
Sunday, July 17, 2011


I have a sort of front row seat to the whole Murdoch mess. My friend Lynda sends me little updates from London where she lives not a stone's throw from all the action.

Today, she asked if I was keeping up.

The answer is "pretty well" inasmuch as the NYTimes produced a huge summary of the situation this morning.

Stain Rubs Off on Cozy Scotland Yard

Good enough, but by this afternoon, the head of Scotland Yard has resigned. His dick caught in the wringer as well.

Earlier, they arrested the dramatic looking and acting Rebekah Brooks who looks just like she came from Central Casting.

Cameron is shoveling as fast as he can and digging himself in deeper.

It is a right mess they have on their hands.

The word from London is that the investigation yet to come will cut wide and deep. Coverup is no longer an option.

Of course it never is. When will "they" learn? The coverup is always worse and has more backlash than the original crime. Although in this case, the original crime is pretty outrageous and widespread.

What next? Rupert has a stroke? James is thrown under the bus? Will Fox News and the WSJ finally cover the story instead of covering up? What will the FBI find going in the USA?

This is not the main event in my life but it is interesting not the least bit because my friend is so close to the line of fire.

She tells me that they have sent out for more popcorn as the circus continues to run.

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