
Monday, July 11, 2016

Separation anxiety 

The influence of the christers, or if you prefer "christists", is waning in the GOP.

The Evangelicals who power played their way to the top of the Party are now dismayed to find that they ended up with a guy who has marginal interest in their goals and worse, is going to be their candidate. Want him or not.

The Evangelicals and the Great Trump Hope

There are two problems with Trump. One, he is no evangelical. Divorced and almost a libertine, rich as Croesus, he is hardly a model for the hard core X-ian life. Second, he is for "the gays" and some other issues that the religious right eschew totally.

It will be interesting to see what goes on.

James Dobson, a loudmouth with a crusader bent, has said that he hears second hand that Trump has been saved again. Something like holding a pot holder when lifting a hot pot off the stove.

James fucking Dobson, a hater and a hypocrite of the worst kind. Oops. There I go again, hatin' on the handmaidens of the savior jeeeezuz keeerist. Or something. Boy these bastards get under my skin.

Squirm Donald. The holier than thou crowd is going to give you grief.

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