Friday, September 17, 2004
Floatin' on the pool today and looked heavenward to see that the grapefruit in the old tree are turning from an emerald green to a sort of yellowish green which means that they are 'turning'.

It won't be long before we will be trying to find some friends who want a taste. Here is how you tell if they are ripe. Find a willing friend who doesn't get all shivery and shaky and spitty ; all wizened up from the sour taste. Then you can safely have one too. They are best when they turn deep yellow with a blush some time in November; all pink inside. There is one fruit on the other tree that has already turned yellow-pink but he is a camouflaged scout and not to be taken seriously.
This is going to be a big ON year for the tangerines too. They were weighing the young tree down so far, the guys had to prune it by about a third. No lemons or limes until spring. Those potted trees are off duty. My lime tree is on Palo Fierro Way where Franklin and I walk every night. It is huge. The limes must be in the thousands.