
Friday, February 19, 2010


I watched Tiger Woods' mea culpa today.

I thought he did a pretty good job according to the standards the media and others hold about such things. Mostly hypocritical. Let him who hath not sinned cast the first stone kind of thing.

It is all PR bullshit and everyone knows it. Kabuki.

I watched CNN this morning. The reporter assigned to be on site (not in the same room with Woods, only an invited list got in there) was giddy with excitement and full of speculation. Would the wife be there? All that. It was really disgusting. And the anchor's smarmy kind of moral superiority.

When I say he did a good job I mean that he hit all the marks. I liked that he stuck to his Buddhist rules and didn't kiss Brit Hume's ass by "going christian".

I suspect that he was as well coached in this as you can be. Anywhere. The PGA is desperate to get over this. He is their draw. Nike has a fortune tied up in his brand.

You can bet that all of his backers have been in on this and a top flight PR firm prepared a lot of the script and rehearsed him.

What a crock!

I personally like the approach of The Onion.

Tiger Woods Announces Return To Sex.

We demand impossible standards of our celebrities. Woods tried his damnedest not to be a celebrity but just to play the game. They got him for that too.

Oh and let's not pass without mentioning the differential standards around race. White women. Blonds. It is in there.

Some jerk-off at CPAC got up today and managed to analogize between Tiger and Barack. Strained. Inept. Horribly racist and sexist. But he did it anyway. And they all laughed and cheered. There is no end to this kind of crap.

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