aura. Phillipe Patek is one of these. Owned by Seiko. The maker of my watch. Do you know? I am too lazy to go look and see what la numero quatro is on that one. Well. I know it is a 'IV' or a really cheap '4'. Or maybe an even cheaper '•'. This is as close to a Rolex as I am ever likely to be.
That used to be the name of a game show, right? This is not a game.
Question: would you buy a used car from this man? How about piece of mind that everything is OK. How about putting him next to our president with the prez hand on his back. Through his jacket, pulling the strings. What if the Prez lips are moving at the same speed? Well, why not? This guy recited all the gooper talking points.
Today in the Wall Street Journal daily question poll they asked who was telling the truth about Iraq? Kerry or bush? This is the WSJ mind you, bastion of conservatism. Results: 49% Kerry; 38 % Bush 13% neither. So, 62% of the respondents think bush is lying!
Tsk fucking tsk.
Building a blog is an interesting process. For example, there are ideas that just come alive on the 'page' and then there are ideas that die mid-type. It is a dynamic process. Stuff can just grow before your eyes.
There are days when there are many ideas that just tumble out. There are days that nothing rocks and nothing rolls.
Inspiration comes from a lot of places. When I began, my daily life inspired a lot of writing; journaling. Soon, I found I had used most of the material that comes from day to day living. The history had been explored. Today's material was added on to that; but, incrementally. There are no big gobs of daily life to ruminate. Not every day.
Then, I got kick started with stuff I saw and read on the web; news, other blogs, and so on. I still do. I like to cruise the lefties and more and more other sites have gained my interest. But, there is not a lot to write about with this stuff. Most of what I get out of it for my blog is reference, reccomendation, linkages.
Lately there has been a lot about politics. I have enjoyed doing it but now am beginning to repeat myself as both campaigns are doing. More of the same. I am sort of going back up my own ass; not a good place for my head to be. The campaign has been interesting and is nearing its denouement but, in these final phases, I know that my time is limited with it. Soon, there will be a winner, a loser, and another four years. A void.
The Daily Movies have been a sound inspiration since I started. They are, well, daily. And when I lack a disk there is still something to talk about with them. Often, it is just a small appreciation or review. But, I have noticed that, many days, they set off connections to other worlds;long runs through the net hunting down material that I wondered about as I watched the film and memory; either about the film itself or situations and stuff around the seeing for the first time.
I am getting ready for the rush of politics to end. I am facing the fact of diminishing daily life inspiration. I imagine the bore-potential of linking to other sites. I am beginning to think about re-booting the blog.
Starting today, for example, I am going to focus on the film and see if it makes a 'day' for the page. It will be a Danish film. FESTEN (THE CELEBRATION). A family holds a party for the 60 year old matriarch. A son disrupts the festive mood by some truth telling. Well, hell, I know that one. Right out of my pages, this one.
So, I will try a new approach. I will not abandon life, linkage, and the pursuit of politics; there will be some space for that. I think I will center more around the inspiration of the movie and the connections that I make from it. And. I will not limit myself to one writing on. Often, I have post partum material that arises but never makes the page as I am 'done' with the film. Now, I think I will keep a running string. See how that works. OK. Time to get to the new format and see how it works.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
The book is one big mother. So is Kitty, for that matter.The Onion has done a good job of skimming the best slime off the top of each chapter of The Bush Family Biography.
He began by leading the audience and the orchestra in "The Star-Spangled Banner," which was immediately followed by the first ringing cellphone of the Philharmonic's new season.Funny but not funny. This from the New York Times review of the NY Philharmonic opening, otherwise a success.
Tuesday night's enthusiastic audience seemed happy to embrace the familiar. Mr. Maazel, who was sidelined for some weeks this summer because of cataract surgery, appeared fully recovered and as physically dynamic as ever.
The ubiquitous and rude intrusion of these things into our daily life is not really funny. It is another glaring example of self absorption and indifference to others; to say nothing of grandstanding and self-illumination.
I hate them. I have one for calling if I am in trouble somewhere but that is it. They suck. If you want to talk on yours get away from me, now. And get off the road if you are going to call in your car. Don't get me started! Well, I am started, huh?
