Saturday, July 31, 2004
They are starting to measure the bounce. It looks like anything from 5-10%. See a new composite poll site: Polling Data for 2004 Elections. This is the all in one site. You might want to bookmark it. It has State contests as well. Everything.
Boy, isn't this the balls?
This is the best election I have ever obsessed about including MY OWN! (I ran for office three times. One loss, two wins. The loss (school director) taught me that you gotta ask people for their vote and I did and I won the seat as Town Meeting Moderator twice—Plymouth MA ca 1970. I had a lot of appointments in government but it ain't nothing like being elected by real people).
Thanks to Atrios for pointing this out!

Democratic White House challenger John Kerry mocked President Bush new "turning the corner" campaign slogan on Saturday and said he offered voters more than "little itsy bitsy" sound bites. Kerry disputed Bush's contention that "we are turning the corner and we're not turning back" on the U.S. economy.Dwight Eisenhower. I'll be damned. The last Republican I liked. "I like Ike" and I did."The last time we had a president who ran on a slogan of turning the corner was Herbert Hoover, and he ran on the prospect that prosperity was just around the corner," Kerry said Americans wanted real leadership and vowed -- if he defeated Bush in the Nov. 2 election -- to be a president in the mold of Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. "They stood up and told the truth to the American people and they had a plan and they took this country to the future,"
Thanks to Atrios for rooting this out!
BORN YESTERDAY (1950): NYTimes1176BestFilms; George Cukor's take on the Garson Kanin comedy; Judy Holliday owns the picture as Billy Dawn, the dumb blonde to whom Broderick Crawford has cosigned all his network of corrupt companies. William Holden arrives to interview Crawford and is asked to stay and do a Pygmalion routine with Billy; who wises up, uses her power to get free of Crawford and, in the process, wows us with an incredible performance; at once hilarious and poignant.
Holliday died mid career (cancer) at age 44. She was basically a stage actress; quite successful; part of the young crowd that started in the Poconos at Tamiment; Comden and Green, Leonard Bernstein, I saw her first as the client in the Hepburn-Tracy ADAMS RIB (another BestFilm). She stole it. Then this role; later SOLID GOLD CADILLAC. I saw her sing and dance in BELLS ARE RINGING. Later, when she was quite ill, she starred in the film version with Dean Martin. The closest actress, by way of type, would be Madeline Kahn; who, it is said, modelled herself after Holliday. If you do not know her you should meet her and this is a great place to do it.
I will be giving this a 5 out of NetFlix5.
See how political commercials are made:
Straight Talk From White House West in Crawford, Texas.
I missed this. Calvin Trillin book of political poetry.
I guess Trillin has been pissed off for a long time and finally found a way to link laughs to his sadness over the sad state of the nation.
Nice article in the New York Times: Crime Drives Him to Rhyme. Try this example:
At least there's no Bush eulogy
On why they had to die.
It's better that they're laid to rest
Without another lie.
He got that right. I have thought, amidst the criticism for the leader's not acknowledging the dead in any way, that it is better he has not. I could not abide the mealy-mouthed sanctimonius bull-shit that such a performance would entail.
Always a personal note, after all it is about me me me here: Trillin is my age. Holy cow. I figured him for an old guy!
In the same day that junior changes his campaign oratory to "look at the results", we find that the debt will be the biggest ever; the economy cooled in the second quarter; gas prices bounced up again; that the guy who told the US there was a connection between Al Queda and Iraq, a defector, changed his story, but no one told us he did; there are billions unaccounted for in oil money in Iraq; the stories of gopper contract peddling over there continue; Halliburton got a 500 million contract with the Navy; delays continued in installing recommendations of 9/11 panel and more. They gotta be kidding. And do they think people have NOT been looking at the results?
Anyway, I admire junior's ability to change the story line when times demand it. He has to be pressed by Kerry's challenge for the high road. He is looking but has not found it yet. Lost. Not a suprise.

Friday, July 30, 2004
I have updated the links at the upper right of the main page. An Aloha-goodbye to Andrew Sullivan. An Aloha-hello to The Left Coaster, The Internet Weekly, The Illustrated Scribbler, and The Carpetbagger.
I couldn't take Sully anymore. His Kerry-bashing is way over the top. And today he used the word 'prolix'. That did it for me. I have dropped him even though I keep Drudge (also a gay-righty). The difference is that there is always a laugh or two on the Drudge page; even a partisan sideswipe against my side can get a giggle out of me. He does not take himself too seriously; pretty seriously, but not too seriously.
I have been reading the others daily or two times a day for awhile and all have been quoted in the blog. Aloha. Goodbye/Hello.
There are some who worry about the methodology (volunteer emails) but Zogby is a poll that is closely watched and is at least good for patterns. Today's report is not very good for the bushers:
There are three factors contributing to Senator Kerry’s lead in the electorate; first is President Bush’s eroding base, second is his failure in outreach to swing groups and base Democratic constituencies, and third is Mr. Kerry’s strengthening of his base. Mr. Kerry also has the potential to open a bigger lead in two areas. First, among the undecided voters, if Mr. Kerry can sell himself as a viable alternative to Mr. Bush, he stands to make large gains amongst the small, but significant chunk of undecideds. Second is in the turnout arena, Mr. Kerry’s large leads amongst Hispanics – who will potentially make up a great portion of the electorate than they did in 2000 – and young voters – who numerous non-partisan groups like Rock the Vote and MTV are targeting – will stand to boost his total share of the vote with every point their turnout increases. Mr. Kerry is showing a 2-to-1 lead (50% to 25%) amongst voters who didn’t vote in 2000, while winning three-quarters (75%) of Ralph Nader’s voters and stealing twice as many (8% to 4%) of Mr. Bush voters in 2000 than Bush is stealing of Gore voters in 2000.
I suppose I should disclaim and say that I am a Zogby respondent from time to time.
I have a new daily blog to read: The Carpetbagger. You might want to take a look. I started to link to one of the items today and then got caught in many more and really enjoyed all the items posted. S/he seems to specialize in the 'so sad that you have to laugh' category of items. The one that snagged me is this one about Trent (the hair) Lott. I love Trent. He is so unashamedly republican.
Many goppers try to cover up their shit; but Trent just lets it hang out there. Here, he manages to skewer about three stereotypes at one time: A French Speaking Socialist. U.S. Sen. Trent Lott today told an enthusiastic Neshoba County Fair crowd that Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry is "a French-speaking socialist from Boston, Massachusetts, who is more liberal than Ted Kennedy."
