Friday, September 24, 2004
I learned some valuable information this morning. On luxury watches the 4 slot is always taken up by the roman numeral IIII not IV. This is for visual balance with the VIII on the other side.
My dereliction might have to do with the fact that I never graduated from the Casio value-level; somewhere in the area of $59.95 as opposed to $5995.00. (Actually, this one is 1250 in the internet; caveat emptor.
Well, that is not true. John and I each bought duty free battery driven "real gold goddamit" Seiko watches in St. Croix once. They are nice. Mine sits in the drawer.
I remain a digital-man. I had to have the stopwatches: regular, reverse, alarmed time limit and so on. I suppose that somewhere there is a digital that you can belly up and pay over a thousand for; but I have not searched it out.
Odd that, even when I was rich, I didn't feel like splurging on watches. I certainly spent it on a lot of other foolish shit; but not timepieces. Some day I will have to make a list of all the things that I wasted money on but today is not the day. The point is that we are in the conservative portion of our life. Well, in the financial conservation sense. Gotta be careful how one uses that C word. The picture is as close to a Rolex as I am ever likely to be. Even the ones you buy from the guys on the street.
Anway. The reason I read this is that there is a revolution going on. Some expensive watches are going to the IV and creating dissonance in the visual aura. Phillipe Patek is one of these. Owned by Seiko. The maker of my watch. Do you know? I am too lazy to go look and see what la numero quatro is on that one. Well. I know it is a 'IV' or a really cheap '4'. Or maybe an even cheaper '•'. This is as close to a Rolex as I am ever likely to be.
That used to be the name of a game show, right? This is not a game.
Question: would you buy a used car from this man? How about piece of mind that everything is OK. How about putting him next to our president with the prez hand on his back. Through his jacket, pulling the strings. What if the Prez lips are moving at the same speed? Well, why not? This guy recited all the gooper talking points.
Today in the Wall Street Journal daily question poll they asked who was telling the truth about Iraq? Kerry or bush? This is the WSJ mind you, bastion of conservatism. Results: 49% Kerry; 38 % Bush 13% neither. So, 62% of the respondents think bush is lying!
Tsk fucking tsk.