Of course, it is not the phones. They are inanimate. It is the people who use them compulsively and without sensitivity almost anywhere. They suck. They are just the latest manifestation of an ancient behavior type. The complex of "here I am, get out of the way, I am more important than anyone here and what I am doing is endlessly fascinating to you peasants so I will let you hear my side of it". It is old as the caveman's loud grunt as he walks to the edge of the clearing to take a shit. Or just takes a noisy dump in the middle of the encampment. Sorry if I am indelicate but there you are.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
CHOOSE ME (1984). This is one of our favorite films. It is so fine. It is not on any best list. It is just a bonus to see it again.
Alan Rudolph, the king of the 'indie' wrote and directed Lesley Ann Warren, Keith Carradine, Genvieve Bujold and a bunch of other very special actors in this stew of coincidence and relationship. It is similar to La Ronde in format but totally unique in all aspects of the production.
It weaves itself brilliantly around the music of Teddy Pendergrass; actually the other way 'round, but the scenes and music are so intimately entwined, they might be lovers. The story has more unexpected turns than many movies twice its size. We were transfixed on our first viewing and then again today. It is filmed on LA back streets mostly at night and they have lit entire blocks to get the 'effect'. Costumes, colors, all conspire to make this one superb production. Totally awesome. It is a 5 out of a Netflix5. John says it is a 5 for each of the cast, the set design, the lighting, the story. That would make about 100 points. Get it.
Keith Carradine has a special place in our heart, hence his picture here which is actually from CHOOSE ME and not some other film. There are not a lot of images for this film on Google. Two. I guess it is pretty obscure.
I was not aware that Cat Stevens had turned into a dangerous character. Apparently so, according to 'the list' which now hovers over all fliers, foreign and domestic, including Ted Kennedy.
They diverted a flight from London to Washington to Maine so they could take him off the plane and send him back to where he came from.
Why Maine? Can't they send him back from DC? Was he that big a threat they had to isolate him in Maine? Why did they let him get on the plane in the first place if he is tainted? If I had been another passenger on the plane, I would have been nuts. And not about 'the alleged terrorist'.
The Cat, who gave up his career as as a budding Islamist because being a rock star was a sinful pursuit, now goes by the last name Islam. So what a tipoff that is! Fucker probably even believes in that shit, eh?
Before that, while he was singing and being so sexy and pretty like, he was a goddam pacifist. Out of the frying pan.
I guess there is no doubt that Stevens/Islam has ideas and thoughts and is willing to express them. There is no doubt that is a threat to those who protect us from the evildoers. What a lot of bullshit.
After I read this, I found myself humming Moonshadow all morning. You know; "I'm being followed by a Moonshadow". Indeed.
Oh. Did you see that they want all airline records for June so that they can "test" the list? This is a new thing reported this morning. If I had been on a plane in June I would be very apprehensive. When did our government become an object of distrust at almost every level?
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
CARNAL KNOWLEDGE (1971): NYTimes1176BestFilms; Mike Nichols directs Jules Feiffer's play with Jack Nicholson and Art Garfunkel with assorted sex-objects: Candice Bergen, Ann-Margaret, Cynthia Oneil, Rita Moreno, and Carol Kane who gets about two weepy minutes on screen. Too bad. I love Carol Kane.
I expected this to be a period piece. I do remember it that way. But, it is quite germane. The sex-obsessed Nicholson (type cast) and the romantic seeker Art Garfunkel wade through a tide of women trying to find happiness. It can be said in a word. MEN!
I liked it a lot. I thought it would be very heterocentric but the story is the same if the cast were all men. In fact, Garfunkel and Nicholson are the perfect example of gay 'sisters' who really ought to just get on with being fuck-buddies as well as being best friends. That way they would would qualify for certified domestic partner benefits in California come January. Of course, they would have to live together.
It is a fine script and a fine film and the actors do a wonderful job in it and it is all done in a magic near 90 minutes. Wonderful. I will give it a 4 out of Netflix5.
I was surprised to see this was Nichols' fifth film as it is quite theatrical. It could easily be done on a stage. There is a lot of light and dark and so on. He has brought it out in a way that film enhances the words and action.
As it is Feiffer, the words are all. Jules Feiffer only did two 'story' films. The other is POPEYE about which the less said the better. I like Feiffer. He is still going strong. It is mostly the cartoons. There is a cartoon of the month at the site.
