
Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Another unexpected day. Our 2PM financial guy called to bail out as he had a medical emergency. Well, something he was worried about and the doc would only see him at our time.

OK with me. And he said he "wouldn't be any good" if he had gotten a later time at the doc as he is worried.

Me too. I wouldn't want him under stress. Then I couldn't add any.

Not that I intend to.

We will get together next week at 2PM. Same deal.

I am prepared. One of the benefits of having a postponement.

Tom Lehrer from my college years. He was prophetic. Solicit for your sister, indeed.

Tom was gay as a goose and could be found in various gay bars when I was there. A nice guy. An icon to students in the Fifties. We were getting ready for the Sixties.

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