
Monday, November 28, 2016


Finally.It is the week after Thanksgiving and, therefore, time to put up the outdoor lights.

As I type, John is applying the net of white bluish lights to the outside of the front wall.

I think that he will be able to get the long inner lit icicles up before dark.

Time will tell.

We are on a busy corner in the complex. That means about one car every two or three minutes. A veritable traffic jam.

But they will all see our lights as they turn the corner and then drive for a hundred yards.

We do not blink but we can and do flicker.

The lights will stay up through the New Year.

When I was a kid they would not put the tree up until Christmas Eve. But I had a little manger scene for the fireplace in which I placed a light set I had made from hardware gear. I hid them under angel hair, a nice name for spun glass which turned out to be toxic. I probably still have some granules in my lungs.

Like any closeted gay kid, this was one of the big moments when I could indulge my fairy ways without criticism or snide looks.

Not that I had any of that in my home or larger family. Really.

They all suspected but no one said a word. Well, my Aunt Glen I suppose because she had an idea that her son Phillip and I were doing it on the sly.

Actually, he was the instigator. It is the straight ones who always want to play pee-pee or some other game. The gay boys are too terrified they will be found out. For the hets, it is "normal".

But I digress.

The lights are the beginning of a long set of little traditions we have set into place and we will, as always, have fun with them.

I should note, I suppose, that while I take the credit for bragging about all this, that it is my husband who does all the work.

This is the upside of my willingness to turn the house into a light show.

Besides, he does a very good job and who am I to stand in the way of creativity.


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