Jeezus the cable went out this morning for a bunch of hours. I did the correct thing--off the modem, then the router--then the Mac and now turn all three on in the same order. No dice. I called RoadRunner TimeWarner whoever. I got Luiz at the national desk who can't tell you or do a fucking thing. Then I realized. I got along without this shit for years. I have time to read the paper, go to the store, give Franklin a ride in the Jeep. Then I can call the local office. Recording: Service is down in your area and will be restored in an hour or so. True. Calm. It came back. I had my net-day. I still have a life without it. Good realization.
Feeling down? Read this piece of perky optimism: Put Away Your Hankies.
I have also read that F9-11 is making the rounds DVD-wise in Iraq and feeding a strong anti-bush reaction.
You might want to fire yourself up to prevent the worst possible case. Or, perhaps, bolster yourself for the unthinkable; develop a little contingency planning. In either case, you could do worse than take a look at this Washington Monthly collection of doomsday essays: What If bush Wins?.
I have been mentally prepping my own scenario. It is a sorta combo of scandals breaking (Delay will be the first, then Cheney) all the way through to a sappy optimistic pollyanna fantasy based on 'Nixon goes to China'. The george does something that only he can do because he is such a villain. I know this is far fetched. But, hell, you have to have a positive outlook about things.

Another thing that could happen is the second coming. Either the big J himself or whatever they call it; the rapture. And he would take the stairs to heaven with all his buddies. Then us left-behind sinners could elect one of our own kind to take the HELLm. Heh heh. The problem with this one is that a lot of people think he is not religious at all; a poseur for the sake of the holy roller vote. He might end up down here with us. Shit! Goddam.
Seven Steps To A Better Candidateis advice offered to John Kerry by Chris Marcil in today's New York Times. Who is Chris Marcil? Just a teevee comedy writer from LA. But why shouldn't he pile on like everyone else? Even I have offered advice to John Kerry.
Today, I suggest that Kerry refine his message but don't get caught on any specifics. Be more aggressive, but don't hurt anyone's feelings, we are liberals after all and we play nice. Attack bush for being an arrogant inflexible asshole but don't use those words exactly. You might alienate a few Independents or potential Nader voters who are geeks and don't like that kind of language.
And try to stand a little taller. People notice when you slouch and interpret that as meaning that you are a mincing Massachusetts Liberal. On the other hand, remember the Tom Cruise principle. People don't like it if anyone is taller than you so when you stand next to someone bend your knees. Or, have them stand on a box, as Tom does in all his pictures; our modern Alan Ladd. Or is it post modern?
Oh, and like those other people told you, don't let them take photos of you playing sports. You are supposed to be an American and we only do spectator sports. A few couch and beer shots with a bag of pretzels should do it.
Monday, September 20, 2004
CAMELOT (1967): NYTimes1176BestFilms. I have searched the archives to determine why this film was included on both BestLists. I cannot come up with anything. All the reviews and even the little outline describing the film are negative.
The whole thing is leaden. It is long. Long and leaden. I suspect that it is long and leaden because the actors move and talk so slooooooowly. All Brits save one; I will attack him below. The late Richard Harris looking wistful, Vanessa Redgrave, David Hemmings. And not one of them can sing. There is something about classical Brit theater training that might be great for stage but becomes long and leaden on screen. Add music and it is, well, did I mention that it was long and leaden?
And, into this now wades Franco Nero; an Italian with an opera bouf accent playing Lancelot. They compensate by making him a Frenchie who wants to be on the roundtable. French Italian. He is long, leaden, and lousy. John said that he has hair on his shoulders* but I skipped the 'sex' scenes.
Add to this the extremely dated Lerner and Lowe music which is long and leaden and loud. If there were not enough of it, there is an overture and and entre'act. And, by the time they got to this musical they were wrung out and had become parodies of themselves. And so on. How entertaining can this moaning and groaning be? I mean mine, now, in this summary.
I do need to mention the production itself. Not one scene in it shows any restraint whatsoever. Where they could do more, they did. It is all super-camp England down to the dressy costumes. Lancelot's armor is a drag queen's wet dream. And I bet that it was. All it lacks is tits.
I knew this would be a tough one to see. I was right. I am committed to 'seeing' all the BestFilms no matter what. Today I hit 'what'. I have to admit that I had a heavy hand on the FF. I give it a 1 out of Netflix5. There is no zero.
