Tuesday, March 18, 2008
So today the market is rebounding. Yesterday it was drooping.
I try to give some perspective to what is happening.
I have been through these things before. They tell me that this is the worse one but it felt a lot worse in past dips.
I guess this comes from knowing I am powerless, that I am not going to change where I have my money (in a mixed managed fund which is doing 'better' than the market) and that what goes down must come up.
If the coming up happens in the long term, I might not be here to enjoy it. On the other hand, if I am going to quit the scene that early I won't need the money anyway.
Ya' see what I mean?
No prob-a-lem.

The papers are just beginning to grasp that this is another of the bush failures. The signs have been out for this for months.
Even a week ago, fearless George was saying that there was nothing to worry about.
He seems hopelessly out of touch with what is going on.
Katrina? Post Invasion Iraq? Hello? Hello?
Shit, he didn't even know that gas was edging towards $4.00 a gallon.
I don't usually go for Maureen Dowd, the bitch lady, but she gets this right: