Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Another busy day. I did have one cancel this morning but another arrives in 15 minutes.
I went to the dentist yesterday.
It is not "look ma no cavities" for me today. One cavity to have a filling and another goddam crown. He will not be happy until he has all fake crockery in my mouth.
I have been out of his cash flow for quite a while so now, back in, I will be in favor. A nod, a hello. A tip of the hat from the big man as he walks the halls past his minion's doorways.
He is a nice guy and does great work and I begrudge him nothing. Happy to contribute.
I will get the crown started on Monday. The filliing as well.
Remember when I would wait weeks and months, even years, to get the work done?
On the way home, I went and set up a new pharmacy. My old one of many years duration was bought out by Walgreen which is OK and has worked fine. But, it seems, Walgreen and my insurance company no longer speak to each other. No end seen to this foreseen difficulty.
I don't use any prescription drugs, at least none that are on the list so that has been OK.
But now I am having the cataracts removed and they will need to send a script to someone for my drops and all. Expensive, I hear.
So off to the other small shop nearby. John goes there.
They were very nice and even have the on-line ordering. They will take care of any transfers. I have two. One uncovered monthly bottle and another salve that I use so seldom, I age it out every year. Make that two. Rashes.
It is very hot now. We are over the ups and downs. Nothing over 110 I think although the Volvo said 114 yesterday. I think it was the parking lot effect. I didn't look again after that.
So that is the update.
Time marches on.
Oh. The Dodgers signed Andre Etier for five years and 85 million dollars yesterday.
I am not a Dodger's fan but I am thinking of becoming an Etier follower. Actually, I am not a baseball fan either. But I will keep my eye on this one. Woof!
Labels: baseball, dentist, drugs, life