
Wednesday, December 21, 2016


I have been waiting for the holiday blues to hit.

You know, that sudden feeling that the whole thing will not turn out well?

The memories of being eight years old and not getting what you asked for?

It is not a big thing.

But these days can be a cliff hanger in the feelings department.

At my age one would think I would be over it all. One would be wrong.

It is not deep and abiding but it is there. The feeling of impending doom or that stuff will happen to spoil the magic.

Then I go look at the tree that John put up. The lights, the red bead garlands.

I go look at the rest of our wonderful desert home and consider the happiness we have in being here in this place.

Soon I will go to a room of friends who have the same feelings and we will talk and laugh about our mix of childish and entitled thoughts. Our lack of being in the present.

When one takes this perspective, things change quite radically.

The other day we all talked about gratitude and its importance in placing us in contentment.

It isn't too hard to generate some gratitude. Not by comparing me with others but to simply count my blessings.

The usual clichés. Friends, family, comfort. But also the ability to still think straight at my age and to put more attention to others. To be of service where possible. To be quiet and hear the still voices of the season. The ones which remind us/me to keep first things first.

I guess I will quit waiting for the blues and start listening for the jingle.


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