
Saturday, October 29, 2011


I have been on the inactive list as far as personal blogging is concerned.

I can blame outside matters on this. The death of a good friend. Major dental work. Busy-ness. But, over a long period of time, I have found that these things are actually more manageable when I write about them or when I am writing about something else.

A lot of this is just bullshit. Yesterday I convinced myself that my typing skills had tanked and that I was getting old and uncoordinated. Or something. I also decided that my handwriting had deteriorated. Could this be the encroachment of old age? All in a couple of days?

No. Right now, I am typing away like a professional stenographer, if they type any more. And being conscious of the handwriting I made some notes that were in the old firm hand.

Perhaps just a mood.

So. Here I am writing in spite of myself.

We are sort of between things.

We stick to our routine but are able to do other stuff. MIT interviews for me. A new plan to go back to Italy for John.

In three weeks a trio of kids will appear to spend a long weekend with us and each other.

This week, I get my new crowns (three of them) and take the impression for my plate. That takes some starch out. But I am past the hard part and heading for the last lap.

So, for better or, hardly ever, for worse, I am in the flow of life and busy. So I guess everything is OK.

I always feel "behind" but I am not. It turns out that, at the end of each day, everything that needed to be done got done and most of the stuff I thought about doing, needed or not, got done too.

So for a guy like me, that is a good definition of happiness. It also helps me sleep very well.

OK. Rambling Alert. Time to get back to business.

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