
Thursday, February 07, 2008


Look it up

There is no end to the bushshit.

Waterboarding is Legal White House Says

We have seen them denying then dodging then stonewalling for years.

Now, they come out and say that they were doing it (waterboarding) and, what is more, they would do it again.

Now we all know that they did it.

We all know that, sometime in the future, it is going to get done again.

But Congress passed two laws to say that it is illegal.

In direct contradiction, the bushies say that it is NOT illegal and that they will do it if they want to and, I presume, fuck you.

And there we have the theory of the unitary executive. A slick phrase for despotism or dictatorship or whatever you choose.

I think that this is a desperate ploy to get the issue off the table. But with the usual bushie ham-handed incompetence, they have instead, inflamed the issue.

The way to get past shit is to admit it. We know that although few of us are able to do it until admission hurts less than the guilt or shame.

But these guys have no shame. They can't admit anything even when they fake it.

So they admit the obvious, the rumored, the all but completely confirmed fact and then, in a typical show of their almost reflexive arrogance and insincerity, they say they will go on doing it.

And, oh yes. Fuck you.

Details here: Today's Must Read

There are all kinds of words for this behavior but let's keep it simple and just say 'evil'.

This is a very good film on the subject.

The demo of waterboarding starts at about two minutes. This is more realistic than many of the demos you might see.

The guy is in good shape, he is tough. He lasts 24 minutes.

Some say they would tell all at 2 minutes.

Don't worry. They don't make you watch all 24 minutes. Just enough to get that it would definitely kick your ass.

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