Monday, September 27, 2004
I took a test run to Riverside yesterday.
In a week, I will have to check out whether I have been called for Federal Jury duty or not. Then, I will find out whether it is Grand (like me) or Petit.
Federal Grand Jury duty involves Fridays for a year. Petit is similar to the local County; could be eight days, four days per week maximum. Blah blah. I seem a lot easier about this 'intrusion' than I am or have been for the County. Funny.
In any case, after the drive, I know that it takes 50 minutes with no traffic, I am acquainted with the location of the parking garage and a hotel or two if I decide to stay over (a likely possibility), and so on.
In the meantime, I can choose to dwell on it or let it go. The latter being the desired alternative. I hear that the the Fed jury pool is not as high demand as County. Of course, there is a longer period of availablity for the US Court ; I will have to 'stand by' for all of October.
Riverside is our County seat as well. Think of it. Riverside County is as big as some states. It is not surprising that the city is mostly government buildings. It is nicely designed, clean, and very attractive. All that money. I will not stay at the Mission Inn, but it is world famous as is the museum that it houses. So, if I have to go, and stay, it will not be such a bad deal. I am an old hand at biz-trippin'. This is the same thing; only no work to do.