* John saw the remastered version of this monster in or around the PS Film Festival last winter. It did not improve with size of screen. This is where he got the Nero hair placement notes. Actually, we decided that Nero was some street punk that Joshua Logan had picked up on a vacation to Rome. He was, we hypothesize, given this plum part as compensation for his ten long and leaden days with Josh.

It is not unusual for people to assume that everyone else thinks about and sees the world just as they do, but I do not consider myself to be in that category. I am a man with a world view; tolerant and aware of others differing viewpoints; interested in all sides of a question and able to consider differing opinions before making my own final conclusions. Not.
I am re-assembling my world view for the final days of the campaign, though. I am no less convinced of the issues and the right man with the clearest answers. I am, however, prepared to be tolerant and open to any outcome as part of the democratic spirit. I am ready to accept the will of a nation. I am fully able to comprehend that my side may not see a victory.
In short, I am ready to keep fighting these bastards if that becomes necessary. A second gooper junta would just bust my ass. Close. Polarized. Dug in.
For those who are really into the poll numbers and how they are developed, the site Current Electoral Vote Predictor (2004) is manna.
First of all, it's the electoral college, stupid. I dote on the pop-votes but they don't mean a lot; there is nothing that matters but the electorals. Rasmussen, who is a Republican, one of the good ones, does electorals but only the sure things. A few others play at it but there is no commitment. This guy, CEVP-2004, has the whole electoral thing down by the balls.
I hate to break the bad news, but the Kerry losses over the last weeks are most visible here. My man used to hold over 270 electorals but, sadly, that is all washed away in the tide by now. Nevertheless, I watch and wait on the strand waiting his ship to return. And while I am waiting there is more sand to sift through on this site than you can imagine.
Today, CEVP-2004 posts the ONLY runthough of bushGore2000 polls that I have seen. I tried to find it but gave up. Nader was also a factor then, if you recall. I had found the Clinton Dole polls and found that Clinton was running way ahead; but that was a year with Ross-Perot, so no useful comparisons there. 2000 was a close one like this is. The amazing thing is that almost all the polls were wrong then as they probably are now.
I am still interested in the polls even though I know they are wrong and that they are bad for my serenity. Which is a way of saying that this food has way too much fat and sugar in it but I am going to eat it anyway. I think that I am as interested in how they are wrong or misguided (Gallups high GOP content of RV's) as how they are right. Which is a way of saying that I am interested in the chemistry of fat and sugar and while I am eating it, I am getting interesting results like the guy who ate at Mickey D's for thirty days and made a movie and some money out of it.
Temperatures have plummeted into the 80s in day and 60s at night! We are not used to this. Bring out the sweatshirts. It is the ten degree break that we get in the temps every year around now; only more so. It is sooooooo refreshing and enjoyable.
Last night was our first supper out on the patio since the heavy summer started mid-July. It is also dark enough to have that special twilight flavor to it. Nice.
This morning on the way to the gym (at 415AM), it was 57; so not refreshing. I had the Jeep heater on full.
See? Who said the seasons never change in the desert?
Sunday, September 19, 2004
The GOP gets honest with itself even if their fearless leader cannot: Republicans Criticize Bush Mistakes in Iraq. Big news all over the Sunday talk shows. It must be nut-cutting time in the Senate. The real Republicans may have had enough of the hard-line neo-con supporters who will drag all of them down whether there is a second term or not.
CARAMBA!!!New Democratic Network Flash Ad
CALIFORNIA SUITE (1978): NYTimes1176BestFilms. Herbert Ross adaptation of the Neil Simon play. He opened it up and let the characters really be in California.
It is an anthology pic: four stories; two extremely well done; winners. The other two are awful. I will let you see it and figure out which are which.
Even the two good ones suffer from the Neil Simon syndrome: the actors seem to be wearing the lines as though they are parts of their costumes. This wears off, as the stories progress, but it is fucking irritating at the beginning. Too many polished bon mots. Maybe it is Simon who gets over it. He has to get the wise-ass stuff out of his system; then he lets the production take over.
I don't know what to do about the rating. If two are worth a 4 out of Netlix5 and the other two are a zero, then the whole thing is a net 2. But there is fast forward. Skip the Walter Matthau/Elaine May and the incredibly racist and poorly done Richard Pryor/Bill Cosby. Even for the seventies this latter is an embarrassment greater than Stepin Fetchit at his most eye rollin', finger poppin', minstrel show self. Actually, Mr. Fetchit was good at what he did. These guys suck.
