Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Family values
The wing nuts think they have a lock on defending the family.
This delusion is what might just upset their apple cart. Defining "family" as a tightly run heterosexual and, probably, god fearing, church going unit, they fail to see that for years, gay men and women have been making their own family units. And, as a result encouraging many heterosexual groups, not all couples incidentally, to redefine their notions of marriage as well.
What has turned it is the kids.
Gay couples have been getting kids through adoption or surrogate activities foe quite awhile now and the evidence is in and quite clear that families do not suffer in the present of gay principals. I would not go so far as to claim that gay marriages are better for kids. I do not have that prejudice which so many hets have.
But I do know that my own family has flourished from the presence of a gay dad other than myself. And now, grandchildren. Who come visit on their own. Their two granddads.
Today, another article about gay kids.
How kids became the strongest argument for same-sex marriage
How dare these assholes disparage my family. My kids. My marriage.
While I do not often use such derogatory terms, I consider these people to be evil. Flat out. Mean, bigoted and sometimes so crazed with their surety that they do no good and sometimes seriously harm others.

Labels: gay adoption, gay families, gay history, gay marriage, gay rights