
Sunday, June 21, 2015

We wait 

I am happy to say that I am married to my former "Certified Domestic Partner" John.

Now we are over that nonsense. He is my husband.

Is this an important distinction? To be married instead of just "partners". Emphatically yes. It felt different from the completion of the "I do" we each spoke.

It took a long time to break through the useless rigamarole that even "liberals" conceived. Just to cover up the reality that we still were second class citizens.

Now, in California, no more. We had the entire State vote and we got legitimatized.

And, now we hope to go national.

Gay Marriage's Moment

I don't know what the Supremes will do. There is suspense.

I want this for everyone.

If the hard right on the Court prevails, then the battle is not over. We will resume.

What do "the gays" want?


To be accepted and have full respect from our fellow citizens. Respect. No more jokes. No more "tolerance".

I have a friend who says that he does not want to be "tolerated". Neither do I.

Acceptance. Pure and simple. Is that too much to ask?

For some, yes. It will take time but time will tell.

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