
Monday, June 23, 2008


I am trying to have something to blog about today but it is an effort.

The market has not moved up or down, the weather is slightly cooler, I found the new PETCO store in our neighborhood wanting and ended up at the old PetSmart where I can get what I need for Franklin without asking new and clueless personnel.

I have two appointments today that were put of another week.

I am still missing George Carlin a little. I just went to YouTube and watched some of his tapes.

I was going to put one of them up but it was non-imbeddable so no tape.

I think that I will go and read a bit.

I have finished Netherland which I enjoyed very much. New literary fiction. One pick out of a hundred reviews I read. I have an ability to find the 'right ones' for me.

They are delivering the new recycle bins in our neighborhood today but we didn't get ours yet.

We are usually at the ass end of anything like this as we are off the road. Kind of.

Only our regular trash men know for sure.


There is a lot going on but nothing that I can squeeze out of the tube into a full blog item.


I am going to read the book.

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