Thursday, December 29, 2011
The mattress got delivered this morning and I was on it taking a nap within the first hour.
It works fine. And looks great.
A realization occurred to me today. An insight that had almost passed by me.
We went into a big Macy's yesterday, two men, and went to the mattress department where we both got on six beds (three models, each or "plush") and then did it again and then went back and forth. One of us on. Two of us on. The other off. A great saleswoman following us around bantering. Other salespeople going past asking if they could help us.
Not one blink about the gay angle. None. And if there had been, while we would have continued as if it had not, we would know it in a nano-second. We have spent our lives learning when we are getting the homo reaction.
Now, the department store is not the most hetero place. We have long worked in that field and own much of the many of the management positions but that means nothing. In fact, some of the gayest places, owned and operated are the most closeted and homophobic.
But there we were doing our thing. Let me tell you that twenty years ago we would not have done it this way. One would go pick out the one he wanted and then the other would go in and consider the field work. One might pay up.
Actually we wouldn't be doing that as we have been extremely out for a long time. But we wouldn't be doing with quite the elan. We would have had an eye out for some kind of trouble.
Ten years ago, a couple might go together but not heedlessly romp around on the beds together.
We have come a looooooong way.
It is funny. There was a guy there alone checking things out. He didn't even want to bring his lady wife with him. And I bet they would not have gone onto the bed at the same time and cuddle up. We did.
Labels: culture, gay liberation, gay life