Actually, I think five skewers. The French, who of course could use a good skewering from time to time; a slam against socialists, who barely exist but deserve better than this; Boston AND Massachusetts (which I take personally as we lived there for 43 years save five misguided ones in Philadelphia). That is four right there. Oh. Ted Kennedy. And Liberal. When are we going to liberate 'Liberal' from the scum prison it has been held in since, who, the first bush? Anyway. Thanks a Lott. You dumb yokel.
Josh Marshall raises the question of Kerry's delivery in Talking Points Memo today. It is interesting to me. I wondered if anyone else noticed or had an opinion. I was very conscious of Kerry's talking into the wind of audience reaction and I thought that it was very effective.
He did not stop for applause but talked into and over the cheering and applause; creating a 'sailing' effect rather than the chop chop of call-response speaking. He used the energy to lift his delivery higher than it would have been otherwise. In fact, this is more apt; sailing, a sailor. That's our man!
My biggest problem with JK's past speech patterns has been the stentorian downtones and lack of breath control. This new approach seems to suit him and to allow the complexities of his thinking to come along for the ride. He can soar. Somehow if he stops he gets bogged down. I like that it is new and unique. Fits the situation.
I am not averse to the building momentum crowd work that is such a Clinton (and Obama) hallmark. I love it. And I am ready for the adoption of any style that it fits the man rather than having our man trying to fit a style.
Come to think of it, Edwards is a bit off traditional oratoricals as well; good ol' boy, south-in-the-mouth. Clinton used to do this a bit. I do not prefer it, yet he is very natural and effective with it.
The bush attempts it with the twang and misappronunciations. It is always pandering and in the latter case just sloppy texas fly-boy oil-field machoism; a put-on by an insecure male. He is a fucking yale grad after all. But then if he skipped..............
Oh. Let's not go there.
This was about the nuance of delivery of the next administration.
I had quite a hangover from an intense day; I dreamt it most of the night.
Watching FOURTH OF JULY just before hearing Max Cleland introduce John Kerry was a considerable trip back in time to the Viet Nam protest days. I am surprised how many tears and how much emotion is still stored up from that time.
Then Kerry. The war and its aftermath was his defining time. Heroism in the face of battle; heroism in facing up to the harsh realities of the situation back home.
And now, they are heroes again. Cleland got elected as a U.S. Senator from Georgia and was brutally attacked by a nationally funded gop opponent in the next election. He lost. But he won. Look at him. Positive, forthright, and carrying the battle forward.
And Kerry is making the big run in full battle cry; if last night is any indication. It is great stuff. We all deserve no less and less is what we have had for three long unhappy years.
I think that Kerry hit a homer. We sat and did quiet cheers throughout. I have read all the 'reviews' this morning and it seems to be the consensus that he hit all the bases and then ran around again.
He had all the stuff. He had the style. It is the first time that I have heard him without the stentorian glide-down in his sentences. He rocked.
I thought Edwards was a little less than I expected and this is a good thing. I have limited tolerance for the 'south-in-the-mouth' sunshine-boy thing. He has a great story and he told it. He also remembered his place and did not try to outshine the boss.
That said, I have to say that it is all not hard enough or mean enough or left enough for me. But I am in the ballpark. Not because I am an abb (anyone but bush) or that I think Kerry is a safe winner but flawed. I am in the ballpark because we live in a pluralist society where my views are important for airing and influence but if institutionalized would probably lead to a junta, a civil war, or lynchings. I am an outlier who would never ever be electable. But I think that I can do a lot to influence the electable. I truly think that my money that went to Howard Dean got invested in the successful graft of a backbone to the Party and to Kerry. The merely electable candidate is now a powerful fervent voice for the real family values and the real patriotism in America. I will get off the pitchers mound now and back in my seat.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY (1989): NYTimesBest1176; Oliver Stone directs Tom Cruise in Viet-vet Ron Kovic's life story and gets an Oscar. It is a powerful picture and deeply involving. It is painful to be a part of and yet triumphant in the end.
What a film to watch in this high political season. The ending(s) take place in the Conventions. I had not remembered that Kovic and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War actually got onto the floor and seriously disrupted the 1972 Republican Convention in Miami. The riot scenes look just like the Viet Nam scenes. In contrast, Kovic was an honored speaker at the 1976 Democratic Convention.
Stone was banging them out one-a-year at this time; on a roll: PLATOON, TALK RADIO, WALL STREET then this one. After this he began to slide off the edge a bit. THE DOORS, JFK and he sunk into controversy too deeply to help the films themselves.
Now be sure to read carefully when I say that this was Cruise' first and last serious role. He is magnificent in it. Before this film, he was constrained by show-off matinee-idol roles and after, he became so protective of his career, in the Hollywood machine, that he never 'lost control' again. In this picture he loses control and Stone uses him so intensely that we live the story with him, line by line, scene by scene. We are in it. I asked you to read carefully to see that I am not knocking TC (which is easy to do, unfortunately) but mourning the loss of an actor who sold out for a commercial career. Now, he is all MISSION IMPOSSIBLE and big budget. All dross.
I will give this one a 5 out of Netflix5.
Photo of Ron Kovic at Kent State commemoration 1998. A happy ending.
"I suggest to you tonight that if George Bush had selected the court in '54, Clarence Thomas would have never got to law school."
-- Al Sharpton, in his Wednesday convention speech.
Like it or not, catch-phrases are the thing (well, a least one of the things). Here from National Journal email report prepped by National Journal. Natch.
Rapid response is now a standard feature of any campaign, but here in Boston that approach has been adopted by button vendors as well. The convention's more popular buttons include one that reads "America says shove it, George W."; and two quoting Bill Clinton's Monday night speech: "Strength and wisdom are not two opposing values," and "Send Me," printed over a photo of John Kerry in front of the White House. The secret to quick turnaround? Having someone inside the FleetCenter each night, listening for quotes that elicit strong enough crowd reactions -- and that also fit neatly on a button.
Note that two out of three are from Big Bill himself!
Roger Ailes reports:
Republicans Attack Widow
From the New York Daily News:
A downcast senior GOP official confirmed Nancy Reagan had never committed to appearing at the convention, but was nevertheless dubious of the official explanation. "The 'not feeling up to it' line is bull----," the official said. "Something happened in the last month, and whatever it was was real."I think what happened was that an elderly widow didn't feel like being used as a prop by a bunch of frauds who never cared for her.
