Friday, September 26, 2008
Forget the financial crisis! Forget the debate!!!
It suddenly dawned on me that I am getting married in only two weeks from this Saturday.
This came up as I began to look over the 'to do' list. So much to do. This guy is right. I am possessed by the wedding demon.
One 'to do' is to have the grounds 'manicured'. I needed to call Paul and do a walk through. I thought I had a lot of time to do that. NO!
Not later. This week!
Which we did. The guys will be here Wednesday to do the work. Give it a week for the raw edges to heal over.
A lot is already done.
We have almost all the RSVPs back. We will have almost a hundred people here.
I have all of the beverages for the toasts. 3 per person. Will that be enough?
We paid the final balance on the cake.
We have the sound system wrapped up.
And stuff like that. Actually this is on John's list. He has a much longer list than mine. He is doing almost all the work. Bless him.
I gave myself my 'wedding' haircut the other days. Give time for those raw edges to heal also.
So it is happening. People are getting revved up.
One of my daughters' dresses arrived yesterday for hanging and fluffing.
Even the outside world is getting into gear.
Oh. About the picture. It is right in front of the State House in Boston where I passed by for many years.
Just a glimpse of why it is so important that all of us come out and, if we so wish, get married. To just show bastards like this that we have lives too.
Labels: gay marriage, gay rights, wedding