Saturday, July 16, 2011
It is has been sad fun to sit back and watch the Murdoch show this past week.
It is still unwinding.
And has yet to reach are shores. But the water is lapping.
Joe Nocera has this in the NYTimes today.
I was actually surprised by this.
Somehow the WSJ seemed sacrosanct although a lot of people predicted this. I thought that somehow they wouldn't have fallen this far this fast to the Murdoch code of loyalty.
I still entertain the idea that I might subscribe to them again. I really did like the paper when I was taking it (on-line). They still send me their headlines for free every morning.
As for Fox. Well, nothing could be lower. I saw clips of the first Fox piece which didn't appear until days after this all started. No coverage at all!
But after a couple of days, they had to buckle. One of its morning assholes Steve Doocey (yes, Dooooossseee) interviewed some hack who was a PR "expert" who explained how it was all an over reaction.
That was it.
Mocked thoroughly by the "free press" all over.
Even I. Incapable of being surprised, have been disturbed about how bad this is.
And, as far as I can see, the open attacks on the Conservative Party links to say nothing of Scotland Yard have just begun (two trash bags full of evidence hidden).
How long will it take to open some cases here and then worm into the house organ of Fox?
We are going to need more than a bag of popcorn for this. Maybe one of those theaters that sell meals and all. A return of the teevee dinner.
Labels: criminal behavior, republican whack jobs