Sad moment yesterday...had to fish a very large gekko lizard out of the pool. Almost enough of a heartbreaker to seal the pool up. We have so many though--they were not here when we first arrived. I guess they make gekko babies and will grow up big and strong. Maybe I should make a little fence for around the pool. They can climb anything though. Suction cup; gummy feet.
The last gekko casualty was last seen in the beak of our road runner. Mixed feelings about that one. We love the Runner and yet he had our big gekko. Can't fight nature. Maybe it was 'his' time. The gekko's. You can't build a fence around road runners.
I couldn't load BOYS DON'T CRY into the DVD player. I ordered it. It is one of the NYTimes1176Best; but I just couldn't do it. Oscar or not. Too much pain. Violence. Reading about it was too much. So I am copping to a complete skip. The first.
I know that Al Sharpton drives people nuts; but he gave a stem winder last night as I thought he would. I always look forward to his riffs and drive. Sure. He has been and still is a bit of a demagogue but what the hell. See Sharpton Speech Draws Standing Ovations.
Of course, I really liked:
"The issue of government is not to determine who may sleep together in the bedroom, it's to help those that might not be eating in the kitchen."Boy do we need more 'color' back in politics. Perhaps Al will give it and we can put that tired old Jesse to pasture.
I can't really tell, but I think that he actually has a hair net on in this picture. See. My point exactly! Have it all ways Al.
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
BOOGIE NIGHTS (1997): NYTimes1176BestFilms; Paul Thomas Anderson (three names, a tipoff) first big screen film based on a student movie he shot in 1988. It totally depends on Mark Wahlberg to carry the load from beginning to end including his supposed thirteen inch dick. The whole film is about 'what goes up must come down". I thought of this 'mot' before midway and discovered that the party ends and the shit begins to happen almost exactly half way through the film. Wow.
This has more long tracking shots than I have 'ever' seen; at least that I am aware of. Some of the camera work is inspired, yet intrusive now and then. There is a big cast of standard 'art' film actors plus Burt Reynolds. I always like to see Ricky Jay. Some of them have three names too (Philip Seymour Hoffman who I have limited tolerance for—thankfully, he is mostly background as a love-struck sad-ass faggot).
I saw it when it came out and didn't like it much. But, I am committed to seeing the films. I cued it up and then I relaxed and started taking it as it came and actually ended up quite happy with the whole thing. I am giving it a 4 on the Netflix5 scale.

From the National Report E-news
So Does That Make Kerry Papa K?
We followed Teresa Heinz Kerry for hours today, hoping for a "shove it" sequel. And while the outspoken Kerry didn't drop any bombshells, a new nickname may have taken hold.
Addressing the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus meeting, the would-be first lady said: "If nothing else, you will have a mom in the White House... You can call your Mama T. at anytime." That seemed to please the crowd, which responded with an extended chant of "Mama T., Mama T., Mama T..."
We woke to dry cool air this morning; the surprise treat of any summer spent in the desert. All of a sudden, out of no where, comes the refreshing draft of mountain air. It swoops down of a night and blesses all those who have stayed the summer course. Our payment. Ahhhhh.
It is very effective for Kerry to go for extending the 9-11 Commission for 18 months. The bushers have already been caught backpedalling and are trying to recoup; it sets them off balance. The Commission members were/are going to work their asses off for another year anyway whether they get extended or not. And, more to the point and of greatest importance, it keeps our bipartisan eyes on this very very important initiative. The job cannot be let out to the pols and idealogues of any administration. We must all get behind it. The record of the Commission to date underlines the importance of their work and the effectiveness of the approach.

There is so much to be happy about in last night's convention results. Here is some cherry picking:
"My name is Teresa Heinz Kerry, and by now I hope it will come as no surprise that I have something to say." "My right to speak my mind, to have a voice, to be what some call opinionated, is a right I deeply and profoundly cherish. My only hope is that one day soon, women - who have all earned the right to their opinions - instead of being labeled opinionated, will be called smart and well informed, just like men."
"I'm Howard Dean, and I'm voting for John Kerry.'' "This was never about me. It was about us. It was about giving new life to our party, new energy to our democracy, and providing hope again for the greatest nation on earth.'' "We're not going to be afraid to stand up for what we believe. We're not going to let those who disagree with us shout us down under a banner of false patriotism."
[Barack Obama] "There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America," "For all the talk of a red and blue America divided by party, Mr. Obama said, "We worship an awesome God in the blue states, and we don't like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the red states. We coach Little League in the blue states and, yes, we've got some gay friends in the red states."
[Ted Kennedy] "Now it is our turn to take up the cause. Our struggle is not with some monarch named George who inherited the crown - although it often seems that way". "Our struggle is with the politics of fear and favoritism in our own time, in our own country," he added. "Our struggle, like so many others before, is with those who put their own narrow interest ahead of the public interest. We hear echoes of past battles in the quiet whisper of the sweetheart deal, in the hushed promise of a better break for the better connected. We hear them in the cries of the false patriots who bully dissenters into silence and submission. These are familiar fights. We've fought and won them before, and with John Kerry and John Edwards leading us, we will win them again and make America stronger at home and respected once more in the world."
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
"The symbol for the Democratic Party isn't a donkey; it's a jackass. We're all jackasses. We don't take shit from anybody, and we kick back."
-- Oregon delegate and Everclear front man Art Alexakis, at today's Youth Caucus
A break from all the political crap: Eat your peas!.
This is a really neat little film.
Courtesy of The Internet Weekly.
Now go back to watching the Convention!
The Clintons arrived triumphant and Bill hit it out of the park. They have both come a long way since this 2000 picture, when they were at a low ebb. Yet, they have done the comeback thing and are triumphant.
He is, without a doubt, the best President that we will see in our lifetime. His summary of the years before and after his administration and the question of 'are we better off?' rings loud and clear.
The NYTimes article/review this morning is pretty good: Clinton Assails Bush as Democrats Open Convention. I notice that the Times has taken the bush apologists off the case for the convention cycle; at least when in direct reportage about the Democrats.
I love the photo in the article; the happy warrior.
Most days, David Brooks makes me grind my teeth and today, no exception, I ground them a little; but in the middle of the grrr grrrr of grinding, I hear a reluctant respect for Kerry; the man and his approach to this election. There are some good points in this; if you can get through the grind: Kerry At The Wheel.
