Thursday, December 06, 2012
Here is a nice story about the Obama's christmas card.
Story Behind White House Card>
And the card itself.
We sent out our christmas cards a week ago. Our traditional weekend after Thanksgiving.
And we haven't gotten one from anyone else yet.
I am not complaining but why else send the cards?
Just kidding.
John did the cards again this year. I have handed it over to him, I think.
I have done it every year since we were together. Well, once we lived together as a couple.
That would be about thirty years.
So, actually, I shouldn't be the one to be annoyed that we haven't gotten any yet. No effort on my part.
It is a funny practice, holiday cards. That is what we call them now.
There is a hard list of traditions that surround our practice. Full of paradox.
We don't send any cards locally since we will probably see the people to wish them a happy.
We do send them to family who we talk to all the time even though some family don't send them to us. But we don't send them to other people who haven't returned the cards for two years running.
We do send cards to a hard core of friends who still abide by the practice, maybe 40 people plus the family who only communicate through cards.
Every year a couple of people drop off the list.
For all we know they are dead. Although you would think they would write and let us know if that is the case!
They get their two years like anyone else and then poof! They are gone.
Since we do not add to the list at all, well maybe a couple here and there, the list gets smaller all the time. Approaching zero.
That is the year I will begin to send them again and relieve John of the burden.