Saturday, July 31, 2004
In the same day that junior changes his campaign oratory to "look at the results", we find that the debt will be the biggest ever; the economy cooled in the second quarter; gas prices bounced up again; that the guy who told the US there was a connection between Al Queda and Iraq, a defector, changed his story, but no one told us he did; there are billions unaccounted for in oil money in Iraq; the stories of gopper contract peddling over there continue; Halliburton got a 500 million contract with the Navy; delays continued in installing recommendations of 9/11 panel and more. They gotta be kidding. And do they think people have NOT been looking at the results?
Anyway, I admire junior's ability to change the story line when times demand it. He has to be pressed by Kerry's challenge for the high road. He is looking but has not found it yet. Lost. Not a suprise.