Saturday, December 10, 2016
Speed freak
We know that Hitler was nuts.
But many years of analysis have failed to provide a decent map of his derangement.
Try this.
High on Hitler and Meth: Book Says Nazis Were Fueled by Drugs
Unlimited access with little information about the side effects. Overriding the need to sleep. Driving the mania that the man already came packaged with.
This is just supposition but since I am a child of the Hitler period, I am always interested in answers about what drove this fucker to do what he did.
Straight out. Drugs do not make one DO things.
But they sure can overrided scruples and inhibitions.
i am posting this not so much to clear up or clarify the Hitler history as to illuminate the fact that many present time leaders are also into drugs.
Bizarre behaviors? Delusins of grandeur. The need for only a few hours of sleep a night?