Thursday, September 30, 2004
This from the LA Times this morning: $26-Million Deal Will Save 8,800 Acres of Fragile Desert. We have been waiting for this for a long time.
There was a big scare for a while when a local developer, with no scruples whatever, planned for a community of 100,000 people. This on land that is now mostly horse country and wide open desert. The thing about feeding the dunes is a big deal. Desert turtles, other habitat sensitive species would be lost with this kind of land grab.
The whole thing happened because the local conservationists fought the developer tooth and nail. The local governments are useless in this kind of issue; frozen between the issues of tax base and life style. Most people did not move hear to live in another suburban ghetto. The development would have been between where this says 'Dunes' and the mile scale; the flat squarish areas. Then, touching the Little San Bernardinos which is the boundary of the Joshua Tree National Park and on the south, the Coachella Preserve. Basically, Dillon Road which is a great two lane secondary road, filled with roly-poly 'thank you ma'ams', would be the center line of the development.

Once the developer gave up, The Nature Conservancy stepped in and bundled the deal with other state and local conservation groups. The Nature Conservancy is one of the best charities with the lowest overhead. They put deals together and are champs of working through difficult stewardship issues. They also have a lot of clout with government. We are members.