Monday, August 25, 2008

We will each have our own and no one is going to know what they are until the event. Real time.
John got his done the other day. I asked and he told me that there were 120 words.
That was a relief. I had no idea what we were shooting for and that seemed just about right to me.
Then he told me that it was 112.
I have been thinking about this for awhile. I had some rough ideas. One idea was a sort of historic treatment. A walk down memory lane. I scratched that one last week.
But there were some good pieces. I kept one idea from that excursion.
Then yesterday, I just got 'inspired' with a second part. I jotted it down. A while later I opened the document titled vows and began writing. It was all done in a few minutes.
I counted the words. 113!
So I cut one word out and now we both have a vow with 112 words. Karmic.
Now I am memorizing them/it.
It isn't too hard. I think I will have it down by October 11th.
Labels: gay wedding, wedding