Monday, October 31, 2016
All Hell-ows eve
We have had our plastic pumpkin up for awhile. Lit with a little bulb inside.
Tonight is the grand finale.
We do not get trick or treaters as a rule but I am ready if we do. The big thing is that I can eat the leftovers with only moderate guilt.
Halloween is "the gay's" Mardi Gras. Costumes, Drag outfits. Wigs. Spangles.
There is a big party here which went on Saturday and I had to listen to all the stuff about it this morning.
I just smile and sit it out.
My costume days are over. John and I went as Hershey Kisses one year. That was the highest mark. We didn't win so fuck it. Never again. It is a lot of trouble.
We always have the light on but there is a gate and it is not easy to get into the complex. There are no kids here. None.
It will be over soon.
I have put in my time at this.
When our kids were little we went up and down the streets with them year after year. I had fun with it. Then they got too big for it and so we passed a milestone. Another change. Like the end of Santa Claus.
I am not at all nostalgic about it. I am glad we did it and I am glad it is over.
I threw out all my drag equipment which actually was more clown drag than the real thing. I have never understood this compulsion to dress up as a woman. I probably should turn in my gay card.