What did I get out of it you might ask. One: The preznit has burned up three terms of good will in one. That is a fact. The allies are gone; both foreign and domestic. Two: Kerry is a port in the storm; a sober captain of the ship. That is it. Grudging points given by the sneering, snarky, snaky Brooks.
Monday, July 26, 2004
Jesus' General writes to Mikolashek, the General who investigated the prisoner abuse in Iraq. You remember. The one where they counted the infamous Abu Gharib passel of incidents as one case. That one.
94 Isolated Incidents; General's letter on 072604.
Look at this. Just the thing to warmup the heart of a person who is just a little regretful at not having a teevee for the Convention: DNC Floor Map/Fleet Center Boston. Play with it. It is great. I found American Samoa seats. Look at the on-stage monitor!
It makes us nostalgic; a little bit. When we left Boston, the Fleet was just getting built and the site looked like this.

To the left there, see the parking garage? That is the former site of the Hotel Manger. It is actually the Tip O'Neill General Services Administration Building. I stayed in the Manger when I came to MIT to be interviewed. That was in 1954. OK. Say it. FIFTY years ago.
The mangy Manger. I don't remember why I chose it. I think because they said they were close to the Charles River and so was MIT. It was still a cab ride, although I found later I could have gone on the T for a lot less and faster. That was imploded too.
Memories. Twenty years later, we lived at Charles River Park just to the upper left. I used to run past the Garden on my 'dock' loop. And so on. Today, it is all swarming with delegates and security people. I am glad that I am not there.
I wondered where the Demo-Donkey came from. Here it is, straight from the Jackass' mouth. Andrew Jackass/Jackson. The Democratic Donkey.
I like the image. Stubborn. Common. A serendipitous result of mating two different animals--contradiction and paradox. There is a strong kick.
In re: Keinz Kerry's 'shove it' to a reporter from one of the house organs of the gop attack machine, I have to say that we got a good one here. I know. I know. The ladies are supposed to keep their place and to be traditional fixtures; prepared to step into a mental projection of the American 'dream'.
Wake up America. Mamie Eisenhower is gone. So is Pat. We heard what it drove them to and we know about Betty. We won't go there on Laura. Too bad.
They hated Hillary because she would not step into the dream machine. Now Heinz-Kerry. The beginning of a Democrat tradition. Outspoken women who can give as well as they get. I have to admit that I have not paid a lot of attention to Teresa. That has changed. I will keep my eye on her now. She has got the good stuff. And she is a former Republican. I guess that is one of her worst sins. A turncoat in God's militia.
Of course, they have been after Heinz-Kerry for quite awhile. Look where I got this picture! Bag Lady for the American Left. I was googling the images and came upon, what I thought, was a great picture. I am amazed that they picked a really good photo to lead their scummy nastiness. I guess it is that she looks kind of rough and sexy; wrong thing in one of the female persuasion. Women haters I suspect. The right wingers love the mud. It is a long time since I actually saw someone called a commie. Oh. I am sorry. Radical Left Winger. When I see this kind of stuff, I figure there IS only one legitimate response: SHOVE IT!
So within two or three articles the positive bent of Kerry's campaign got a twist; a bent twist. Aggavated by the dolts who chant 'four more years', he took them on. Kerry Knocks Bush Record in the LA Times. So. I like this. Positive until aggravated. He is showing some spark.
One of the most aggravating things is the non-thinking party liners. That goes with both parties. Boondocks covered this yesterday 072504 Boondocks Archive. Of course, I have been and am frequently guilty of this on a one shot basis but I justify my no-nothingness on the fact that I have a continuous record of issue focus in the blog. I do, don't I? Anyway it pisses me off when anyone else does it. NO MORE YEARS!!!!!

I am five weeks late on my 'regular' ten to twelve week gym break. It does sound a little indefinite doesn't it? Late five on ten or twelve? That's only an error of about 40-50%. More numbers. Well. I read once that taking a break every ten weeks was good for the bones and ligaments and also for the soul. If it was working a job, I would look for a little more than weekends off every three months.
So. This is the week. Of course, I am doing all I can to supplant missed gym work with bike riding and walks and John is taking a break in Long Beach for three days so I will get to do the morning walk with Franklin. That is actually the 'precipitating' factor. I was going to be off the muscle machines for three days anyhow; so why not do the break?
It is not that I am a gym rat or a compulsive weight geek in any way. Don't get me wrong. It is just that when I take a day off lifting I go all funny inside. Guilt and remorse creep in. I begin to think less of myself. You don't think these are withdrawal symptoms, do you? I have to admit they are. I guess I am one of those 'addicts in all their affairs' guys that I have heard about in Meetings. Nevertheless, I will take a week off. Don't worry. I will make it. Gotta go now, time to ride the bike!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
The preznit appeared at the Urban League this week and tried a bit of pandering for the black vote. Here is a bulletin on the appearance: Poppy's Got a Brand New Bag
I have liked Kerry's strategy right along; be positive, introduce yourself and your bonafides slowly so that people get it and believe it; and above all, let others do the attacking.
Let the gop attack machine undo itself and junior leader do his best to kill his own credibility. More on this from the LA Times today: Kerry's Strategy Accents Positive. The TImes ever able to spot a strong signal or an emerging trend.
I am not going to read the 9/11 Report. I read the detailed staff reports ramping up to it and I got a lot of the testimony. I have written my own report in my head.
I know that the Commission's version is a rounded off, more politic document. I am impressed that the members say they will be advocates of implementation. Good for them.
Richard C. Clarke reviews the report today in the Times and puts some teeth back into the conclusions: Honorable Commission, Toothless Report. Nice job.
Just when I get bored with the news, something 'new' comes along. Frank Rich weighs in with a revue of the anti-administration media inventory to be played out and with this summer.
I do not plan to see the remake of MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE as I do not do remakes and Lawrence Harvey and Angela Lansbury were scary enough; no doubt contributing to my abiding distrust of the right wing.
But, Rich features it as the possible 'all audience' followup to F-9/11; the film that really ought to scare the pants off the bushies while it is scaring its audiences. Of course, it is always possible that the remake will bomb just like the original did; critical success, popular failure. See: 3 Hours Over 4 Nights With 1 Fear.
You gotta register but, hey, it is the NYTimes, at least the paper of 'cultural' record if not in the general sense. The 'grey lady' blew that one a while ago and still sands the edges and rounds the corners of the truth. But that is another story.
