
Monday, February 15, 2016


Jeb! has brought in W in South Carolina.

I do not even want to write about this but the desperation and flop sweat around this is palpable. Smellable.

Georgie ruined the Bush brand.

He did do well in South Carolina but shit. Almost any right wing white man would.

I have watched the family around this.

Barb, good name for her, barbed wire, is 90 now.

She is the one who said, famously, that "we have had enough Bushes"

They should have listened to Mom.

Barb has the fixed smile of a rattlesnake. It seems to me that is where all the starch comes from. All the guys are wimps. Rich wimps but wimps nonetheless.

Some wimps are bullies. That is in their blood too, the Bushies.

I do not want to go on about this too long. It gives them more credence than they have or deserve.

I saw one of their hangers-on talking on the teevee at the gym this morning. Going on about how there actually could have been some weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. I-rack, you all.

They are still pumping that lie.

Someone. Please. Put Barb and the rest of them out of their misery.

GOP, please reject Jeb! in as shameful a way as possible. Rub the fucker's nose in it. Make him cry.


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