I have a new workout routine. It is self-designed and monitored. So far it is working. That means that I am suitable sore after the strength part, suitably wiped after the cardio, and not hurting anything that is not supposed to be hurt. For an older guy, this last part is important. Some of the pieces get tender if misused.
I am doing two one-hour cardio sessions a week; bike and elliptical. Then, same week, I do two days of a cardio-weight circuit; full body; three to four exercises per body part; two sets each; short breaks; higher reps; slightly lower weights to exhaustion at the end of the three part exercises.
I mix up the order of parts in each day's circuit and week to week; start with the large muscles; end with the small; and keep a 90-110 pulse rate throughout.
Oh. And one day one hour plus around a hilly loop (Sunday) and one day off (Saturday). Two days cardio strength, two days pure cardio. Got it? Whew. I am puffing from just the typing of it.
I have used a 'trainer' since I was fifty. That is another way of saying 17 years. It has either been a real one or a virtual one; computer. Both work pretty well as I am kept on plan and on target and have goals to keep. I started using a competent authority way back then because I looked at a picture of me in a bathing suit, sitting on the edge of a pool in St. Croix and was not pleased.
I got back from the trip and called my friend Ken who had already started working with a guy. He had been nagging me to do the same. I thought I would give it a whirl. Fortunately Trainer Bob was not one to patronize or pander. It was his way or the highway. He kicked my ass. And kept on with it. Eventually he had me running a few miles to the gym in the morning, doing an intense hour with him, then running home.
Bob passed me to his buddy who was just getting his creditation; fresh meat. He was a runner and got me running hard on non gym days; eventually for long distances and doing fun runs up to 10K or so. I did this for a few years. Then, a foot gave out (neuroma—nerve bundle) and I had to curtail the heavy running.
The gym moved, got big time, went bankrupt and we moved on to another place, got another guy and then did off and on assisted training until we moved out here.
At first I did it myself then I got involved with another trainer. He was a sly one; a really old body builder. Way older than me. Creaky old. He hung around the gym and would give free advice. Of course, it was the kind of thing that would be obvious if you saw it from the outside; but before I knew it I was paying for the advice. I couldn't get rid of him. This went on for quite awhile until he got sick and eventually died. He was in good shape right to the end!
Since then, I have been using the MensHealth computer deal; a virtual trainer. There are a variety of workouts. They have been very good. The last one I used was a high intensity, arduous routine, and I think that while it gave amazing results (I am muscly) it tired me out. Eventually I rethought the need for a 'trainer' and so, here I am on my own again. For now this is working really well. But, that is not all. There is the other side of it. Calories in equal calories out; the deep dark secret of weight maintenance. I have been a calorie counter since I started running. You have to eat well when you run or you don't run. It is the other end of the problem actually. I would lose weight and had to keep up. Now, I gain weight if I don't keep in balance. Same deal. Count the calories.
Oh. About the calories in. I had also been on the MensHealth diet program for awhile. I used it to lose 35 pounds two years ago and stayed with it. But, now I know it by heart. Basically it is 2000 calories a day with a balance of carbs, protein and fat that uses almost all the available foods. It is a food pyramid diet. I don't do fads. Did you know that people are showing heart damage after as little as a year on the Atkins or South Beach? Bill Clinton had stopped his cholesterol meds and been on the South Beach. Ask him how it worked. He was thin though. And so on.
I know that very few people are interested in this but it is good for me to write it down. I am done now.
Note: The body building pictures and the comics are all from another time. Charles Atlas was a constant mentor in all the comic books and magazines when I was a kid. Somewhere in the zeitgeist, he still speaks to me. His franchise is still very much alive. Go visit him! Dynamic Tension!
I like the ring of it: Kerry Tries Shoving Back. It is a little late but playing nice with policy proposals ain't goin to work and the w is a bully boy which means right behind the 'swagger' is the cheerleader. Yeh Team! Two can play the macho cards, huh? If it has come down to that and it has.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
THE CAINE MUTINY (1954) NYTimes1176BestFilm:
Herman Wouk novel turned into film which was later turned into play (the court martial part) which itseslf was turned into a film. Our neighbor Herman made a bundle out of all this. The play still runs.
