Saturday, October 11, 2008
This may be my last entry in the blog as a single man.
The momentum has built up so that I suspect that I shall go through with it.
All my kids are here with spouses and kids. What a wonderful reunion. The first where so many have gathered here. A long trek from back east. We are blessed by their presence.
The best men are in place. They sleep in the guest room as I type. One for each of us. Ready to defend and protect.
We have the chairs delivered. The 'altar' is ready. The sound system is in place so that every one of the hundred who will arrive will not miss a word. Or sigh.
Today is a whole ramp up from getting the balloons to icing the drinks (3 a piece). The cake arrives at 11-12. And most crucially, we hope, that the City Councilman will be on time. I call him 'the preacher'.
How do I feel? Well, right now, calm. Like the wind that tore through here during the night fluttering some ribbons on the big display setup in the backyard. A bit ravaged but ready to go, with a little repair.
I will go to a Meeting this morning. The place that makes all of this possible in the first place.
Then we will get through a long march of little details which mean much more to us than anyone attending.
We have lots of help.
The kids, a friend who will be the grand usher. Another who will help people find a place to park (and stay out of the driveway). Another who will prep and serve the drinks. He is paid help. The hardest worker of all.
Did I wander off the question of how I am doing?
I don't know how. I do know why though.
I am doing this because, twenty years, ago we put some energy and money behind gay rights in Boston and part of that was the marriage initiative. This finishes that job off.
And, I want what everyone else has. A bond with a belovec husband that ties and nourishes.
A friend wrote the other day. He says it best.
I’m writing to express best wishes to you and John on your big day tomorrow.Isn't that something? So nice.All the usual words seem backwards. Instead of “hope” this seems like “proof.” Instead of “anticipation” this seems like “validation.”
I’m happy for you that after years of hiding and shackles you can enjoy the fullness of your relationship. Enjoy tomorrow as the reward for all you’ve done to build and sustain your bond through difficult circumstances.
Blessings on you.
Now. I have to get going. The 'to do list' says that I should eat some breakfast.

Labels: gay wedding, wedding