
Wednesday, July 20, 2016


No surprise that I love routine.

Also no surprise that when we have family visitations, the routine goes out the window and rightly so.

I do not mind a couple days of visiting and going outside for dinner. It is very nice.

It is always good to see the folks and hear what is going on. To tell our stories and get up to date. Fun.

And it is good to get back into the routine.

I know it is important to have a break from the groove and the habit. I plan to go away in a few weeks to do just that. And I will find other means during the year.

But show me a nice routine day and I will sink into it like a pig in the wallows.

Today, I watched the first half of The Unbearable Lightness of Being which is quite long and very good. Sinking into it. A two DVD feature. Finish tomorrow.


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