Tuesday, May 01, 2007
It is not only May Day
(singing L'Internationale here in PS, of course)
And not only the day for marches about immigration.
Come on, you already know this.
It is the fourth anniversary of the famous deck-top declaration of "Mission Accomplished".
Also the day that the Senate 'made' george veto support for the troops.
No date. No budget.
He has 86'd it.
The first veto other than for stem cell research. Another veto for death.
Here is the Senate Democrats report on the cost of the Iraq war for each state.
It even shocked me and I am way down there on the negatives.
My own state's stats are:
CALIFORNIANumber of Active Duty Service-Members in Iraq: 16,220
Number of Reserve Forces in Iraq: 3,435
Number of Service-Members Killed in Iraq: 352
Number of Service-Members Wounded in Iraq: 2,632
Cost of War to the People of California: $47.9 billion
(Source: CTS Deployment File, 1/31/07; Department of Defense Personnel Statistics; nationalpriorities.org)

Labels: bush, criminal morons, Iraq