Thursday, September 23, 2004
He began by leading the audience and the orchestra in "The Star-Spangled Banner," which was immediately followed by the first ringing cellphone of the Philharmonic's new season.Funny but not funny. This from the New York Times review of the NY Philharmonic opening, otherwise a success.
Tuesday night's enthusiastic audience seemed happy to embrace the familiar. Mr. Maazel, who was sidelined for some weeks this summer because of cataract surgery, appeared fully recovered and as physically dynamic as ever.
The ubiquitous and rude intrusion of these things into our daily life is not really funny. It is another glaring example of self absorption and indifference to others; to say nothing of grandstanding and self-illumination.
I hate them. I have one for calling if I am in trouble somewhere but that is it. They suck. If you want to talk on yours get away from me, now. And get off the road if you are going to call in your car. Don't get me started! Well, I am started, huh?
Of course, it is not the phones. They are inanimate. It is the people who use them compulsively and without sensitivity almost anywhere. They suck. They are just the latest manifestation of an ancient behavior type. The complex of "here I am, get out of the way, I am more important than anyone here and what I am doing is endlessly fascinating to you peasants so I will let you hear my side of it". It is old as the caveman's loud grunt as he walks to the edge of the clearing to take a shit. Or just takes a noisy dump in the middle of the encampment. Sorry if I am indelicate but there you are.