
Wednesday, February 17, 2016


"The gays" are notoriously, always looking for clues.

It does not matter if you are dead. So much better. There are the obits to comb over and the histories to be scanned.

I do not want to claim Scalia as a homo but it is possible that somewhere in there he has "special friends".

I read this today and drew my own conclusions.

Why Justice Scalia was staying for free at a Texas resort

In addition to reading between the lines, there is the question of "staying free" and all.

It is very tempting not to use power once you have it. There are all kinds of people more than willing to bow before your throne and offer up gifts and even sacrifices.

It is all moot.

Even though we always look a bit harder to find the motivation beneath blatant homophobia.

The impulse to holler "QUEER" is always present among those who worry about their own masculinity.

Even if masculinity has any relation to gay other than increasing the attractiveness of the man in question.

Sorry to say, in his later years, Scalia was a frog.

But young? A stud. Butcher than thou.

I am just sayin'. I get to. This bastard said enough from the bench. A mean nasty streak of gay baiting is in his professional and personal history.

Oh, yeh. Rest in peace Antonin.

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