
Friday, November 25, 2016

Alt what? 

A new term in the political slang book: "Alt-right".


Come again?

That's right. Ahem. It has come again.

Instead of white bedsheets, now it wears the business suit. Well, maybe more preppy than banker.

Here is a good rundown of what it is all about.

White-Collar Supremacy

When I was a kid, there was still a Klan around where we lived. My Uncle Pete had put the sheet on as a younger man.

A spooky, cross burning, racist bunch of guys, no women, who were acting out some fantasies of retribution on the establishment.

Sound familiar?

Now they are still around.

My Uncle Pete mellowed out and mostly held forth from his easy chair about the world in general. I loved him dearly.

He would listen to the radio news commentators and augment or argue with the people in the current program. All men, of course.

The bed sheets gave way to radio and then radio to some television. You can probably see some of these guys appearing here and there now. They look fine. All scrubbed up. Some, out from under a rock. Most, legitimate believers in what they have had served to them and now repeat themselves.

Race is still one of our biggest problems. It is still being legislated, discussed, alluded to and put into secret violent forms

God help us.


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