
Saturday, July 24, 2004


I am a poll watcher. I run to the latest poll numbers as a moth to the flame. Psssssssssst. Burnout. Plop.

I can't figure it out. We hear that there is a neck and neck, head to head, dead heat, race going on in the popular numbers and yet, the electoral tallies show a clear majority for Kerry. If we remember the Florida debacle, we will remember that it is all in those electoral votes and not in the pop numbers.

So I dote on the State figures. Today, Pennsylvania (my birth-state, thank you) is shown in the Kerry column as well as Oregon but that latter is not a surprise really. I am surprised Nader is not winning there. Then there are the neck and neck, head to head, dead heat States; too close to call.

I think that the problem lies in the press as is often the case. There is no excitement, no paper sales, no higher priced ad space with a done deal. Now, understand, I do not think that Kerry is a shew in. But, I do remember that 'everyone' but the public knew that Clinton was going to win in 2000 and yet, no one reported it, as they wanted it to 'unfold'. And I can understand that. So, in the meantime, us poll watchers have to our own digging. A great site for it is at DailyKos. You are starting a little late, but if you hang in you can catch up pretty quickly. The game is right there in front of you every day.

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