Just to demonstrate what I mean about the 'paper of cultural record' take a look at A. O. Scott's feature on the film: 'Harold and Kumar': A Dumb Stoner Comedy for a New American Century. There is 'nowhere else' that you can get this level of film/cultural/social phenom writing. Well, hardly. I am not finding it.
I wouldn't want to see this film; I am of the Cheech and Chong generation; but after reading Scott, I wouldn't have to. I would have thought about the whole thing and had a run with some new ideas. And so on.
Maybe it is better this way. De-grey the old lady and make her more of a hip purveyor of the present. Besides, they are one of the few national papers so there is not so much onus on being the fact-lady anymore. We have the internet for facts! Ha! Nudge nudge.
Saturday, July 24, 2004
In Polls below I wonder why every poll is so focused on the popular vote when it is the electoral that matters most, especially in a tight race. This is what I mean about the electoral situation: Current Electoral Vote Predictor. Bookmark it and take a look from time to time. It will make you feel better. I hope.
But then, if you want to feel bad there is this article today in MyWay: AP: Kerry Trails Bush in Electoral Votes. Doesn't it just drive you nuts?
THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY (1978): NYTimes1176BestFilms. Gary Busey channels Buddy Holly in this wonderful, exuberant, biopic. There are 12 Holly numbers and they all nail you. It is a great movie. Holly had a short year career and was dead at 22 leaving a wife and child; in a plane crash on the way to a date; 'the day the music died'. (Don McLean American Pie) Evidence indicates that he was as nice a guy and as big a rock and roll genius as the film conveys. No matter. It is a triumphant performance and even the bad stuff is good.
The knowledge of 'how it ends' hangs over the entire film; it is affecting and poignant; hard to watch without a lump in the throat. There we are, rockin' and a rollin'; having a sadness in the back of it all.
Busey is just magnificent. He has had a very busy career but virtually no success like this one; mostly supporting roles and B-pics. Take a look at his website: Busey World and Busey Films. Wild.
The two other Crickets are guys who were in American Graffitti so they are familiar and comfortable members of the ensemble. There are some standout supporting parts. Conrad Janis was a real musician who was also an actor and I always looked forward to seeing him. Here, he is the prez of Coral Records who takes a chance on the boys. The scenes in the Apollo Theater where the Crickets were the first white act to appear are great. The manager (also white) is hilariously played by Dick Oneil, a stalwart character actor.
The ending is perfectly rendered. I am giving it a 4 out of Netflix5. It is not a great great movie but it is sure an impactful one. I still feel 'hot' from the tears and the laughs and the general good feelings that surround this picture. Maybe a 5? It is that good. I will see how it 'lasts'.
After I wrote this I did some research and found that the film's story did take some fast turns and shortcuts and in reality the 'real' story is even more dramatic and exciting. Take a look at the Buddy Holly Official Website. It is a great tribute to the man with a personal message from Maria Elena Holly. It is a bit spooky to see that the actress who played her was as close to the real thing as Busey was to Buddy. Today, there is an announcement about the death of one of the Crickets. They have done a wonderful job of keeping the legend alive.
Jim laughed at me this morning for having said, in the middle of the week, that I was going to lighten up on the political stuff; then, by the end of the week, proceeding on full attack mode. I guess it was a temporary lapse. Sometimes the outrage depresses me. Then I bounce back and re-energize.
Thanks for the feedback from others as well. I will continue to be a peculiar mix of me, movies, odd stuff and, sure, politics. A blog.
Did you notice that the GOP ran another homo-hate party and no one came? The House of Reprepublicans tried to do another run-around gay marriage and, while the bill passed, the news that poured out from it was thin gruel compared to the Senate's similar bash-fest earlier in the week. Of course, there is no one in the House quite as sick as rick the dick Sanitorium so there were no widely published bon mots of the true unblemished hate type.
But it was all there for 'the base' to slop up from the feed trough and it also served fitfully and ineffectively as a distraction from the 9-11 Report as well as the 900th military person killed in the bushwar. And so on. They'll keep coming until we fix it so they don't keep on any more.
I have never been to clear about the definition of fascists*. For a long while, I thought that they were people who belonged to a particular party in particular countries in Europe and Latin America. I guess I thought there were some in the United States, but that pretty much stopped my thinking. The whole subject got relegated to the 'past history' bin along with the jack boots, the funny goose-steps, overdone officer hats and the brown and black shirts. Such obvious symbols!
Then the other day, I picked up the thought that fascism might be very alive and well in the US; no hats, no boots, no actual name-claim; what they used to call a 'fifth-column'. I wish I could name the site: Eschaton, DailyKos, The LeftCoaster? Dunno. To whoever I am lifting this from, thanks. The bloggist pointed me to Henry Wallace.
Now you have to be of a certain age to know who Wallace was. I am of a certain age and know about him and I was still astounded by the richness of his life as outlined in this paper by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.: Who Was Henry Wallace?. I have to honestly say that I remember him as the guy who bucked my hero Harry S. Truman and so, along with a lot of others, I saw him as a spoiler and a rebel. He stepped out of the political establishment of iwhich he had been a part for many years and stridently took a different course.
But listen to this; this complicated man's writing. Here is part of what he said about Amercan Fascism and why it has so much resonance today.
" If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends. They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.American fascism will not be really dangerous until there is a purposeful coalition among the cartelists, the deliberate poisoners of public information, and those who stand for the K.K.K. type of demagoguery.
Today we might insert right wing evangelicals and homo-haters for the K.K.K.
You can see the whole article: The Danger of American Fascism
To me, this is why this election is about way more than personalities or politics as usual. For the first time in my life, an election is about the heart and soul of our blessed country. Not 'God' blessed although if pushed, I will sign up for that. What I mean is bless-ed; by all the people come here from all over the world, by all the natural riches, by all the history, and with all the human soul with which, even in our most conflicted moments, bind us together. Blessed. That is the blessing so seriously threatened.
*Fascism: Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces Definitions: 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition; 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
I am a poll watcher. I run to the latest poll numbers as a moth to the flame. Psssssssssst. Burnout. Plop.
I can't figure it out. We hear that there is a neck and neck, head to head, dead heat, race going on in the popular numbers and yet, the electoral tallies show a clear majority for Kerry. If we remember the Florida debacle, we will remember that it is all in those electoral votes and not in the pop numbers.
So I dote on the State figures. Today, Pennsylvania (my birth-state, thank you) is shown in the Kerry column as well as Oregon but that latter is not a surprise really. I am surprised Nader is not winning there. Then there are the neck and neck, head to head, dead heat States; too close to call.