This is the first full-story film and it holds up very well. I saw it when it was out; a senior in high school.
There are some solid performances from real stars who acted! Van Johnson, Fred MacMurray, Jose Ferrer, E.G. Marshall. An amazing turn by Humphrey Bogart turns the evil Captain Queeg into a sympathetic character just at the last minute. It is something to behold.
There is a love interest that intrudes and the court martial was pretty fast but we enjoyed it. It gets a 4 out of Netflix5.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Zogby has something to say on cell phones (re Breslin's point that they are not used in political polling) and on phones in general. I am a Zogby respondent. I get polled via email and an internet connection every two weeks or so. None of the questionnaires are the same from time to time. I suspect them of trying to 'catch me' being inconsistent. There is no incentive for doing the poll other than to read rather boring Zogby newsletters. I enjoy doing them. They sort of surprise you with quick turns and fast endings. I have now done both extended phone polls as well as various email instruments (I think they like our zip and/or area code). I have to say that the quality of the interviewer is a major impediment in some phone polls. There are good ones who sound engaged and interested and others who are clearly 'phoning it in'. (heh heh). Anyway here from the Zogger by way of Kos:
"I don't use telephones anymore because there is no easy way to use them," John Zogby was saying yesterday. It was the 20th anniversary of the start of his polling company. He began with what he calls "blue highway polls," sheriffs' races in Onandaga and Jefferson counties in upstate New York."The people who are using telephone surveys are in denial," Zogby was saying. "It is similar to the '30s, when they first started polling by telephones and there were people who laughed at that and said you couldn't trust them because not everybody had a home phone. Now they try not to mention cell phones. They don't look or listen. They go ahead with a method that is old and wrong."
Zogby points out that you don't know in which area code the cell phone user lives. Nor do you know what they do. Beyond that, you miss younger people who live on cell phones. If you do a political poll on land-line phones, you miss those from 18 to 25, and there are figures all over the place that show there are 40 million between the ages of 18 and 29, one in five eligible voters.
And the great page-one presidential polls don't come close to reflecting how these younger voters say they might vote. The majority of them use cell phones and nobody ever asks them anything.
For those who follow the movie reviews, we are having a short respite as a result of the Labor Day mail burp. This happens every Monday holiday; a confluence of the UPS and Netflix being down for the holiday.
But never fear, four DVDs are here. They arrived today to late for a MOVIE OF THE DAY.
The FullerFest is over and we are into the C's of the NYTimes1176BestFilms. We have CAINE MUTINY COURT MARTIAL (Herman Wouk lives up the hill. He is a nice old man now but a bit skittish. He won't come out of his yard with his dog if Franklin is in the vicinity. He is afraid of 'what they might do'. Probably nothing. But he mutters 'stay stay stay stay' and we all say hi and keep walking. Franklin ignores the dog. He would like Herman to pet him though); CALIFORNIA SUITE; CARNAL KNOWLEDGE; and CAMELOT! What fun.
Floatin' on the pool today and looked heavenward to see that the grapefruit in the old tree are turning from an emerald green to a sort of yellowish green which means that they are 'turning'.

It won't be long before we will be trying to find some friends who want a taste. Here is how you tell if they are ripe. Find a willing friend who doesn't get all shivery and shaky and spitty ; all wizened up from the sour taste. Then you can safely have one too. They are best when they turn deep yellow with a blush some time in November; all pink inside. There is one fruit on the other tree that has already turned yellow-pink but he is a camouflaged scout and not to be taken seriously.
This is going to be a big ON year for the tangerines too. They were weighing the young tree down so far, the guys had to prune it by about a third. No lemons or limes until spring. Those potted trees are off duty. My lime tree is on Palo Fierro Way where Franklin and I walk every night. It is huge. The limes must be in the thousands.
This is the new addition to the family--the hair got long enough to put in a tail. I guess that is the effective end of the mullet look; now, Paul Revere.
It is actually a few inches longer than this but, who knew, I have curly hair.
It took a year to get this long almost exactly. I got some minimal haircuts during the period to keep a bit of a shape: "just trim it a little on the side, no taper".
Now, I am done. No more cuts or trims. From here on it gets longer and longer at least until it is down to my ass.