Friday, November 04, 2011

No postings today.
No movie.
Nothing to report unless unless you want to hear about the Friday cleaning. Or the rainy day.
Certainly you don't need to hear about my hangnail that still hurts after a trim and now with the bandaid holding it down.
Not too much actually is going on to report. Just uncertainty about the dog walk. Rain throws things asunder.
Nor would you really be interested in my project to get both John and my credit cards, Medicare, insurance and other id's together on one sheet of paper so if we have a wallet loss we are not shit out of luck.
No need to tell about how I took a longer than usual nap, involuntarily, or to relate the saga of John realizing I had not put the current insurance info in the Volvo or into each other's wallets. Found them in the payment envelope from July.
I had decided to omit the long story of not getting my tax bill then going on line to find it and, thinking it would be easier to just pay it with a credit card, discovered the bastards add a service charge for credit card payments. 45 bucks. Never again. And how I got the mailing address on the bill corrected. They sent it to the old owner's place and, keerist, nobody knows where it is. Old Penny McKee who owned the place is sitting on it or it is in the forwarding bin at the post office.
Well, I asked them to change the mailing address. I don't know that they did.
You probably don't want to hear how beautiful Booker is in his new haircut. You have heard enough of that.
The phone calls. THree or four like any other day.
I am reading the Steve Jobs bio. Very good. Funny and very honest I think. He was not perfect. But I am only 150 pages in and besides you can read it yourself. I still have the extra book if someone wants it. Leave a comment!
There is more but since I am not going to write about it and you really don't want to hear about it I will just go on to the next thing which will either be a Coke and pretzels (this is Booker's wish) or perhaps the walk if it is not raining. Maybe I will start dinner prep but there isn't a lot of prep as there are hamburgers tonight. The best. Coleslaw too.
I guess the Coke break. Some internet stalking to find something to be outraged about. Perry's planes? Herman Cain's women or his dirty campaign manager (crooked dirty). Maybe the latest Romney flipflop.
It is the same old story of pots calling kettles black.
You don'wanna'hear it!
And I don't want to write it.
Nada today.
Labels: blogging, Booker, gay life, politics