I think that the problem lies in the press as is often the case. There is no excitement, no paper sales, no higher priced ad space with a done deal. Now, understand, I do not think that Kerry is a shew in. But, I do remember that 'everyone' but the public knew that Clinton was going to win in 2000 and yet, no one reported it, as they wanted it to 'unfold'. And I can understand that. So, in the meantime, us poll watchers have to our own digging. A great site for it is at DailyKos. You are starting a little late, but if you hang in you can catch up pretty quickly. The game is right there in front of you every day.
As that fat ass Hastert, the wrestling coach, twisted the info from the 9-11 report, you might have gotten the idea that the Clintons pissed away the opportunity to deal with Bin Laden and the general terrorism issue. To the rescue, as always, Joe Conason in Salon: The President Who Took bin Laden Seriously. The prez he is referring to is not the current pretender. Conason wrote the exhaustive The Hunting of the President and is a personal hero to me for the work. The right wing attack machine is so continuous and pervasive (all those talk radio weasels) that guys like Conason are valued for continued truth telling and righting the record. Same here.
Friday, July 23, 2004
THE BIG CLOCK (1948): NYTimes1176BestMovies; Ray Milland tries to figure out how he got into this noir predicament and then has 36 hours of flashbacks to figure out what went wrong and then fix it. Charles Laughton is the big media publisher (Henry Luce) who kills his mistress and tries to cover it up by framing the last man she was seen with; Milland. Only Milland knows who 'the man' is. And he works for Laughton running one of the magazines; a crime mag and...............zzzzz.
It is one of those stories that only can be seen to be appreciated and it is a great movie. It clicks right along and finishes up in the then standard 90 minutes. I love those 90 minute films. I was brought up on them. And, I think that I saw this one when it was around; in fact I am sure of it.
Elsa Lanchester is in it; always a treat. If Charles worked, they had to take Elsa; (his beard) reminding all and sundry that he was married and could not be a homo no matter how he swished (and he does swish—setting off the gaydar bells in the first scene). The young Maureen Sullivan (Tarzan's Jane and a great actress; wife of the director of this picture, John Farrow, and hence, mother of Mia Farrow). Also, Harry Morgan is the silent thug who is Laughton's errand boy and masseur (see, even the writers couldn't keep from insinuating Charley's preference).
What else? The deco office building is a featured player including the big international clock in its lobby. The clock, for 1948, qualifies as a mechanical wonder as well as a great place—its innards— to have one of the showdown scenes. Its presence also reminds us that Milland only has 36 hours (and 90 minutes) to work all this out. We really liked it; a 3 out of a Netflix5.
I guess it is part of having a blog with a mail-in link. I got an email from someone who thanked me for spreading hatred for the Jews. Or maybe he had his tongue in his cheek. Or his head up his ass. Whatever. I don't remember having any fun at the expense of the Jews; blacks, homos, and lame presidents; some christian bigots and homophobes; maybe a few bad actors or NPR commentators (is Bob Edwards jewish) and so on.
I will have to think about it. I sure wouldn't have any trouble dumping all over Israel but I don't have much energy for international stuff. Maybe a run on Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys. Also, we do have a local sect of Lubavitchers whose members are annoyingly hot looking in their black outfits and fedora hats; and walking in the heat on the sabbath too. I am working on it. I might get a letter for stealing the cartoon.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
I am sure you saw this but then there is Molly Ivins way of seeing it:
AUSTIN, Texas -- We cannot let pass without salute Martha Stewart's remarks after being sentenced to five months in prison. In the long history of amazing things said by people in peculiar circumstances, you must admit, this ranks right up there. "There are many, many good people who have gone to prison," she observed. "Look at Nelson Mandela."'Deed we do.We live in a great nation!
I have been away from the blog tending to some chores, reading more of QUICKSILVER (see below) and spending some quality time with some friends. It does not have anything to do with the heat--yesterday was the hottest of the year 114. It is just some time off. I did not seek permission for this; my apologies!
In the meantime, take a look at this site I found: The Illustrated Daily Scribbler. The drawings are the kind you made when you were in high school; bored and needing to doodle the time away. Rude and unkind pictures of friends and foes alike would emerge. This site has the same. And, under the drawing, is an exposition of background to further illustrate the point of the illustration. Nicely done. I will be back soon.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
You might note a drift away from political rant. I was boring myself with it. And on top of it, all the characters in our continuing drama keep repeating themselves. I think that I am going to take it to the streets. I have my hat and my bumperstickers. Besides, my links to the right (actually, they are all to the left except Sully) say it all a lot better than I do.
I do not mean I am going to stop talking about the shit that goes on from time to time. I am just not going to get further consumed by it. Besides, by this time, I have probably alienated all my friends who are not aligned with my side of the argument. I have cleared the room; they either buzz over the stuff or have quit reading me completely.
I have felt good about venting though. I have spent a long time in business and personal venues where 'outside issues' are not discussed; and for good reason. Somehow this became ME and not a matter of process. So, now I have learned that I can emote and carry on and be as intolerant and fixated in my political affairs as anyone else and the world will not fall apart. A friend noted that I had said some outrageous things and I was pleased. I didn't say them to be outrageous but it was nice to be viewed that way rather than being merely eccentric.
While I am veering, I will probably stick with stuff that is more funny than sad, amusing than disturbing, and I will continue to stay away from the horrifying. I already have set that one up. There is a lot of horror out there and I have kept it there. I deal with it personally but I do not think that I need to inflict it on others. None of us have any trouble finding places to cry; it is harder to find places to laugh. Oh. While I am at it, look at this. I don't think it is too political do you? Found at Internet Weekly Report

Sometimes when I am googling on the web I get caught up short, stopped dead, caught and captured by something I stumble on just by chance. This is one of those sites: CarStuck. I don't even know what to say about it. It is totally and absolutely self explanatory and yet, in the end, it explains nothing. Perhaps that is what is fascinating. The WHAT is very clear; stuck cars. It is the WHY that reverberates through the whole experience of the site.
A feeling creeps over me that I might be in some deep water here; that other people 'get it' and I do not. It feels a bit to me like the times someone tells a joke or makes a remark and I am left high and dry without a clue. Sometimes these 'moments' are based on some naiveté about sex. Just when I think I am hip to it all and am about to jade out, someone comes along with a new fetish or piece of kink.
