Tuesday, September 21, 2004
You might want to fire yourself up to prevent the worst possible case. Or, perhaps, bolster yourself for the unthinkable; develop a little contingency planning. In either case, you could do worse than take a look at this Washington Monthly collection of doomsday essays: What If bush Wins?.
I have been mentally prepping my own scenario. It is a sorta combo of scandals breaking (Delay will be the first, then Cheney) all the way through to a sappy optimistic pollyanna fantasy based on 'Nixon goes to China'. The george does something that only he can do because he is such a villain. I know this is far fetched. But, hell, you have to have a positive outlook about things.

Another thing that could happen is the second coming. Either the big J himself or whatever they call it; the rapture. And he would take the stairs to heaven with all his buddies. Then us left-behind sinners could elect one of our own kind to take the HELLm. Heh heh. The problem with this one is that a lot of people think he is not religious at all; a poseur for the sake of the holy roller vote. He might end up down here with us. Shit! Goddam.