Friday, May 11, 2007
I don't know why I thought otherwise.
I guess that I am from a different time and set of values.
If you are disgraced and found wanting in public office, the traditional thing to do has always been to resign.
No longer.
Gonzales went up to the hill and, regaining his smirk, brazened it out and refused to be contrite or to tow the line that had been set down by our reps.
The prez sez he did a great job.
Well, of course. He took the bullet for the White House and he is not going to be asked to take his wounded body off stage.
Payback for loyalty.
We will see what develops.
Then there is Wolfowitz.
Spare me.
I just can't describe the surprise I felt when I saw the bush come out and support this semi-thug.
But, there I go again.
I forget that these people have no shame or remorse. It is their standard way of doing business.
I am reminded of the picture of Yalie george holding some guy's head and punching him in the eye on the soccer field.
I am so fucking naive.
Labels: bush, bush. bushies, criminal morons, gonzales, gonzo