There is some evidence that this might be the case if you look at the 'sister' sites and try them out; high heels, feet and so on. I will let you explore on your own. Maybe it is a straight boy thing. Or straight lady? Well, it could be lesbian too. I do not think that there is anything faintly homo queer about it but I could even be wrong about that. What about those 'girly-men'; all the rage out here right about now?
Of course, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and just because I don't get it doesn't mean it is not a worthwhile, higher consciousness kind of thing. Does it?
I am still reeling from the news that Collie Dogs Word Power Impresses. This dog, Rico, is said to have over two hundred words in his 'vocablulary'. That means he 'understands' the words, not that he speaks them. This is not quite the same thing and makes me a little less competive.
I had been dog-proud about Franklin's ability to understand over thirty words. I quit counting after that, as I figured that was pretty good and people seemed impressed when I would mention it; the whole point of counting in the first place, actually. Franklin is not impressed and we are not too impressed once the news gets stale. In fact, Franklin doesn't seem to think it is any big deal. He just works little by little to 'get it'.
There is no mention in this article about Rico getting his masters to learn things. As it happens, John and I now respond to about forty signals that Franklin gives us. There is 'out' and 'dog biscuit'. There is the signal to turn left or right on a walk. He sits and turns his head in the desired direction. I am pretty good on the various walk commands. There is 'stop' and 'go'. I do pretty well at 'bag the poop' as well.
This whole thing of sharing language is pretty important with dogs and people and I think the communication goes both ways. I know that both Franklin and John and I all think of some things at the same time. Only yesterday, we were going to go to the dog groomer and all of us thought 'Jeep' at the same time! We went right to it and Franklin jumped into the back just like that. We used the doors. Another example is the business of bedtime; the ritual. When it is time to wrap the day up, we all think and head for the 'spa'. All you have to say to Franklin is 'spa' and he is out toward the back. So are we. 'Hot' is a good one too. We all go out and, virtually in unison we all 'say' "shit it is HOT out here". Not in so many words, of course, but the shoulder crunch and the pickup of pace to the car says it all.
There is one issue that really bothers me about Rico. I was OK about his word power. Some dogs have to have more skill than others and we have not raised Franklin to be a 'circus dog'; no tricks like 'speak' and 'roll over'; things like that. But, I had not expected that the issue of language would ever come up. According to this article, this Rico dog responds to all these 200 words in GERMAN! Shit, goddam. We have never, ever talked French to Franklin or Icelandic or any other language but American-English. I don't count baby-talk but that was over when he was one or so. Now, the ante has been raised by some Collie. A second language. It never occurred to me.
So we are starting over. Franklin's first word (very functional) was pee-pee (the liquid not the organ). I am going to go look it up in the German/English dictionary. It should be easy actually, as it looks like it is the same word, only the pronunciation is different; harder consonants. Then it will be 'sit'. I think that is 'standzen' or something. SitzendeDeustch. I gotta go. Lots of work to be done.
Monday, July 19, 2004
BONNIE AND CLYDE (1967): NYTimes11176BestFilms. I thought it was horseshit. And that is just the beginning. First and foremost, it is a patent vehicle for Beatty. He and Dunaway cannot carry the plot in any genuine way as their teeth are so perfect and the hair........well; Let's put it this way, there is no way to suspend disbelief or to identify with the characters. And, if you do get involved, there will soon be a set of country grotesques artfully brought on; Oakies, itinerants, farmers, even B and C's family; all of whom are made to look as drab and down and out as B and C are made to look pretty and above it all. Even the B-players Hackman, Parsons, and Pollard do not 'go with' the stars. These contrasts only remind us that Warren's gym bod and Dunaway's false eyelashes (big ones) are not the stuff of malnourished edge-of-society dropouts.
Then, there is the music, which is very intrusive. Flat and Scruggs high energy pickin' to accompany an escape in which a few cops were mowed down or perhaps some innocents who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time; good-timey music, feets a-slapping. Glamorized violence. The 'cinematic' parts of it are pretty good but they are set pieces. The reunion with the family is beautifully realized; done in a totally different palette, which again, reminds us of the cartoonishness of the plot-part. Dick Tracy.
Then, the plot; which I suppose is based to some extent on real life. I am not too clear whether Clyde cannot get it up or is a premature ejaculator; but, whichever it is, it is rather simplified Psych-1 stuff. In and out and he can't do it and now he can; pull the rabbit out of the hat (or put it back in). And so on. Come to think of it though, his nipples are erect in the 'sex' scenes (clothes on); so I guess it is the old quick squirt problem. At least part of him is erect. But it could be Warren getting off on himself.
My man Ebert (the solo written Ebert) looks back and finds art and the beginning of the new cinema. I look back and see a bad turn of affairs that has given us a whole film-literature of half-baked pulp; but then someone made a film about that too. I didn't like PULP FICTION either. And so on.
Ebert tells us that the film was a relative failure at the time; critically panned and not well attended. He claims to have seen "art" in it then; when he was only six months in his new critic-job. OK. Of course he will defend it now.
One other thing and then I will shut up. There is a small bit where Gene Wilder makes his screen debut. He and his girl are necking and B&C steal their car. They give chase (I do not believe this) and are kidnapped by the gang; suddenly becoming buddies; until Bonnie finds out that Wilder is a funeral director and they are put out of the car unharmed because it makes her all squeamish. Ha ha. It is funny and neat to see Wilder but it is an add-on. Out of context. "Don't you think we need a laugh or two in here" kind of thing.
OK. Another last thing. Arthur Penn. Spotty career (PENN AND TELLER GET KILLED? Whew). A teevee director of some note who made teevee-like movies; I liked ALICE'S RESTAURANT which is like a teevee special. THE MIRACLE WORKER which was a play. I believe that the gauzy, genuine, rough-looking-people scenes are all Penn. And the rest of it is Warren trying to make a commercial picture: "Uhhhh Arthur, Warren says that there is no way he is going to discolor his teeth and the tank-top scenes will stay"
I will give this a 2 out of Netflix5 because I was happy to see Gene Hackman and Estelle Parsons in their first flick.
So, the 9-11 Commission is going to point out the culpability of IraN in supporting the highjackers. Does that mean we hit the wrong country? Given the I Q (no pun intended) of certain high officials, perhaps we got the Q instead of the N. Well, they all look alike anway. Here we go. Why did and are we doing all this shit in IraQ when IraN was doing as bad or worse? Hmmmmmmmm.
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Well, it had to happen. Maria must have been out of town. The tired old muscle queen had to emerge sometime: Schwarzenegger Stands By His "Girlie-Men" Line . The funny thing is that he has been doing a pretty good job of not getting his nuts caught in the old partisan battles here. But now, his nuggets are in the vise for sure; from both the demo and repub sides. He went around his own party and they will make him pay and pay. He also has gone back on some deals. Not good.
Well, I do not want to raise the old chest'nut' about muscle queens who are so insecure in their own masculinity they have to bash women and do the male-in-rut dance. Stress leads to the 'real man' coming out; so to speak. It is not really a gay bash or anything other than the immediate recourse of desperation. Perhaps he will regain his footing; but, in the end, he will be sorry that he fell back on the name calling; then defended it; making it all the worse. Up to now, it was a slip of the tongue; Freudian for sure, but a slip nonetheless.
And we are tired of the film allusions too. Yesterday, he said he would 'terminate' the legislators. In a way, that is stronger, more threatened and threatening language. Get back down to size Arnie. The whole world is watching. You are a republiconvention speakah after all!
And that is another thing. A real letdown. Those moderate republicans who are letting bush use them to disguise the fact that the gop has become the evangelical right wing party are the real ball-less wonder sell outs. Now he has me doing it. In a minute, I will be calling Arnie, McCain, and Guiliani girlie-men for not standing up to the busher.
The last few days we have had smoke from the forest fires near here. It makes for great sunsets and sunrises, but that is the only thing that is good about it unless you believe in defensive burning after the fact. Last night was especially dark and smelly; coming from the south; and when I was walking Franklin I thought maybe it was in Palm Canyon which is VERY near here. When we got home, John said we ought to go take a look, which we did. Franklin is always up for a ride in the Jeep and, in fact, so are we. We did not find anything but we had a nice ride and got to agonize about all the building along streets that used to be open desert.
I also got to remember my Dad. He was a fire-chaser. In our little town, there was a siren that went off so the local volunteer firemen would know they were needed. As often as he could, my Dad would take off and go take a look at the action. It could be in the middle of the night, and if so, so much the better. Later, when scanners came on the market he got one and then followed police calls too.
I never figured why he was not a member of the fire volunteers. I think it was a group that he would not want to be with. Small towns are like that. You will never know why any of that stuff takes place or sometimes, if it takes place at all; the mutual snubbing. All sub-rosa so to speak.
Later, when there was an ambulance corps started, he did join that and got to be a regular on the emergency medical side. It was not as much fun, I think. He had to go when the calls came. Worse, there was no second guessing. With the fires, he could go and observe and then criticize the action or non-action. There was plenty to criticize. Our volunteers were mostly adept at watering down hot foundations. In fact they were known by the skeptics as the Volunteer Foundation Savers.
I guess as a result of this, I have always been averse to chasing fires. A small rebellion at being like my dad. With last night's unsuccessful search for flames, I think I will hang up my fire hat and let my Dad hold the family record for most flames found.

We had never seen it. I suppose it was on the list of 'to be avoided' films at the time it was released. That is what is so cool about a forced march through the 1176 Best Films. I have committed to see all that have made it to DVD; about 800 of them. And, it is surprising how many I did NOT see when they came around. There is not a lot to say about this one as it exists in its own category; is not comparable; and as it does not translate too too much to general society. There are no lessons to be drawn from it unless you are a kid, a parent, or maybe a teacher. It is all adolescent angst and social structure; but it still lets the rest of us in so we can be a part of it for awhile and maybe remember a little bit of what it was like. Or something. I will give it a 3 out of Netflix5.
*I have explained that there are 1176 Best Films because the NYTimes chose to take the 2000 1000Best list and revise it in 2004. Somefilms were taken off, others were added, and an accomodation was made (too much in my view) for movies released from 2000 to 2004. For a while, I balked and would only use the 2000 list; then after awhile, relented and am working from both lists. A more than cursory, but not complete, search indicates a net gain in the lists of 176 films that are not on both lists; hence the unwieldy number 1176; end of story. Period. Paragraph. No more questions please.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Combed Franklin
BODY HEAT (1981): NYTimes1176Best; Lawrence Kasdan's film noir (written and directed) in color with William Hurt and Kathleen Turner as well as pre-CHEERS Ted Danson and Richard Krenna; also the young Mickey Rourke!
This is a beautifully realized picture. We just watched Kasdan's BIG CHILL and the attention to detail and quality of the work is the same, albeit in an entirely different milieu. I guess that is the right word. Genré? He means this to be a film noir exercise and as Roger Ebert pointed out about this picture, it is hard to do a thing like this well, consciously. Most of the film noir guys didn't know that they were doing it at the time and so the creative elements are more integral and somehow more innocent--a strange word to use with noir but there it is. Kasdan comes to it as a fan and puts a lot of the markers in his film. But, he does this unobtrusively and very well indeed.
That said, the film is a great double-cross or triple-cross story. It is a cliffhanger and keeps drawing the viewer out in the same way that Turner leads Hurt on; only in his case, she is leading him by his dick.
It was Turner's first picture and Hurt's second. Their chemistry is incredible; perhaps the sexiest scenes I have seen, on a par with Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland in DON'T LOOK BACK. Notable because there is as much male as female skin and Turner has her hand in his pants much of the time; she is the aggressor and leader, really. There is no faking it and yet it is not X. Just hot and prurient; great foreplay. You rarely see this. Male actors and directors hide themselves all the time and let the gals strut themselves (unless the picture has Harvey Keitel who is more than happy to go full frontal at any time). Perhaps it is where Mickey Rourke (9 1/2 WEEKS) got started in his quest to be uber-stud later on. The sex is not the point of the picture but it is a point which makes the watching of it very special. When a homo can get warm watching het-sex then you know there is something cooking.
Incidentally, I think that the Danson character is meant to be queer and to have a thing about Hurt. It is not put forth very aggressively but if you want to find it, the clues are there. I did not want to find it but I am more 'sensitive' than most. It is not important to plot or characters. It is a very light backstory kind of thing. What else? It is hard to believe that this is the same Kasdan who wrote RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and two of the STARWARS pictures. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it is very interesting and shows the range he brings to the work.
William Hurt is a fascinating actor. Kasdan used him again in BIG CHILL and ACCIDENTAL TOURIST. I love watching him. He has a lot of charm and is very handsome indeed. He seems to inhabit the roles that he is in and yet make them indelibly his own. I like his patented little quirks; accents; riffs. And so on. We will be watching him again in some other BestFilms. I am giving this one a 4 out of Netflix5.